View Full Version : question for verizon employees.

04-24-2009, 07:36 PM
so my contract ended a few months ago, and i did not renew, or sign a new one.

i did pay a month or two more, then i stopped.

now they are trying to charge me for that month and other fees.

my question is

since i did not sign a new contract, why would they try and charge me all these other fees, for months i was not obligated to continue paying for?


04-24-2009, 07:38 PM
thats not how it works

your service still continues with them on a month to month basis

the contract just says that you'll use their service for so many months

04-24-2009, 08:16 PM
You will continue on month to month. Don't sign a new contract unless you want a new phone at a discount.

I don't work for Verizon, but I have worked for Nextel and AT&T.

Don't fall for their upgraded plan bullshit either if they want you to resign a contract to get it.

04-24-2009, 11:35 PM
month to month means that you are actually obligated to pay for their services unless you call them to cancel it,

04-25-2009, 01:34 AM
huh, since when are you not obligated to pay for services you used. i dont think you understand how contracts work, they subsidize the cost of the phone if you promise to keep the service for the life of contract and if you were to break that contract you will have to pay a penalty. at the end of the contract if you decide end service, then you wont be charge a penalty but youre still obligated to pay for monthly service that youre still using.