View Full Version : Drifting As A Career??

04-22-2009, 03:43 PM
Ok, So ive only been into cars for about 2 years now. I baught my 240sx alittle while back for 800. After looking on youtube for my car, i really started to get interested in drifting.. so im currently building it up so i can have a track car.. BUT....Is it alittle far fetched to have a career as drifting ?? I know its not that common to just live your dream. Im turning 20 in May.. But do i have enough time to atleast get to the D1?? I know when i had a dream to race motocross for my career i was commited. but i found out the retirring age is late 20's. Im hoping id have enough time to get there.. I might be starting this summer.. depending on income. Money is tight for now. so the cars been sitting with no motor.. Im sure some of you have seen my previous thread..


And im not planning on relying ONLY on drifting if it doesnt work out. Ive been going to automotive teck classes to study for ASE test. you know to fall back on.

Thank you for looking!


04-22-2009, 03:45 PM



You're fucking dumb.


04-22-2009, 03:47 PM
drifting is usually used a recreational activity.

how about open a shop then drift as a career?

04-22-2009, 03:49 PM
Yeah i probly should look at it more realisticly. just a thought. I mean. Who wouldnt wanna live the dream right ? so nothing wrong with aproaching it

04-22-2009, 03:49 PM
Real talk, just go to school. But like someone stated opening a shop is cool too.

04-22-2009, 03:50 PM



You're fucking dumb.


Lol that actually is kinda funny

04-22-2009, 03:58 PM
Are you good at drifting?

04-22-2009, 04:04 PM
Are you good at drifting?

Nope, since the S13 never ran that long i never got much practice.

Id drifted the supra before. but.. its not the car i would wanna drift mainly cuz everything for it is soo expensive.. i would hate to crash it.

I mean.... Im sure after i get the motor finished... maybe a year of constant practice will get me alittle up to speed right ?

04-22-2009, 04:04 PM
Go to school!!!!!!!!!
I regret not going.....

04-22-2009, 04:06 PM
Go to school!!!!!!!!!
I regret not going.....

Well thats exactly what im doing... but im not going to college for like all the classes like every one else.. Just auto tech. i recently finished engine 101, now im half way threw brakes and suspension.

04-22-2009, 04:06 PM
Nope, since the S13 never ran that long i never got much practice.

Id drifted the supra before. but.. its not the car i would wanna drift mainly cuz everything for it is soo expensive.. i would hate to crash it.

I mean.... Im sure after i get the motor finished... maybe a year of constant practice will get me alittle up to speed right ?

Why not figure out if you have potential before asking yourself the question of drifting becoming your career?

04-22-2009, 04:07 PM
They will make you drift a Scion TC, and when the fad dies you will be forgotten.

04-22-2009, 04:09 PM
They will make you drift an ugly Scion TC, and when the fad dies you'll be kicked to the curb with nothing to fall back on.

If you read what i wrote.. I said "And im not planning on relying ONLY on drifting if it doesnt work out. Ive been going to automotive teck classes to study for ASE test. you know to fall back on."

04-22-2009, 04:14 PM
You will probably need a good 5+ years of devoted practice just to keep up with the best of the Amateurs.

Just get a job at Subway and call it a day.

04-22-2009, 04:15 PM
They will make you drift a Scion TC, and when the fad dies you will be forgotten.


04-22-2009, 04:19 PM
:confused:You will probably need a good 5+ years of devoted practice just to keep up with the best of the Amateurs.

Just get a job at Subway and call it a day.

Lol its amazing how ppl talk others down just because there lower level of experiance.. If im going to class for auto tech my future either way isnt going to be at subway..

Im not one to brag.. but i caught up with my friends skill even when they rode there whole life.. I caught up in 2 years while they rode for 14... i catch on pretty fast. now im not saying drifting is easier than motocross.. but motocross does take alotta skill.

04-22-2009, 04:19 PM
You will probably need a good 5+ years of devoted practice just to keep up with the best of the Amateurs.

Just get a job at Subway and call it a day.

actually. just gotta hit up every local practice event. practice is the key

my buddy ryan is gonna compete in d1gp in anaheim. i remember when he first started everyone doubted him now a few years later he driving with the best d1 drivers.

04-22-2009, 04:19 PM
I know how you feel man, my dream is to professionally race in one of the grip series. Here are some words from you from a guy with a similar dream. 1, do not give up on your dream. dreams are the things that keep us alive and keep us going. 2, prepare to be flat ass broke for a very long time. if you think car parts are expensive then just wait til you get to track fees. very easy to spend 1k a month just on track fees if you are racing every weekend. 3, go to school for something that you would enjoy to have a back up plan. like you i went to a 2 year votech for automotive tech, and now im going to college for computer graphic design/photography. this way if racing turns out to be a dead end as a carrer you have some other options to fall back on. 4. get as much seat time as you possibly can!!!! seat time is the number one upgrade you can do to your car and often overlooked. drive in as many events as you can. so many people are so worried about buying the parts to make their car the fastest but really thats retarded. practice will make you faster than anything. Go to any events you can around your area, i.e, autocrosses, lapping days, driftevents, anything. they will all improve you. dont expect to be the best just after 1 year of practice. i have been racing for 3 years now and i am not the best but i strive to improve everytime i hit the track and thats the important thing. This is just my 2 cents but i hope it helps you. good luck

04-22-2009, 04:26 PM
I know how you feel man, my dream is to professionally race in one of the grip series. Here are some words from you from a guy with a similar dream. 1, do not give up on your dream. dreams are the things that keep us alive and keep us going. 2, prepare to be flat ass broke for a very long time. if you think car parts are expensive then just wait til you get to track fees. very easy to spend 1k a month just on track fees if you are racing every weekend. 3, go to school for something that you would enjoy to have a back up plan. like you i went to a 2 year votech for automotive tech, and now im going to college for computer graphic design/photography. this way if racing turns out to be a dead end as a carrer you have some other options to fall back on. 4. get as much seat time as you possibly can!!!! seat time is the number one upgrade you can do to your car and often overlooked. drive in as many events as you can. so many people are so worried about buying the parts to make their car the fastest but really thats retarded. practice will make you faster than anything. Go to any events you can around your area, i.e, autocrosses, lapping days, driftevents, anything. they will all improve you. dont expect to be the best just after 1 year of practice. i have been racing for 3 years now and i am not the best but i strive to improve everytime i hit the track and thats the important thing. This is just my 2 cents but i hope it helps you. good luck

Thank you for your helpfull reply. This does make alotta sense.. fortunatly i have one of the things on your list in action... school lol. if drift doesnt work out. machanic is gonna be the alternet plan. My only problem now.. is money is tight right now mainly because where i live.. there are no jobs with in 45-50 miles.. i have to drive awhile to get to college every day. so times are tough for now.. once things smooth out im going to finish the engine build and start right away.. but untill then.. i dont know how im gonna get preactice..
Thanks once again

04-22-2009, 04:27 PM
here's some reality

1.) no
2.) give up
3.) if you work at subway, you can get sandwiches for free

04-22-2009, 04:27 PM
Thank you for your helpfull reply. This does make alotta sense.. fortunatly i have one of the things on your list in action... school lol. if drift doesnt work out. machanic is gonna be the alternet plan. My only problem now.. is money is tight right now mainly because where i live.. there are no jobs with in 45-50 miles.. i have to drive awhile to get to college every day. so times are tough for now.. once things smooth out im going to finish the engine build and start right away.. but untill then.. i dont know how im gonna get preactice..
Thanks once again

practice practice practice!

04-22-2009, 04:29 PM
actually. just gotta hit up every local practice event. practice is the key

my buddy ryan is gonna compete in d1gp in anaheim. i remember when he first started everyone doubted him now a few years later he driving with the best d1 drivers.

So he could be considered to be in the upper eschelon's of Amateur drivers, and it took a few years to get that point.

Sounds pretty familiar...

04-22-2009, 04:32 PM
here's some reality

1.) no
2.) give up
3.) if you work at subway, you can get sandwiches for free

LOL how come every one hates on others just because there following there dreams ??

Sounds like some ppl are jelous and dont want other to accomplish somthing... Thanks for a pointless reply... the less information you give.... the less you know... so obviously its just you dont plan on having a future of drifting so your state of mind probly is.... " if i cant drift. why should he?" selfish

04-22-2009, 04:33 PM
'Cause we're lobsters.

Now get the fuck out of my thread.

04-22-2009, 04:34 PM
'Cause we're lobsters.

Now get the fuck out of my thread.

HAHA, so i guess your gonna be the one working at subway huh ?? you just made your self look stupid..

04-22-2009, 04:47 PM








half way threw brakes




I baught my 240sx

After looking on youtube for my car, i really started to get interested in drifting

Is it alittle far fetched to have a career as drifting ??



you just made your self look stupid..

really? he did?

04-22-2009, 04:50 PM

What nobody seems to mention is that very few of the "professional" drivers (competing in D1 or F-D) actually make any money - for the vast majority, the very best they can hope for is to get to drift 'for free' (having a sponsored car and tires)... they don't actually get paid.

I remember talking to Calvin Wan a couple years ago (2006 season, when I worked for a F-D driver), and he said only about 10% of the drivers were making enough money to not have to work another job - that's why most have shops/etc to finance their drifting.

It's a money hole, like most hobbies - not a career option.

04-22-2009, 04:51 PM
really? he did?

Uhmm yess he did. considering that a few of you think this thread is stupid.. hes claiming its his.. so he basicly made him self look stupid..

And you know what i said was true.you dont want me to accomplish my dreams. just cuz its alittle bit of a big dream doesnt mean i CANT do it. I was simply asking how hard it would be to get there.

Not asking to be criticised for no reason.

04-22-2009, 04:54 PM
you're 19 and clearly retarded. no, you can't be a professional race car driver.

04-22-2009, 04:59 PM
you're 19 and clearly retarded. no, you can't be a professional race car driver.

Lol you already proved my point. And no i never said i wanted to actually be pro in a year or 2. my thread was just talking in general about if its possible to start out at my age and move on.

but im not gonna listen to you since all you obviously know is how to talk trash..

its members like you that clearly dont need to be on the forums. the forums are for helping other with problems or in generall helpfull info. witch you deffinatly dont have..

04-22-2009, 05:00 PM
HAHA, so i guess your gonna be the one working at subway huh ?? you just made your self look stupid..

Or was it this very post that made you look butt fucking retarded?

04-22-2009, 05:04 PM
LOL wow this threads hilarious! just do whatever you feel like doing, just dont regret anything. Atleast you can experience it and see how you do...i guess.... haha

04-22-2009, 05:04 PM
Or was it this very post that made you look butt fucking retarded?

Uhmm generally no... it was a simple question. could have given a reasonable answer but instead you ran you mouth of how im stupid... soooo for some reason im retarded that i wanna live the dream...... clearly you make no sense..

04-22-2009, 05:06 PM


It escapes you.

04-22-2009, 05:09 PM
Look, kid, you completely overlooked my post, which should actually be the voice of reason - keep practicing, I mean shit, it's fun, but don't plan on making any money unless you're truly the best driver you've ever seen. It's incredibly difficult to make a business out of driving a car.

And it goes without saying, but if you think posting up on the forums is a legitimate source of information for life choices, you're giving us wayyyy too much control over you.

04-22-2009, 05:10 PM


It escapes you.

I suppose it does because i have no idea where your coming from..

if your talking about my life.. and everything escaping me from acomplishing this... just so you under stand alittle better.. since you dont know what my life is like... you have no idea what can happen.. so thats out the picture.. moving on..

Or youre talking about everything escaping me from what ive read from you.. or the others that cant give a simple answer... it seems to me that even a simple question is to hard for even the likes of you.... Orrrr. your just an ass hole who doesnt want ppl to do the dream... now i dont know who you are... what you do.. but im sure i wouldnt wanna live the same way you do cuz i would hate to live life only talking shit..

04-22-2009, 05:12 PM
guys, i watched initial d and now i want to deliver tofu. can you help me reach my goals?

04-22-2009, 05:12 PM
As everybody has said, it WILL take several years to be considered an "amateur" driver. The down side is that you need enough power from the car to be able to perform at the same level as most of the guys out there. That means lots of money. HOWEVER, with more power, comes more chance for error. And errors aren't cheap.

You most likely won't be sponsored without any experience in the field (not just for drifting, this goes for ANY sponsorship), which means you're paying out of pocket not only to build your car and maintain it, but also pay to transport it, pay for extra tires, pay for track fees, etc.

The other thing to think about is WHEN you put it into a wall/barrier.

Drifting, rally, autocross, etc... Motorsports are NOT cheap, and it's a constant uphill battle to keep your car running well enough to compete, otherwise you have no MONEY to compete.

To be honest, if you expected anybody on the forums to NOT criticize you for making this thread, you're expecting too much. Most people here have COMMON SENSE or EXPERIENCE in these sorts of things. You could make it big, but even then, I think most of the time, professional drifters are still pretty broke.

Start practicing MMA or basketball. There's more money in those.

04-22-2009, 05:13 PM
Maybe I should start writing in your native medium?


Not everyhing is as it seems.

04-22-2009, 05:15 PM
guys, i watched initial d and now i want to deliver tofu. can you help me reach my goals?

Hmmmm.... you know for some reason i have never seen intitial D.. i dont know what tofu has to do with it but ok... Im sure tofu is alot easier of a career than drifting....

i never said i need "help" reaching my goals.. i simply wanted your opinion on the concept.. but either way ill still head towards that direction...

04-22-2009, 05:15 PM
As everybody has said, it WILL take several years to be considered an "amateur" driver. The down side is that you need enough power from the car to be able to perform at the same level as most of the guys out there. That means lots of money. HOWEVER, with more power, comes more chance for error. And errors aren't cheap.

You most likely won't be sponsored without any experience in the field (not just for drifting, this goes for ANY sponsorship), which means you're paying out of pocket not only to build your car and maintain it, but also pay to transport it, pay for extra tires, pay for track fees, etc.

The other thing to think about is WHEN you put it into a wall/barrier.

Drifting, rally, autocross, etc... Motorsports are NOT cheap, and it's a constant uphill battle to keep your car running well enough to compete, otherwise you have no MONEY to compete.

To be honest, if you expected anybody on the forums to NOT criticize you for making this thread, you're expecting too much. Most people here have COMMON SENSE or EXPERIENCE in these sorts of things. You could make it big, but even then, I think most of the time, professional drifters are still pretty broke.

Start practicing MMA or basketball. There's more money in those.

Why do you even help this dimwit.. just stand back, like everyone else, point and laugh...

04-22-2009, 05:17 PM
Guys, I watched Breaking Bad and now I want to be a chemist dad who cooks meth. Is this realistic ??

04-22-2009, 05:18 PM
It's in my nature. I think it's not only ridiculous to build a SOHC, but also to post about professional drifting job opportunities. But I have no issues with typing out a few helpful sentences. Wait.. Would this have been a better reply?

We're in a recession, and our economy is in the shitter. Professional motorsports don't have any job openings for you right now... or ever. Go back to professional water coloring!

04-22-2009, 05:22 PM
Guys, I watched Breaking Bad and now I want to be a chemist dad who cooks meth. Is this realistic ??

In 2012 i am voting for you as our president....

You seriously have made me lol for the past 5 minutes reading this thread


04-22-2009, 05:23 PM
As everybody has said, it WILL take several years to be considered an "amateur" driver. The down side is that you need enough power from the car to be able to perform at the same level as most of the guys out there. That means lots of money. HOWEVER, with more power, comes more chance for error. And errors aren't cheap.

You most likely won't be sponsored without any experience in the field (not just for drifting, this goes for ANY sponsorship), which means you're paying out of pocket not only to build your car and maintain it, but also pay to transport it, pay for extra tires, pay for track fees, etc.

The other thing to think about is WHEN you put it into a wall/barrier.

Drifting, rally, autocross, etc... Motorsports are NOT cheap, and it's a constant uphill battle to keep your car running well enough to compete, otherwise you have no MONEY to compete.

To be honest, if you expected anybody on the forums to NOT criticize you for making this thread, you're expecting too much. Most people here have COMMON SENSE or EXPERIENCE in these sorts of things. You could make it big, but even then, I think most of the time, professional drifters are still pretty broke.

Start practicing MMA or basketball. There's more money in those.

This was also helpfull... i thank you for your reply.. This is what i need to hear.. whats kinda cool is last time i went to hin.. i actually got a sponsor offer for deccent disscounts on tires and body parts etc. but i never could show him i was worthy since i didnt have the s13 running.. so i left him alone.. since he cant waste his time on some one who cant prove ya know ?? and i have really thought about all the crashed ill be heading towards in the future. thats why i baught all cheap things body wise..the reason for the engine build... better reliability. some ppl here think i wanna accomplish this in a few years but really i just wanna know... whats the general retire age ?? for instance... if i get started soon after i reach 20.. how many years would i have before i must retire ??

thanks !!

04-22-2009, 05:32 PM
hahahah wow u guys r funny

04-22-2009, 05:33 PM
^ Brothers In Retardation. (nice ninja edit)


04-22-2009, 05:35 PM
actually. just gotta hit up every local practice event. practice is the key

my buddy ryan is gonna compete in d1gp in anaheim. i remember when he first started everyone doubted him now a few years later he driving with the best d1 drivers.

I actully really want to see how this ^^turns out, Ryan at one point was a promising Motocross Rider as well.
Like everyone said practice is key, Ryan has a track around the corner from his house, its sort of inevitable that he wouldnt get better.

You better have some deep pockets and I suggest you go to school for something that pays Generously and consistently. Automotive isnt the best idea at the moment, I left my job at nissan because there was no work/Money, 7 months later I visit and the situation is worse than when I left. Honestly if you really enjoy cars, go ahead and learn, but learn because you want to not for a career in automotive unless that is really your life long dream, to be a tech. IMO dont mix work with play.
Or like someone else said open your own shop. The way I see it the money in D1 or formula D isnt in the driving but the business behind it.
Ill stop blabbing I probably dont make shit of sense anyway. I had no sleep and im on my third rockstar trying to stay up at work.

04-22-2009, 05:38 PM
hahahaha omg busteds13 with the epic win

04-22-2009, 05:38 PM
^ Brothers In Retardation.


Your making it sound like its impossible for any one to drift, and that they HAVE to be gifted... All it takes is practice..... ever herd of the saying practice makes perfect ?

04-22-2009, 05:55 PM
Would you REALLY want to spend all the time fixing your car and putting money into a vehicle thats just going to depreciate in value everytime you take it to an event.

You better be making a good amount of money if thats fine.

imho you should just keep drifting as a hobby and maybe do something that will make you more money in the long run.

I know you said you go to school but why not try expanding your knowledge and getting a degree in something.

What are your plans after you're like 30. Would you still want to be drifting all day long or are you going to look back and say "damn I should have invested my money back then instead of blowing it or made better decisions with it"

I dunnom to each his own though.

04-22-2009, 05:58 PM
Guys, I watched Breaking Bad and now I want to be a chemist dad who cooks meth. Is this realistic ??Yes! If you put your mind to it anything is possible! Even if you want to fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(just think about it long enough and it will happen)

04-22-2009, 06:00 PM
You could be a porn star.

You will probably have to do gay porn for a few years, but then you might make it into the big leagues.

Then eventually you will start getting tired of what you used to enjoy because it will feel like work instead of fun.

04-22-2009, 06:11 PM
i opened this knowing i was going to waste my time, why i dont know ..

04-22-2009, 06:15 PM
Your making it sound like its impossible for any one to drift, and that they HAVE to be gifted... All it takes is practice..... ever herd of the saying practice makes perfect ?

k then why don't you practice for a sport that will actually yield you real money

like football or baseball

ok? you suck just give up

04-22-2009, 06:26 PM
dude i would not have maid this thread.

Do what you want to do but i dont see why there is a age limit to drift.

fuck drift till your 101.

but if you are not any good i would say you are getting ahead of yourself.
open a shop drift for fun. Thats your best bet.

04-22-2009, 06:30 PM
you're 19 and clearly retarded. no, you can't be a professional race car driver.


04-22-2009, 09:41 PM
Money is tight for now. so the cars been sitting with no motor..

And im not planning on relying ONLY on drifting if it doesnt work out. Ive been going to automotive teck classes to study for ASE test. you know to fall back on.

try finishing up school first and get a steady job so you can get your car running.

good luck.

04-22-2009, 09:58 PM
guys, i watched initial d and now i want to deliver tofu. can you help me reach my goals?

At least delivering food is an attainable goal.

04-22-2009, 10:31 PM
guys, i watched initial d and now i want to deliver tofu. can you help me reach my goals?


I'll just put this right ......here.

04-22-2009, 10:54 PM
LOL at the above statement

But realistically, drifting as a career is unheard of. The profit is way too low unless you lap over grip driving and then maybe you'll get looked at as maybe a tester for a company because you'll get your hands on cars that cost more than brain surgery. Also, you gotta take the time to look at the opportunity cost.. for example, "I put so much money on track time, car parts, repairs, and sometimes i had to buy a whole new car cause i super fucked up.. will my future income compensate for this?"

But for sure you could drift as a professional driver but it's very unlikely to drift as a career. What's a good example? Matt Powers: University Student, D1 Driver, and Fresh? Whaaat? No Homo.

04-22-2009, 11:03 PM
it would work if you get a real job as a hobby

04-22-2009, 11:07 PM
I'd love to be a Trance DJ, a pro skater, a pro drifter, pro F1 racer, etc but they will never happen.

You have to know people and I don't know anyone in those fields. Dreams usually don't come true.

04-23-2009, 12:19 AM
first you have to be DK of your area then challenge other people to a drift race before you can hit the pros.

04-23-2009, 12:27 AM
I'd love to be a Trance DJ, a pro skater, a pro drifter, pro F1 racer, etc but they will never happen.
Do not give up on your dreams.

04-23-2009, 12:56 AM
Have you ever tried to slide a car in 4th gear going 80+mph that shit is fucking scarry even on a wide open road. I can't imagine tring to do that right next to a soild concreate barrier unless I was in some one else's car with a full cage and the guy would have to be very understanding.... and smaller than me ;)

Jimmy Up
04-23-2009, 02:24 AM
drifting is fun man, really fuckin fun.

It's also expensive, REALLY fucking expensive.

The best advice in this thread, besides to remain in school, is to get some practice and figure out if its realistic that you have the potential to compete on a professional level.

Even THEN, its still not a career choice because, as people have thrown up in ths thread already, even the badass drivers that have been doing it for years, competing and doing well professionally- go bust ass for the man from 9-5, mon-fri.

"have fun with it, that helmet really brings out the blue in your eyes." -CFrost/BRogers

04-23-2009, 02:28 AM
dibs!!! i get to post this on the funniest noob thread!!! lol

**edit just posted on funneist noob thread

04-23-2009, 04:04 AM
you gotta be one of the tops in the world to keep it as a career. just like what slidin WOP said. even the pros still got jobs. one of the d1 drivers that visits guam doesnt even keep it as a career. but at least he owns a tire shop.

04-23-2009, 05:45 AM
it's times like these i miss rep

04-23-2009, 06:48 AM
I really should have killed this last night...
Shame on me and the NBA playoffs.