View Full Version : hmmmmm what rims?

03-23-2003, 07:06 PM
There are soooooo many choices. i dont know what look i'm goin for yet, so all opinions welcome. Its a maroon/red '89 240. Pics (or links to pics) would be cool. Size suggestions also please. Thanks

03-23-2003, 07:16 PM
(Where's dousan? Hehe)

Depends on what your goals and type of driving you do. AutoX, drag, drift, etc... Also money and how long you want to wait is a big deal. Does it have to be lightweight? Is the "flush" factor important?

03-23-2003, 07:57 PM
Its not a track vehicle, but not a daily driver. Its mainly my cruise car, I'm lookin for coolness factor, but with some performance. Lets take VOLK rims for example. They look hella cool but you can still take them out to the track and rip around. Money really isnt a problem unless i have to put out like 3gs or sumthin. Oh yea, i forgot to mention, NO CHROME.

03-23-2003, 07:59 PM
sick of these damn threads

google 240sx, 180sx, s13, s14..etc and find what you like. you should think for yourself anyways.

after google-ing, then come back and ask where you can get wheels of a certain style/model

03-23-2003, 08:23 PM
oh belive you me, i've tried that "thinking for your self" idea and it doesnt work. Ive been googleing for weeks and found many rims i like, the fact is I really dont know what kind of rims i want. i am very undecicive. I'm not trying to have someone decide for me, i'm just trying to get the opinions of people that have seen many more different styles of rims on 240s than I have, and what they think looks and performs best.

03-23-2003, 08:34 PM
get some volk. look at the volk website (rays engineering) and decide. post ones you LIKE or models and i'lll give you pics of them on a 240sx.

03-23-2003, 09:04 PM
ok, how about the GT-P, GT-A and SE37A

03-23-2003, 09:34 PM
GT-Ps dont look suitable on 240sx.
GT-A ill find a pic later
SE37A. i think those are Bwalkers:

in action


03-23-2003, 09:46 PM
5Zigen Typhoons

03-23-2003, 11:32 PM
Volk TE-37 are sweet, and check Advan, Racing harts also has some cool rims.

03-23-2003, 11:41 PM
What about this man???
I love it.
Advan Model 5.



Advan Kreuzer V


03-24-2003, 12:00 AM
model 5s only look good if there 19" with no wheel gap and car laying on the ground :)

03-24-2003, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by kuruptR
model 5s only look good if there 19" with no wheel gap and car laying on the ground :)

19???mmm i dont think so..:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Looks good in 17 maybe in 18....but 19.No way.

03-24-2003, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by kuruptR
model 5s only look good if there 19" with no wheel gap and car laying on the ground :)


i think they look SICK in 18s!!
look at Taniguchi's s15 from season 1 D1. 18 inch Model 5s. they look badass on his red s15.
you can see here:


i laugh everytime i type that address. i can name tons of drivers who are better. hahaha....f'in NOB..oh wait, i just said it again! hahaha

its under his red car, his personal car i guess.

you need to look at more cars then the rollaz and bling bling ones.

19s look good, yeah, i agree, but not only ones the look good.