View Full Version : Let's Remember Columbine 4-20-1999

04-20-2009, 06:27 AM
Let's all take a moment out of our day to pay respects to those who lost loved ones on this day 10 years ago.

04-20-2009, 07:32 AM
i was just reading something about that in the ny daily news today.. sad stuff condolences to all who lost family

04-20-2009, 08:05 AM
has it been 10 years? seriously i remember like it wasn't too long ago. i was coming home from school hoping to watch some afterschool cartoons (i was 14 after all lol) and all i see is this school. i'm thinking 'WTF is going on? where's my cartoons?' but yeah, it was the first traumatic thing i recall seeing on TV.

04-20-2009, 08:14 AM
14 and watching cartoons? hahaha

ok ok im 25 and still watching anime lol

wow yeah that 10 years flew by

imotion s14
04-20-2009, 08:23 AM
wow yeah that 10 years flew by

Yup, for us dudes approaching the Big Three-Oh, the passage of time gets harder to ignore.

I was a Junior in high school when it happened.

04-20-2009, 08:29 AM
fluck dont remind me of teh three oh lol

04-20-2009, 12:11 PM
wow. good thread sogu.

04-20-2009, 12:15 PM
wow...i memeber that...parents got me out of class cuz they thought more than one school would get hit...

condolences to those who lost there loved ones..

04-20-2009, 12:24 PM
Yeah, when I heard it was the anniversary this morning on the radio (they also said the school was closed today) I couldn't believe it had been 10 years. Doesn't feel like that long ago. I remember the tension that was in the air at school for a little bit after it had happened.

It was like you wanted to say "it could never happen here" but there was that part of you that said "the people in Colorado said the same thing". Really hits a nerve.

04-20-2009, 12:52 PM
damn 10 years ago.. that flew.. i remember i was in high school and there were these group of kids who dress like those trenchcoat mafia kids.. people kind of paid more attention to them afterwards..

04-20-2009, 01:06 PM
awww, this puts a downer on my 4-20 celebration today... nah just playin I'll keep it in the back of my head while I pay my respects.

04-20-2009, 01:07 PM
may they rest in peace ...........

04-20-2009, 01:09 PM
condolences to the innocent people that lost their lives but remember people, this stuff happens everyday from the inner slums of america to third world countries on a escalated level.

04-20-2009, 01:24 PM
condolences to the innocent people that lost their lives but remember people, this stuff happens everyday from the inner slums of america to third world countries on a escalated level.

Totally different situations, I can't believe you would even try to compare this type of tragedy to something that happens because of OTHER reasons (poverty, corupt governments, drug related crimes). I remember the day it happened, its hard to believe it was that long ago and yet it still hits hard. I couldn't even imagine having to experience anything that sad as a community.

04-20-2009, 01:28 PM
this stuff happens everyday from the inner slums of america to third world countries on a escalated level.

At least someone else said it.

Totally different situations, I can't believe you would even try to compare this type of tragedy to something that happens because of OTHER reasons (poverty, corupt governments, drug related crimes). I remember the day it happened, its hard to believe it was that long ago and yet it still hits hard. I couldn't even imagine having to experience anything that sad as a community.

Killing is killing, in the end it doesn't matter the reason for. The people are still dead. White kids from Colorado are no more valuable than little fly babies from Africa or South America.

Anywho, I'm surprised by the lack of rememberance towards the event. Until I hit highschool and started playing with trees that's all I knew 4/20 for.

04-20-2009, 01:36 PM
its Hitler's birthday too. i heard that was one of the reasons they did it on 4/20

04-20-2009, 01:39 PM
Same with everybody else, wow 10 years. I actually forgot about the incident.

I wonder how the people of that event are doing now and what are they doing now?
Jees, wonder what the parents of the shooters are like now.

Tragic and sad and RIP to the few who died and hope all those who where injured are fully healed up by now. At least physically. Shit like that would probably scare a person emotionally.

It was HUGE on the news everywhere. Again, blamed it on video games, not the kids either being fucked up in the head or bad parenting.

Been playing violent shooters since 7 years young playing Wolfenstien 3d and Doom. NEVER have I thought about unloading firearms at my school.

I mean, we still think that we'd like to have the bully or somebody who pisses off to die or get hurt, but we never act on those emotions.

04-20-2009, 01:41 PM
i still remember them saying on the news how they (the shooters) asked a girl if she believed in godbe fore they shot her point blank in the skull...seriously...human nature is vicious when it wants to be...

04-20-2009, 01:49 PM
Killing is killing, in the end it doesn't matter the reason for. The people are still dead. White kids from Colorado are no more valuable than little fly babies from Africa or South America.

Well we can agree to disagree on the subject, I believe we both understand the severity of something like this happening.

It was HUGE on the news everywhere. Again, blamed it on video games, not the kids either being fucked up in the head or bad parenting.

Yeah it was a rather large portion of any news cast I watched today, along with a HUGE article in the paper. The problem is its so EASY to blame something like video games or violent music, it makes for an easy scape goat. Trying to pin it on the kids being screwed up in the head or the parents is difficult even though it definitely played a roll.

Does anybody else remember where they were when they heard the news? I was actually in Junior High and they locked us down in our classrooms because they were afraid of copy cats. All while we had to watch this unfold on the TV. It was truely a horrifying experience. I can't imagine how anybody could fully heal from something like that (emotionally and physically).

i still remember them saying on the news how they (the shooters) asked a girl if she believed in godbe fore they shot her point blank in the skull...seriously...human namture is vicious when it wants to be...

Some of the stories in the paper talked about the different murders, and they seemed to have no real rhyme or reason for who they shot (even though people said it was against the jocks, popular kids etc).

04-20-2009, 01:55 PM
i was in my friends garage drinking beers and burning trees. id been out of HS for a few years.

04-20-2009, 01:57 PM
Yeah, I believe I heard too that it was against jocks.

These where probably your average D and D players (nothing against them) who where literally pushed far beyond the breaking point.

Shit, I've been bullied before, but man. Go the old fashion way, bare hands and fuck 'em up.

04-20-2009, 02:02 PM
I don't remember being aware this occurred at the time (7 years old), but our high school symphonic band is playing "American Elegy" by Frank Ticheli in our spring concert and we're dedicating it to the victims and survivors of Columbine. Very beautiful piece if you like band music and want to check it out.

Let the victims rest in piece and condolences to the surviving families.

04-20-2009, 02:04 PM
Some of the stories in the paper talked about the different murders, and they seemed to have no real rhyme or reason for who they shot (even though people said it was against the jocks, popular kids etc).

yeah i remember hearing about it like that but it seemed more random...

Touge Noob S13
04-20-2009, 09:11 PM
Yeah, I believe I heard too that it was against jocks.

These where probably your average D and D players (nothing against them) who where literally pushed far beyond the breaking point.

Shit, I've been bullied before, but man. Go the old fashion way, bare hands and fuck 'em up.

One of them was picked on. The other guy was not picked on as much but he was willing to help his friend no matter what. I had to do an essay about Columbine and found out a lot of stuff about it when I was researching. Theres even videos they shot for their video production class that are floating around on youtube.

04-20-2009, 09:19 PM
Good thing they were impulsive about it, eh?

Just imagine if he made it to college and learned some shit. Oklahoma City bombing all over again.
(He as in Eric Harris. He made the propane bombs)

04-20-2009, 09:23 PM
i still remember them saying on the news how they (the shooters) asked a girl if she believed in god before they shot her point blank in the skull...seriously...human nature is vicious when it wants to be...

I'm a human as are you and the others and I have never thought it natural to pull a gun on somebody.

I also heard she said she did believe in god, which is the most badass thing in the world.

Here's some genuine idiots trying to get their 15 minutes through the use of fear and weaponry and she basically gives em a big fuck off.