View Full Version : engine problems

04-20-2009, 12:20 AM
Hey everyone i have a quick question for you guys to solve

i have a S14 with a S13 Motor -= dont ask the shop messed up =-
well my clutch fan ate my engine harness for dinner a couple of days ago
well i replaced my whole harness from the ecu to the maf sensors.
we plugged in everthing but we found out the new harness is for a S14 KA not a S13 Ka so we tried to start the car and we get no spark can you help me with any ideas or if you need more info that i mite have left out everything would be great. Also the engine code is 55 if anyone knows what that is..

04-20-2009, 12:41 AM
ok first of all when using a s13 engine you dont really need a s13 harness the s14 harness work too. Now the reason your not getting spark because you might be using the s13 distributor which is set up via external coil unlike the s14 which the coil is integrated in the distributor. Go get a s14 distributor and see what happends also i always do this but dont know if you did when swapping a s13 engine in a s14 i swap the intake manifolds also so everything would be plug and play and make sure your using a s14 ecu.