View Full Version : Headlight question and alarm question

04-09-2009, 01:06 AM
Okay Im not lazy i searched but found no solution so far. This is My 6th S13 so nothing new to me 4th se car. The head lights go up but not down they have to me manual screwed down put come up on its own power any ideas? Brown wire is uncut in the headlight botton on the cluster.

Also Never seen this before it looks to be stock no idea tho the top says IMPACT OFF middle is ON and bottom is OFF when its on the red light stobes like crazy and i unlocked the doors with out the key after locking them like i was breaking in and it didnt sound the alarm any idea if its stock or not?http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e348/Alexl08/buttonalram.jpg

04-09-2009, 06:41 AM
The headlight thing makes no sense, retype it in English.

The alarm is a dealer installed option, it's just an impact sensor, there's no pin to the doors or anything else and it's probably not even working anymore, those things were junk when they were new.

04-09-2009, 07:31 AM
Sorry it was late last night lol. They will go up on their own power if they are manualed screw down. They will not go back down on their own power tho i think i has somthing to do with the head light wand.

04-10-2009, 12:09 AM
ended up being a bad headlight/turnsignal wand