View Full Version : e-manage gurus, help needed! LED blinking green red yellow

04-08-2009, 07:32 PM
so i royally f'd up and think killed my e-manage ultimate.

long story short, was unhooking some electronics and updating the software on the unit, and had some wires exposed. one shorted out on the seat frame and killed the update. i dont need to hear what and how i should've done things, i know, no use for that now, hindsight's a bitch.

now, the laptop doesnt see the e-manage, and vise versa. the e-manage LED light is constantly blinking green red yellow in repetition. when the usb cable is hooked up to the laptop, the LED blinks red and green non stop. the update never finished installing. i took the motherboard out to see if there's any visible burn marks or anything, but didnt see any. i know that doesnt mean that i didnt fry anything, but thought i'd check anyway.

when trying to start the car, it floods right away and doesnt fire up.

if anyone knows that the blinking code means, please, chime in!

any help would be greatly appreciated.. tried to get in touch with greddy, but with no luck.