View Full Version : How about an SR section?

03-18-2003, 09:17 PM
With the huge outburst of people doing SR-swaps, who would like to see an SR section? There is so much information here regarding this subject, and --last time I checked-- you couldn't search for SR alone because the words have to be at least 3 letters long.

So, whatcha guys think? Would this help repeat questions if everything regarding SR's was in one section?

Please vote :) Thank you for your time and consideration :D

03-19-2003, 02:02 AM
i think it would be a good idea to have a more focused section...
besides.. it'll be a lot easier to search... i think :rolleyes:

03-19-2003, 10:55 AM
But it would be easier for the noobs to search for the information. They'd look at the front page and see there is a specific SR section and they could read throught the SR-only posts and not have to search through the entire Tech section, only to give up and ask a question that was asked a while ago.

I think a separate SR section would cut down the amount of repeat questions. The forum is almost to 8k members now, and there is so much more information regarding this swap, than there ever has been, we may need to organize more.

03-19-2003, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by 96SEChick
But it would be easier for the noobs to search for the information. They'd look at the front page and see there is a specific SR section and they could read throught the SR-only posts and not have to search through the entire Tech section, only to give up and ask a question that was asked a while ago.

I think a separate SR section would cut down the amount of repeat questions. The forum is almost to 8k members now, and there is so much more information regarding this swap, than there ever has been, we may need to organize more.

good point there
i agree

03-19-2003, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by 96SEChick
But it would be easier for the noobs to search for the information. They'd look at the front page and see there is a specific SR section and they could read throught the SR-only posts and not have to search through the entire Tech section, only to give up and ask a question that was asked a while ago.

I think a separate SR section would cut down the amount of repeat questions. The forum is almost to 8k members now, and there is so much more information regarding this swap, than there ever has been, we may need to organize more.

how many newbs ACTUALLY search or read old posts. let's be real here. most just post. shoot, moose is posting w/o out reading up/searching and he's been here a while. and you couldnt SEARCH a new forum, you'd still end up searching the old forums.

not all 8 k members actually use this board all the time. i got 2 screennames i forgot the passwords to.

03-19-2003, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by 96SEChick
But it would be easier for the noobs to search for the information. They'd look at the front page and see there is a specific SR section and they could read throught the SR-only posts and not have to search through the entire Tech section, only to give up and ask a question that was asked a while ago.

I think a separate SR section would cut down the amount of repeat questions. The forum is almost to 8k members now, and there is so much more information regarding this swap, than there ever has been, we may need to organize more.

But a new person might be inclined to only goto the SR tech area cause thats all they know about, so the SR area would have a huge influx of new people, making it harder for the knowledge people to keep up with there questions and there own. If there was a new SR section then the KA people and a "other" section should be set up and thats just to many forums IMHO for one part of the car (expecially the one part that gets talked alot by people but rarely any action) I think if anything you could divide it up to Engine, Body, Interior, Suspension/Wheels. But the Tech section right now isn't really overflowing IMO, it ussually has alittle less then one whole page of threads with new messages in them a day.

04-27-2003, 07:00 PM
well if people would use the "message icon" thing to put a nice red "SR" to the left of their post it'd help a lot.

...especially since i'm in the middle of an SR swap :D

05-15-2003, 12:26 PM
Our archive has a lot of info for newbs, however, anyone hardly checks it. As some of the other people would say, they'd all make new topics. Everyone thinks their case is so much different from the next guy that it's worth a new topic. it'd be the same thing. Only, the people who've been here forever and a day with their SRs will find themselves in that forum trying to answer every other question like: "how much money do I need for an SR swap?" or something like that. I don't think it's a good idea, but I definitely wouldn't say that Lauren is a nimrod, lol.

06-13-2003, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by S13Grl
I don't think it's a good idea, but I definitely wouldn't say that Lauren is a nimrod, lol.

LOL--thanks girlie!! :D

BTW--I love the new smilies! The board looks great!!

06-13-2003, 11:48 PM
An SR section is a good idea. I'm a newbie and when I do searches most of the time I get like 5-10 pages of threads, and that makes it easy to overlook info especially when your going through page number 4. When you reach a certain point you get tired and your concentration isn't that sharp anymore.

I noticed that alot of people on the forum are "flame-horny" dammit most of the newbies don't know that they should use the search button first and when they post even a simple question instead of telling the person what to do(I learned it the hard way :D ); bammmm flames all over the place.(And you all know what I'm talking about)
What's the deal do you think your cool when you flame someone??

I don't remember when I registered but it would be a good idea to include in the confirmation email to do a search before you post anything.