View Full Version : Watch Out San Diego

04-07-2009, 02:05 AM
LINK (http://www.fox5sandiego.com/pages/landing_latest_news/?Cops-Crack-Down-On-Street-Racers=1&blockID=259725&feedID=2145)

super strict now or what.

feel sorry for that integra owner ha

04-07-2009, 03:11 AM
I love the attitudes of the law enforcement. "We need to keep these CARS off the streets!"

Dumbfucks, its not the cars, its the idiots behind the wheel. Most of the idiots I've seen racing on the street are driving stock ass Camrys and shit.

Hooray for profiling!

EDIT: Just watched the video on the news site... I facepalmed myself 5 times while watching that shitty piece of reporting.

04-07-2009, 03:22 AM
this is nothing new. theyve been spending thousands and millions of californians money to stop this shit. Were in debt and now its worse because of this so called "crackdown". Just because they spend that much to catch a few hundred idiots, that doesnt mean they stopped it. Theyll just swap out engines to pass ref and go back to racing or just buy another car. so stupid

04-07-2009, 03:32 AM
i like how the chief of police say "it's not the car that's gonna get us introuble, It's the mindset/mentality of the driver..." Most of us on here know not to do something stupid while driving and keep it under control and mature. Alot of people do drive safely even the the honda crowd that everyone hates on and glad the chief actually pointed out that he like modding cars and brought up the point of using a trailer and the use of a track.

04-07-2009, 03:40 AM
this news feed makes me sad... :(

but i do like how the chief of police worded things out.

04-07-2009, 03:49 AM
I like how he says its okay to modify cars safely.. wtf is that supposed to mean when basically all if not a majority of our mods are illegal. BS Journalism gives guidelines to profiling. Things are definately going to suck in san diego. I'm moving to norcal for school but its probably just as bad up there.

04-07-2009, 04:54 AM
"Push these buttons, it will turn it from a regular car into a street racing moobile."

04-07-2009, 07:19 AM
At least its only in SD? lol jk

04-07-2009, 06:29 PM
you people should send feedback and help make a track in san diego. California acquired half a million dollars right? someone with the right connections should notify the higher ups about the opportunity costs of getting a track. i already sent my feedback but my opinion probably won't even matter.

04-07-2009, 06:59 PM
eh whatever. nothing is really gonna change.

04-07-2009, 07:01 PM
haha, did he say that more 'exhaust' would get into the engine?!? that was a nice little integra too =[

04-07-2009, 08:52 PM
Get a fucking daily.

Problem solved.

04-07-2009, 09:00 PM
did anyone actually read the article?

"after street racing movies, we see a little bit of an increase...." what like 1%?

there was an accident last week lady died, killed by a JAGUAR.

Last month a ferrari crashed racing a porsche....

WTF does it have to do with our cars.


stay the FUCK away from my car you stupid idiot bureaucrats

I have heard in the past they do this to make money. thats my opinion too. i hate lawmakers.

where can i sign a petition to stop this bs?

04-07-2009, 11:33 PM
Called eliminating the targets who cause this and/or get into that level of office or whatever yourself.

Nobody has any common sense or know what they're talking about in the world. Especially the car world.

04-08-2009, 01:22 AM
They can suck on my left testicle. They're so god damned ignorant!

04-08-2009, 03:50 AM
this is all bs!
they need some good cops on the streets that actually understand this and its not just the import croud, just cus our cars look different doesnt mean we race on the streets, and those buttons my friend are for an safc not to turn your car into a "racing moobile" they need to get theyre shit straight dammit

04-08-2009, 09:25 AM
that was amazing. reporters are idiots. period. i was watching the news this morning on channel six and one guy was at the auto show talking about Land Rovers and the dumbass in the studio was like I loved my old land cruiser it was made of metal!

DJ Silent
04-08-2009, 01:07 PM
There are two things that really pissed me off about this. 1, they are getting 600 million for this shit, and 2, they want us to take it to the track WHAT FUCKING TRACK IS THERE IN SAN DIEGO? Race legal is shit as it's only 1/8 mile, and we have 2 autocross groups. We don't have 1/4 we don't have drifting we don't have what we want so we have no option but go to riverside or do it on street (not that I think doing it on the street is a good idea).

04-08-2009, 03:01 PM
Write your congressman. Online petitions, nobody gives a shit about. Complain that they're wasting tax payer's money on "specialized task forces".

You guys that get cited just bend over and pay the fines.

That's why they *think* they're making money, but in reality, all this training has little return. Maybe the chop shops get busted, but theft is another issue they should just focus on separately.

04-08-2009, 03:05 PM
i'll probably catch flack for this but oh well.

yeah the cops real concern isnt safety, although it should be, they are out to pop people in order to keep their jobs. Its all bearacracy bullshit. If smog was about clean air and not about money, there would be no carb and the dmv would give registration breaks to cleaner cars. There would also not be all these BS laws about engine swaps, as long as your car was clean it would be cool. Also they arent trying to stop street racing by popping cars that look modified. Thats like trying to stop the mafia by arresting italian people in suits.

Its all a stupid cycle, but its not gonna stop because California is in too much of a budget crunch so it's people like us who get fucked by the state.

Also they shouldn't be able to crush peoples cars, that is ultimate bullshit.

The other thing a lot of lawmakers dont get is that they are never going to stop illegal activity by making more laws. The whole premise about illegal activity is that they usually dont give two shits about the law. So all they are doing by making more laws is making more hassels for people who obey them.
Same thing with Assault weapons ban, criminals are going to get them one way or another.
Ban illegal engines to stop street racing, street racers are still gonna get them and still gonna race.

It's dumb.

04-08-2009, 03:40 PM
Yea your right, it was just a Mother that lost her life, and a now Motherless baby in the world. Those dumb cops.

If you race on the street, your a fucking idiot. The irony of this story, is it was a Jag. Probably racing a honda.

04-08-2009, 03:42 PM
hahahahahahah holy shit. that video is so full of great knowledge.
I need to get myself an intake manifold to take for air and exhaust into my car.

04-08-2009, 03:46 PM
Yea your right, it was just a Mother that lost her life, and a now Motherless baby in the world. Those dumb cops.

thats not my point at all. my point is that if they truly cared about stopping the problem, and not about the money they would approach it differently. instead of making more laws so they can pop more peoples cars make money off the fines and crush their cars, they would setup venues, that are more than a crap 1/8th mile track that is a joke.

04-08-2009, 03:55 PM
wow with just a push of these few buttons it turns from a normal car into a street race car! wow Hondas transfrom????? That poor ass ITR surrounded by *oops, pinked*!!!

04-08-2009, 05:37 PM
Yea your right, it was just a Mother that lost her life, and a now Motherless baby in the world. Those dumb cops.

If you race on the street, your a fucking idiot. The irony of this story, is it was a Jag. Probably racing a honda.

the jag was racing a BMW.

and that motherless child should grow up hating the people that drive the cars. the idiots of society. the ones who make humans look bad.

not cars. cars cant kill people without people driving them. and ANY car can kill once u step foot in it.

has nothing to do with me modifying my car. there is more chance i would kill someone in a kia then in my car, cuz of brake failure or shitty 20 dollar tires people buy.

04-08-2009, 10:33 PM
SHIT YES!!!! thank god for moving out of cali, and into tenessee where i just registered my CA18 hatch, without even having them look at my car. SMOG? what the fuck is that? its buuulllshit! hahahaha./

04-08-2009, 10:59 PM
we will be laughing at you from october til march. i know. i used to live in tn.

04-08-2009, 11:32 PM
I like how an intake is "UNSAFE" What is a safe mod?

04-09-2009, 12:43 AM
but its ok to have a 900 hp triple turbo cuda . .
right guys?

04-09-2009, 10:24 AM
"Push these buttons, it will turn it from a regular car into a street racing moobile."

I was just about to comment on that...............awesome to hear people talk about cars that don't know jack...awesome.

04-09-2009, 02:24 PM
Ahhh quite on the contrary good sir. I lived in West LA all my life. I would 100 percent take rain all the time, and some snow, over corrupted cops who profile you and stop you for nothing. And living in a state where they get every chance to steal your money, for bullcrap programs.

I live in knoxville, we dont get bad weather. specially since im in the valley.

Now on the police thing. hah. i hate the police, and no one will ever change my mind about it. The government? HAH! what a joke. that 6million or whatever, half of it is going into bonuses and the rest...well whatever the rest is, its sure as hell gonna make sure YOU the people dont have any fun with your life!

04-09-2009, 05:13 PM
yeah... i did knoxville for 8 years. you can have it.

as for the weather, let me know how you feel in 3 months when no matter what yo underwear sticks to you and misquitos are all over you. but hey to each his own.

04-10-2009, 12:36 AM

04-10-2009, 02:14 AM
Actually, you people are so biased and a bunch of sheep. The Chief is right. They have been cracking down on street racing for a long time. It is of course with some profiling, but mostly it's the street racing spots. Been there, never raced, got a ticket for watching. Lay the shit smoking pipe down. There has been numerous deaths because of stupid people who can't drive and race on skreets. The teg was prolly seized on a scene. And the Jag shit - the guy prolly never drove it over 80 mp/h. Think about it, then speak. I've never been pulled over in my car (3 knocks on wood) and it's moded. I just don't do no stupid shit on streets, nor i have a loud ass exhaust (straight pipe with resonator on a stock KA for now, it's quiet). Either get a daily, or pay to play. Simple as that. STOP being immature fucks, and man the fuck up already. All i see is whining all the time. Don't like it here - move the fuck outta here. Jeebus. ANd for the worst part - blame all the drift shit. Everyday i see at least one 240 weaving in and out of the traffic on freeways, no turn signaling, loud ass pipes and shit. BLAME the movies. Blame the people who fuck it up for the REAL car enthusiasts.

Yea your right, it was just a Mother that lost her life, and a now Motherless baby in the world. Those dumb cops.

If you race on the street, your a fucking idiot. The irony of this story, is it was a Jag. Probably racing a honda.

Couldn't agree more.

ttLOVEjh s13
04-10-2009, 04:27 PM
damn RIP teggie.. and its not an acura its a Honda!

anybody got an intake for sale?!?!? i want a street racing moobile toooo!!

04-10-2009, 05:24 PM
i can sell u some buttons that turn your car magically into a street racing machine!

ttLOVEjh s13
04-10-2009, 09:33 PM
i can sell u some buttons that turn your car magically into a street racing machine!
I dont know man might be to hardcore for me street racing with a fast button. might transform too

04-10-2009, 09:42 PM
the city could probably make a ton of money if they parted out the car.

04-11-2009, 09:13 PM
what they didnt say in the vid is why they pulled em over.. I guess in SD its ok to get pulled over because you look like a street racer..

Looked like a nice teg too, very clean.. Usually the honda guys wiht the nice cars like that, are the guys who are far from street racing, what about the guys who build their cars up for car shows? Some people build cars up because its something positive to turn your mind to, instead of other negative crimes, drugs etc.

04-12-2009, 03:20 AM
I'm guessing the owner of the teg got pulled over for no front license plate! It is a law in California duh!. Also check all your lights before you leave your house so you don't get pulled over for something stupid like a tail light out. Drive the speed limit and not like your in a movie.
I live in El Cajon and there is nothing but big ass monster trucks driving around loud as hell with intakes and double the horsepower most imports have and I never see their ass getting pulled over!!
Illegal modifications WTF! is the intake header and turbo made out of crack and meth? Just because it didn't come on the car off the car lot and doesn't have a carb sticker that now makes it a racing death machine? Oh but I can go and buy an Evo or Sti with all that shit with double the power of most cars but that's OK?
California gargles balls.

04-12-2009, 08:59 PM
I cant deny, West Los Angeles, best weather EVER. also some of the most crooked and corrupted cops there. Culver Shitty, and Pacific Division. And im not just talkinga bout cars. Ive had to deal with them on several occasions, for numerous things.

Hah! you think this humidity sucks. Try living on the gulf coast of Texas. Now that shits humidity and HOT as fuck. I had to stick my shift knob in the ice tray so it wouldnt burn my hand. Cuz it gets hot if its in the sun or not.

I agree with you hypertek....I am one of those, who likes to build cars, and spend money on parts ect.; and replaced using drugs and doing street activity with building, modding, buying anything car related. Its a much positive hobby in life, and way better than snorting lines, and doing stupid street stuff. Just sucks that certain places have the profiling, but stop denying that it IS porfiling. Cuz they do it.

And no, you dont blame the movies. Thats creating an uncreditable scapegoat. You blame the stupid people. People are people. What makes us different from all the animals in the animal kingdom; Freewill. So its the stupid people. Sucks when just few kill it for everybody.

Just like cops. yeah some are good, most are horrible, and have the wrong motives for being a police officer.

Yeah and stop complaining. Do something about it. If not, then zip it.

04-12-2009, 10:08 PM
I cant deny, West Los Angeles, best weather EVER. also some of the most crooked and corrupted cops there. Culver Shitty, and Pacific Division. And im not just talkinga bout cars. Ive had to deal with them on several occasions, for numerous things.

Hah! you think this humidity sucks. Try living on the gulf coast of Texas. Now that shits humidity and HOT as fuck. I had to stick my shift knob in the ice tray so it wouldnt burn my hand. Cuz it gets hot if its in the sun or not.

I agree with you hypertek....I am one of those, who likes to build cars, and spend money on parts ect.; and replaced using drugs and doing street activity with building, modding, buying anything car related. Its a much positive hobby in life, and way better than snorting lines, and doing stupid street stuff. Just sucks that certain places have the profiling, but stop denying that it IS porfiling. Cuz they do it.

And no, you dont blame the movies. Thats creating an uncreditable scapegoat. You blame the stupid people. People are people. What makes us different from all the animals in the animal kingdom; Freewill. So its the stupid people. Sucks when just few kill it for everybody.

Just like cops. yeah some are good, most are horrible, and have the wrong motives for being a police officer.

Yeah and stop complaining. Do something about it. If not, then zip it.

i agree ever since i got my 240, ive kept away from drugs and street activity-to get a note of what kind of reckless teen i was-i stole a teachers car in high school(got arrested)
i dont like to do, but in order to maintain my 240 project, i am going to school and working full time! -keeps me away from the bad path i used to walk