View Full Version : Yay just got a modification ticket er..wait that sucks!

03-18-2003, 01:42 PM
So just to let you know I my car is still registered in Kansas and my drivers license is still kansas also. All types of modifications are legal and we have no smog and emissions over there.

Got Pulled over by the CHP and got cited for:

Almost got cited for:

tinted window (20% all around)

No Front Plate (Legal in Kansas-no law)

Too Low(Only using Eibach Sportlines and koni yellows)

Modifed Emissions (Intake)

But he was cool for the most part and only cited for:

Modifed Exhaust (Trust DD stright pipes basicly with 3 inch exhaust)

and Lighting mods(Fender turn signals are blue coated but come out white and he said he could so blue so thats a nono) DOH!

But not sure how they can site me cause I'm still registed in Kansas and everything I was sited for is legal over tehre and they be like "you have to follow our rules while your here."

I was driivng and the cop was going the other way and busted a U turn to pull me over. Said he could hear my car a mile away before he even saw me. Asked me weird questions like "do you take this to car show or if this your daily driver or a show car?"

weird ass cop. Even though he cited me I wonder if its still valid since it's technically not a california car and not how to follow california rules.

03-18-2003, 01:47 PM
oh that sucks
yeah it would be valid. like running a red light in california. eitherway you'll still get ticketed.

when in rome......

but what do you expect? greddy DD and NA arent good mix haha..

you can "fix" these and present them to the judge if you can. change what you can. as far as the height stuff, get the specs of the springs and stock height specs and such.

tinted yeah too bad. remove it i guess

front plate is easy to get

good luck.
this happenned last night??
what about the SR..imagine that!!

03-18-2003, 01:49 PM
He acually only cited me for the exhaust noise and fender turn signals becasue he said he could see blue.

He said I could just put the silencers in and I should be able to pass it. But then thing is though how can he even site me cause these rules don't apply to my car cause I'm not registed in California. I've gotten away with everything before with two previosu cops.

03-18-2003, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by NiteKids
"do you take this to car show or if this your daily driver or a show car?"

what did you tell him?

03-18-2003, 01:55 PM
be careful

you might not be registered but you are resident and have a job. i think there are so many days beofre you have to move your car's title to california. you dont want that stuff catching up to you because it will hurt.

of course im no legal guru. haha.just my thoughts on it. someone else probably knows better then me, i've been in california all my life.

03-18-2003, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by NiteKids
But then thing is though how can he even site me cause these rules don't apply to my car cause I'm not registed in California. I've gotten away with everything before with two previosu cops.

Because they were nice. Hell, the only thing he can't get you on is the license plate because that has to do with your registration. Everything else is fair game. I'm surprised you didn't get hit for the tint, height and intake. The other thing is that the other two cops probably didn't cite you, but made a record of the incident. They KNOW that you're not just passing through CA and that you are there for an extended period. You car is ghetto. Fix it.

The really cool thing is that if you stick around in CA long enough and don't register your car there, they get to impound it! :) YAY!

03-18-2003, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by EONE914
what did you tell him?

I guess I should have said it was a show car then....not sure what they would have done though.

But then again with all the thing here on their lookin ghetto I don't think he would have bought it.

YAY :)

03-18-2003, 02:18 PM
Previous cops also never mentioned a word about mods. Just like "drive safe!"

Of course breaking laws likie running red lights applies to everyone no matter where you are.

03-18-2003, 02:36 PM
Said he could hear my car a mile away before he even saw me.
haha i agree with the cop on this one. ;)

03-18-2003, 02:38 PM
Yeah I guess the exhaust is *slighty excessivly loud. Hmmm. maybe I should put my silencers in then. But damn it the DD sounds good!

03-18-2003, 02:41 PM
HAHAH Hank, you're such a tool. Just reading your thread title made me crack up. FYI: Vehicle regulations in terms of equipment on the vehicle and registration display are applicable from the state the vehicle is registered in. Therefore, is KS does not require a front plate, you do not have to display a front plate in CA. If you can legally run an SR in KS (due to a lack of smog laws or whatever), you can run an SR in CA. (the last 2 examples are assuming you still have KS plates, of course.) This goes for your exhaust, too.
Go to court and let the judge know you have current KS registration, etc and he'll toss the exhaust citation. He'll probably grill you a bit and ask why you're living in CA with KS tags, but if you give him a valid reason, he'll leave you alone.
As far as running red lights, that falls into moving violations, etc and applies to the region the law is for, regardless of the driver or vehicle.


03-18-2003, 02:45 PM
I've always wondered about that. If I ever move to california I'd want to keep the Illinois registration (for emissions purposes mostly). I guess they can write you ticket after ticket for that crap but they could never take away your license.

I wonder if you can also refuse to pop your hood. I mean they need permission to search the car, I would think the hood would be the same.

03-18-2003, 02:48 PM
One of those messed up things: denial of permission = probable cause.

03-18-2003, 02:53 PM
Maybe you could just disconnect the hood release. Then you would only get one fix it ticket for that instead of a ticket for each violation under the hood. :D

03-18-2003, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by mrmephistopheles
HAHAH Hank, you're such a tool. Just reading your thread title made me crack up.

Huh not sure where the being a tool part comes in. everything you said I agree with and that's how it should have been. I should not have cited of any of them. I was not even doing any type of moving violoatin. Just driving down the street today to work and the CHP bustes a U turn to get me. I wasn't even on the freeway. Hmm

03-18-2003, 03:09 PM
Is an exhaust ticket an equipment violation or a noise violation?

03-18-2003, 03:10 PM
I believe just noise violoation. It's diffrent from a emmissions violoation. That's what the cop told at least.

03-18-2003, 03:14 PM
You need to check. If it's an equipment violation, then you are off the hook. If it is a noise violation, then you are stuck.

03-18-2003, 03:16 PM
He said if I just put the Silencers in I should be able to be diss missed.

03-18-2003, 03:19 PM

I would still watch it about the registration. You may have to justify living in CA and having KS tags.

03-18-2003, 03:28 PM
Considering the police officer let you go for so little, you should be happy. You're in an out-of-state car, which is NOT stock, so he could have very well go to town on you. You must have been pretty polite, because cleaning off your turn signals and putting in your silencers takes no time at all. Just do what they say, get this experience behind you, and earn some real tickets!


03-18-2003, 03:37 PM
I never cleared out any signals. They are just the clear fender lights on the fenders like newer cars have.

03-18-2003, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by ruf
One of those messed up things: denial of permission = probable cause.

UNLESS you have a good reason for the denial.. Like..

"I really am in a hurry, officer, and don't have time to allow you to do that.. I have a meeting/appointment to get to."

03-18-2003, 03:40 PM
If they aren't necessary, just remove them for when you have the CHP check it out. Otherwise I would just ask a buddy with the same type of car if you could use his "correct" ones. I can't imagine how freakin loud your exhaust must be though!:eek: Good luck, and just roll with whatever they want, you can always switch it back once you get to KS.


03-18-2003, 03:45 PM
Are you going to school in Cali? Just wondering why you're keeping your license & registration in KS. If you go to court and push the fact that your L&R are in KS, they'll probably ask why you've been in Cali so long. If you can show them you're going to school or on an extended job assignment, you should be OK (except for maybe the noise violation of the exhaust).

03-18-2003, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by sykikchimp
UNLESS you have a good reason for the denial.. Like..

"I really am in a hurry, officer, and don't have time to allow you to do that.. I have a meeting/appointment to get to." That's an invitation to get a beatdown. Why not just say, "I'm sorry officer, but you are unimportant and have no contribution to society but to hinder my agenda. Please do something better with your time. Like go arrest some criminals or eat some donuts." hahahaha!

03-19-2003, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by NiteKids
Huh not sure where the being a tool part comes in. everything you said I agree with and that's how it should have been. I should not have cited of any of them. I was not even doing any type of moving violoatin. Just driving down the street today to work and the CHP bustes a U turn to get me. I wasn't even on the freeway. Hmm

I'm just saying I think you're funny. :D
An unfortunate fact is that there are asswad cops out there that are just looking to F with ppl for no good reason.

03-19-2003, 11:28 AM
Ack.. I don't look forward to my SR'd car in SoCal. A lot of time cops are so convincng that they get you to agree to doing stuff, even thought it is illegal for them to mandate you to do it. You just assume they are mandating you and assume that they will lay the smack down. For instance popping your hood. On what grounds to the cops have to make you pop your hood? If you have expired emissions maybe, but other than that, the fact that you have a modified carmaking them suspicious is no better than saying a black man is dangerous because he is wearing a Wu-Tang sweatshirt or something. Or pulling a black dude over for driving in an Escalade b/c it si "probable" that the vehicle may be stolen or there may be drugs in the truck. That's bull****.

Also, about the exhaust being too loud... they have to PROVE that it exceeds the noise limit for that area... meaning a test center/test equipment. Going by "I heard you a mile away" is horsecrap. Take it to court... that is not grounds to get pulled over. Yeah it draws attention to yourself, but unless they can prove that you exceed the decibal limit, i seriously think that they can't do anything. Also, if that was the reason he pulled you over, the other citations will/should be dropped. Sure he was nice and all, but since when are cops NOT supposed to be polite? Fu_k... That totally sucks that we have come to praise a nice person and come to expect an asshole! Fu_k that!