04-02-2009, 07:26 PM
Yesterday while I was on the way to class on Route 1, my car (SOHC) started sputtering and died while I was in 5th gear going around 70. It felt like the time when I ran out of gas (around this time last year). I pulled over to the side of the road and tried to start it. The motor would crank over but wouldn't cut on as if I had run out of gas. I had just filled up the day before and I was on half a tank. I check under the hood if all the connectors were still attatched like the ignition coil and maf and everything's still on. Fortunately, a maroon S14 owner named Bart saw me on the side of the road and stopped to see if everything was alright and even called a tow truck to come bring my car home. What pissed me off the worst is that after damaging the bottom of my bumper getting on the flatbed and still shelling out money for the tow truck, I try starting the car again and it starts !! A friend of mine who graduated UTI said he thinks it has something to do with my fuel while Bart (the S14 who stopped to help) said something in my electrical system overheated and then cooled down on the flatbed. Either way, I changed my fuel filter to a new 300ZX unit and I installed a new Accel ignition I had laying around in my basement. My question is, what do you guys think the problem was? Another suggestion I got was my dizzy is going bad or my fuel pump is going bad (I doubt it).Thanks for any help.