View Full Version : Ghost Stories.

04-02-2009, 10:07 AM
Well I just had an interesting night, to say the least.

A long time ago, we had a ghost living in our house. It never meant any harm, it just played tricks on us. In the hallway, we have a closet with a regular door, which was always closed by us. Every morning, the closet door would be open.

This ghost left us quite a while ago, and we haven't seen any clues to having ghost or spirit in the house. That is, until a few weeks ago.

The other night, I was sleeping comfortably in my room when I heard my mom yell from her room. Naturally, I turned my lights on and ran into her room. She was breathing hard, and sitting straight up in her bed. I asked her what happened and she told me this, "I heard somebody open the door slowly, come to my bed and lift the covers, lie down next to me and put his hand on my head. But when I turned on the lights, nobody was there."

That was the first sign.

I have an old chocolate phone. The charger isn't great for it, and so you have to play with it to get the phone to start charging. When it starts charging, it beeps 3 times. After it goes, I put it on a table, where it does not move for the rest of the night to ensure that it will not loose contact with the charger.

A few nights ago, my phone started beeping in the middle of the night. Like, "I'm charging. No I'm not. I'm charging. No I'm not. I'm charging." Yeah. Very annoying. I didn't think much of it until my friend told me (as we were having a conversation about ghosts during dinner) that the phone had no reason to lose contact with the charger since it wasn't moving. The reason it was beeping was probably a negative charge from the ghost when it was coming into the room was setting off the phone.

This all leads to last night.

I don't know what time it was, probably about 3AM, and I was in the middle of this pretty sweet dream. I was woken by my phone beeping WILDLY. Like, the damn thing would not stop. I knew it was probably the damn ghost, so I told him, "Go away, I want to sleep." It did. Satisfied, I went back to sleep. And that's when I felt it.

I felt the hands of a man pushing down on my head and shoulder to a point where I could not move. At all. I was cold too! I felt cold chills all over my body. I couldn't scream either. I was fucking petrified. I opened my eyes to see...

Nothing. Nothing!

Yet I could feel the weight of somebody pushing me down, and it did not feel awesome at all. I was pissed. And getting cold sweats.

Finally it let go, and I was breathing hard. I tried to go back to sleep. Not even a minute later, the damn phone starts beeping again, so I turned on my bed stand light, and wait. Well the phone stopped, but I couldn't/wouldn't go back to sleep. Not just yet.

Well then the light started flickering. Like, at first it seemed like it lost power and went really dim, but then it straight up started flickering. I thought, "It's probably nothing. Lights flicker all the time."

And then the phone started beeping again, and I was like fuck that! and grabbed my shit and went to sleep in my mom's room on the floor.

Shitty night.

04-02-2009, 10:11 AM
Holy shit teddy!!!

Crazy stuff man.

Sometimes I wake up from loud creaking in the hallway almost as if someone is walking towards my room, but nothing that intense!

04-02-2009, 10:30 AM
Oh god. Don't get me started with ghost stories lol. I have quite a few eerie experiences with Ouija boards. Things occurring at 3am, events happening in sets of 3, all relevant to my stories.

04-02-2009, 10:33 AM
Well, at least it wasn't a gay ghost! Who knows what he would've done to you.. Poor Teddy! Let's have a seance at your house to get rid of him/her.

04-02-2009, 10:38 AM
Fuck man!!!!!
I had something similar happen to me one night.

I never sleep with the door locked but one night, i was up talking on the phone. I had my door locked so my dog wouldn't bust through it or my brother wouldn't bother me to play the 360 and so i ended up falling asleep on the chick like always lol

Next thing you know i wake sometime around 1am for no reason i look around my room, which is pitch black. But when i focus my eyes enough i can catch some some light reflected of my huge closet mirrors off my windows. Well I see tall figure at the end of my bed. I assume i was looking at the poles at the end of my bed or my cabinent thingy. I pick up my phone and push a button so i can have more light after that i was completely paralyzed, my hand holding phone with the light was slowly forced down and i couldnt move and got put in something like the fetal position, i couldn't hear anything, or speak I could just here myself in my head trying to.

I dont know how long it lasted but the whole time i was trying to force myself to move and yell out at it after that i ended up passing out. I then awoke to the same thing but this time i was able to move and
i jumped up out of bed turned on the light swung my door open pissed off!! I ended up sleeping in my brothers room floor.
When i woke up the next day i was extremely sore!!
It seemed like i went to the gym and did suicide excersices in every possible muscle group.

Since then i keep my door wide open.

Its crazy though how you mention you were also petrified, were you trying to fight the paralysis? i believe thats what made me feel sore the next day.

04-02-2009, 10:41 AM
I tried to move, but I couldn't. I felt like he/she was putting a lot of pressure on my head and shoulder, and so I could not move. I did try. And I tried to say something. Anything. But nothing would come out.

04-02-2009, 10:53 AM
I've only had one "experience", but it was more of a dream. At least I think it was.

2am, sleepy as fuck.

Start falling asleep, turn out the lights, suddenly felt like I was pinned down and couldn't breathe.

Slowly dragging myself off my bed, fell onto the floor, dragging myself toward the door.

Black out.

Few hours later, wake up on the floor with my closet door open(always closed).

Nothing has happened since.


04-02-2009, 11:11 AM
Ive had this happen to me many many times before. Usually it happens when I am really tired. Its called "scissor lock" and ive been told by people it is a spiritual thing that is talked about in the bible but also found out that the scientific explanation is that your body is paralyzed while sleeping but your mind is awake which makes everything seem real. Im not sure that I believe the scientific explaination 100% because ive had some freaky shit happen to me and others. Things such as I cant move, speak, yell, lots of pressure, also your body starts to get moved on its own, seeing people and hearing things. My first time I had it I saw my best friend in my room and his skin was all blue and black. I froze and couldnt move or yell. I dont know how I got out but I did and then the next night, he got it for the first time. Now im used to it so when it happens im just calm about it haha.

04-02-2009, 11:13 AM
I've only had one "experience", but it was more of a dream. At least I think it was.

2am, sleepy as fuck.

Start falling asleep, turn out the lights, suddenly felt like I was pinned down and couldn't breathe.

Slowly dragging myself off my bed, fell onto the floor, dragging myself toward the door.

Black out.

Few hours later, wake up on the floor with my closet door open(always closed).

Nothing has happened since.


Yea ive had something similar too. I fell asleep in my family room and then when i woke up i was being dragged down my hallway into my room. I couldnt see who was dragging me or move/talk. Next thing i know im on the floor of my bedroom floor. I asked my mom if she moved me and she said that I fell asleep in the family room. I have sooo many stories. Some are just ridiculous crazy only see in movies shit.

04-02-2009, 11:36 AM
Yeah the sleep paralysis thing has a lot to do with it.

Shadowlands Haunted Places Index (http://theshadowlands.net/places/)

This is a cool website for all you summer ghost hunters.

04-02-2009, 11:48 AM
i dont belive in ghosts AT ALL...

04-02-2009, 11:57 AM
I always wondered what it would be like if I had a hot sexy female ghost haunting me.

04-02-2009, 12:03 PM
We also have a ghost here in this house too, but all we get is knocks in the windows when everyone is sleeping, probably someone fucking with us or its a ghost -__-

04-02-2009, 12:09 PM
i heard you shouldnt bother tryin to move, but to cuz ur brains out...that makes the go away...worked twice for me...woke up, pressure on all limbs, couldnt move, i was able to get enough to yell otu a giant FUCK YOU, and all of a sudden it stopped...its insane...maybe if it is a scientific thing, cursing shocks the body to awaken...i dunno...but both times i just cused out and all pressure and cold went away...

all i know is...im not sleeping over at ur house anymore Teddy...thought the couch is quite comfortable

04-02-2009, 12:20 PM
Sleep paralysis anyone? Similar stuff has happended to me and I would rather think that is a sleeping disorder instead of a crazy ghost.

04-02-2009, 12:28 PM
No such thing as ghosts... It's all in your mind. Probably smoking too much ganja that night or you probably drank too much coffee (haha, j/k). I have to see it to believe it. I've slept in old creepy houses before and i'm talking about over 100 year old house. Yeah you hear the odd creeps etc... but nothing out of the ordinary. All in all, good story :)


04-02-2009, 12:33 PM
^yeah I've had sleep paralysis a good amount of times. Scares me shitless. Just don't be laying fully straight on your back, like with your arms and legs parallel to each other, have at least one in a bent or hold a pillow or something. I haven't gotten sleep paralysis when I do those things.

Anyways things that have happened to me was; at my old house there was this light with those dim switchers, and i woke up to it going low and high and so on and so forth, I just ended up completely turn it off then went to bed thinking there was probably something wrong with the circuits. Then when I woke up I was like WHOA

OMG? WTF? How in the hell! Another one is once I woke up to a freezing room, when it wasn't suppose to be freezing. My mom said she could "sense" the ghost, like she could feel like she was being watched or something and it it was a bad ghost? So I think my last house was haunted haha.

04-02-2009, 12:36 PM
Sleep paralysis anyone? Similar stuff has happended to me and I would rather think that is a sleeping disorder instead of a crazy ghost.

it does sound like sleep paralysis. i used to get it too.

although, to this day i'm not totally convinced it is 100% biological. for instance, the fact that OP's mom had a similar encounter suggests its not just one person's disorder. likewise, i had some freakish experiences myself.

you can hallucinate crazy visual/audio shit if you get scared when you're in paralysis mode. i had it pretty bad. at least once a day. but after i got used to it i completely stopped seeing/hearing scary shit, but i never lost the sense that something was there. i wasn't particularly religious, but oddly enough i found some kind of praying helped with it alot. since then i've kept a bible by my bed.

i also seemed to have super sensitive senses. a few times when i was paralyzed-sleeping during the day, i could hear a conversation my mom was having downstairs in a distant room. i confirmed that what i was heard was really what they were talking about. another time i heard this crazy loud knocking noise. i thought the house was going to come down. when i woke up i realized it was the shower dripping in the bathroom. bizarre.

tricks to waking yourself out of it are to modulate body functions you can control in paralyze mode. for me, i could just barely wiggle my toes or fingers, or make myself breathe really fast. that seemed to snap me out of it quicker.

04-02-2009, 12:37 PM
I always wondered what it would be like if I had a hot sexy female ghost haunting me.
i would pull out my cack and be like i wanna feel something wet around it NOW TRICK!!!! lol.

C. Senor
04-02-2009, 12:37 PM
that's pretty crazy. i've never been messed around with like that. i would always here some calling out my voice, even when no one was in the house. and every once in a while i can see some one walking in my living room at night when my parents are asleep.

when my brother lived with us, he used to get messed with all the time. i never believed him until one day, he called me into his room to see his tv. it was my brother, mother and i. we were watching the tv and for no reason with the remote on the foot of his bed, the tv would start switching channels. it would find one it likes, stay there until commercials, then it would switch channels again until it got bored and put it back to the channel my brother was watching. and when it went on commercials on that channel it would do it all over again. it was kind of trippy.

Dirty Habit
04-02-2009, 12:41 PM

04-02-2009, 12:43 PM
I had the same thing happen to me once. I was sleeping pretty good and then I felt something on top of me like holding me down and pulling my leg or something. I tried to move and yell out..but nothing was working, until I tried really hard to fight it and sat up yelling ahhh. That was kind of a weird night for me, I never had that happen before.

04-02-2009, 12:50 PM
I forgot to mention my friends and I have seen like light orbs just random light flashes when it was dark, and random things falling down even though they were nowhere near the edge. And never watch a ghost hunters marathon, it really fucks with your mind when you are home alone for a prolonged period of time.

04-02-2009, 12:59 PM

04-02-2009, 01:12 PM
i also dont believe in ghosts

but i experience sleep paralysis often, especially on long bus rides and when i'm overtired.

04-02-2009, 01:21 PM
weve had some weirdddd shit happen at my house, my next door neighbors house, and my friend down the street...

Back when we moved into my house in 97 i was still a kid, and back behind my neighbors house was this creek that we would always go down to to play in the woods around, you know, typical kid shit. Well right on the bank of the creek there was a tree and at the base of that tree was a rock that was about a foot and a half wide, and about 2 feet tall. the base of it was buried in the ground, and on the rock was an engraving of 2 hand prints overlapping eachother. kind of looked like when your doing wall shadows and you make the butterfly shape. ANYWAYS..

Me and my friends would always find arrow heads and what not down near that creek, and i was told that my area was a big indian tribes homeland. (i live in Georgia)

So one day My Next door neighbor, and my neighbor down the street, and me got a wagon and rolled it down to the creek and unburied the rock from the Ground, and brought it up to our backyard. we dont know why we did it, but we were just young and dumb at the time... Anyways i think this might be the reason there have been hauntings in all of our houses, because we unburied what turned out to be an indian tombstone, and they are pissed off or something.

Like for instance, (This has happened more than once to everyone in my family) doesnt all happen at once but like to one person each time.

we will be sleeping, then all of a sudden get to where we cant breathe, and wake up and it smells like someone just exhaled a whole breath of cigarrette smoke on us. it first happened to my sister, then my dad and mom, and then me. Wierd thing about it though, is my dad wears one of those nebulizers when he sleeps and he still got woke up by it...

Also ocassionally there will be a loud unexplained banging that happens in the house. But i Live in a Ranch house, and the office is right on the right when you walk in the front door, and the kitchen is in the middle of the house, then my mom and dads room all the way down the hallway to the left of the house .Like one night i was in the Office on most likely zilvia or some other forum, and my dad and mom were in there room and my sister was at her friends house. anyways all of a sudden from the kitchen there were three loud bangs, and my dad yelled from his room, "CAMERON! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" and i just replied "What? that wasnt me, was that not you?" then he said "No....?" so we got up went in the kitchen to see if something had fell down, and everything was in place nothing had moved... It has happened twice since then....

Scarey Stuff yo... and my house isnt even old enough to be haunted, not to mention we were the first owners of the house anyways. We were the ones who had it built...

I think The reason its haunted though, is because we disrupted the gravesite of whatever it was by removing the tombstone... and theres no way in hell im going to see if i can unbury some bones... hell no...


Sorry for the long post, but read it all its a good read. i do believe in ghosts, and have had many experiences, and for the ones of you that say they arent real, your just ignorant and are afraid, or think its stupid. its a lot different when it happens to you, cause i havent always believed until this started happening.

04-02-2009, 01:32 PM
I've only had one "experience", but it was more of a dream. At least I think it was.

2am, sleepy as fuck.

Black out.

Few hours later, wake up on the floor with my closet door open(always closed).

Nothing has happened since.

You were abducted by aliens.
Check your anus for probes

Ive had this happen to me many many times before. Usually it happens when I am really tired. Its called "scissor lock" and ive been told by people it is a spiritual thing that is talked about in the bible but also found out that the scientific explanation is that your body is paralyzed while sleeping but your mind is awake which makes everything seem real. Im not sure that I believe the scientific explaination 100% because ive had some freaky shit happen to me and others. Things such as I cant move, speak, yell, lots of pressure, also your body starts to get moved on its own, seeing people and hearing things. My first time I had it I saw my best friend in my room and his skin was all blue and black. I froze and couldnt move or yell. I dont know how I got out but I did and then the next night, he got it for the first time. Now im used to it so when it happens im just calm about it haha.

yeah, its probably more of a sleep thing.

i have nightmares maybe once or twice a year were I know i am asleep.
I know its a dream.
And if I culd just move my body, I could wake up and it would stop.
So i just keep trying really hard to move my arm or leg.
Eventually I get a limb to finally listen to my brain and move.
And then I wake up.
Usually go get some water or something to make sure I dont fall back into the same dream.

Teddy, you should cleanse the house.
The Bible tells you that you should test spirits to see if they mean you harm or not.
But fuck that.
Get some sage burning, go around the rooms with it and tell the spirit that they have moved on and need to leave the house and your family alone.
Say, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ my savior".

spirits can follow you and attach themselves to you throughout life.
some people can see their Aura on you and all that, but, were getting into stuff my mom knows alot more about than me.

so I wont be drinking enough to have to crash on the floor at your next party, lol.

04-02-2009, 01:59 PM
Tuesday night my girl had just fell asleep when she was awakened by the TV turning on. It started changing channels randomly. She figured she was laying on the remote so she got up to look for it. Searched for it and found it on the TV stand behind the TV.

And when I was little. My parents would leave to the casino's around 10 or 11pm. We had a maid so it was no biggie. They would lock the door to their room and return the next day around 8 to 10am. I would wake up before they got home laying on their bed with the door still locked. Weird thing is, they were the only ones with a key to the room. I would ask if they put me there and they said "No. Why would we leave you there by yourself and lock the door".

04-02-2009, 02:07 PM
only ghost stories i have involve a toilet

and me shitting in them

04-02-2009, 02:20 PM
teddy i had a similar encounter lol

mine was i was out in the desert visiting some family.
when i slept in the guest room and suddenly i woke up
"paralyzed" i couldnt move my head arms legs etc nor breathe
felt pressure pushing me down. it lasted for like 2 mins then it stopped.

another was i woke up 5am ish and saw my closet closed.
i never close it.
that was scary also

04-02-2009, 02:29 PM
dam you guys!! im alone at home reading this crap!!

04-02-2009, 02:36 PM
I do believe in the whole "Sleep Paralysis" gig, but there was more going on than just being paralyized. My phone going crazy is just creepy, considering it is on a flat, non-moving surface and would have no reason to break the electric connection between the charger and the phone.

Like I mentioned, the lights flickering happens all the time, but man, when you add all of that together, it starts to get just plain eerie.

Plus, what are the odds of me and my mother to experience similar experiences within 3 or 4 nights difference?

04-02-2009, 02:50 PM
i like this thread, i would love to read more but i have to go to work; damn it.

04-02-2009, 04:15 PM
I have a ghost that stops by every once in a while. Have not seen any signs of it in a while.

At first I thought someone was playing a trick on me... shining a flashlight through my window or something because the light would show for only a second or two.

So I closed the blinds and basically made it so nobody could possibly be shining a light into my room from the outside.

I began to watch this ball of light more closely as it appeared every night around 3AM and realized that the light is an orb..... this is not light shining on the walls.

At the time I did not care much because eh what is a ball of light going to do to me... then I started to hear someone say my name as I am trying to sleep.... like right next to me and I would immediately get a very cold feeling.

Then my bed would start shaking.... like someone had a vibrator on my bed. One night it was shaking so bad the headboard was hitting the wall making all kinds of noise. I thought there was an earthquake or something but when I jumped out of my bed the ground was still and my bed was still shaking! I got the eff outta there and slept on the couch.

The shaking and orb of light continued to happen for about another month and it finally just went away.

Touge Noob S13
04-02-2009, 05:39 PM
Never watch a ghost hunters marathon, it really fucks with your mind when you are home alone for a prolonged period of time.

+1, that shit makes my very paranoid.

04-02-2009, 05:46 PM
hahaahh i watched the whole special halloween night, as well as ghost adventures marathon after that. alll night longgg babyyy!!!

04-02-2009, 06:07 PM
It start a month ago and since I work at home I experience the fact of being watch when I am on my computer. I turn back and I see the end of a dark black smoke shadow turning in spiral who disappeared like a mirage. I crossed that for the all month everywhere in the house. Passing from one bedroom to the other one and when I arrived there nothing... nobody is there... that's very spooky!!! At night the door in the hallway open so I put the lights on and I go to see what's going on.. The door is closed.. Yesterday after Teddy fall asleep Billy and me heard the radiator going on ( thermostat) when it is unplug.... Noise coming from your house that you know by heart and never nothing when you arrived on the spot. I want to sleep !!!! I start to be tired.... I don't drink and I don't smoke.... Teddy had experience at night and for me it is all day long. WEIRD!!!!

04-02-2009, 06:35 PM
I do believe in the whole "Sleep Paralysis" gig, but there was more going on than just being paralyized. My phone going crazy is just creepy, considering it is on a flat, non-moving surface and would have no reason to break the electric connection between the charger and the phone.

Like I mentioned, the lights flickering happens all the time, but man, when you add all of that together, it starts to get just plain eerie.

Plus, what are the odds of me and my mother to experience similar experiences within 3 or 4 nights difference?

im totally with you on that!

04-02-2009, 06:35 PM
just call ghost busters. they can help :)

04-02-2009, 07:04 PM
Sleep Paralysis is caused by ghosts when you wake up and catch them having fun.

Val Kilmer specifically told them that they are not to move about when the living are awake. If they do wake up when they are having late night fun he endowed them with the power of Sleep Paralysis to ensure that there is no way to prove they exist.

04-02-2009, 07:12 PM
why most ghost stories are when people is almost sleep or when is wakeing up... -_-;

04-02-2009, 07:21 PM
when I moved to Nh it was into a house that is 220 years old, and was used as part of the underground railroad when the slaves were freed-no joke.

the basement has a secret part when the freed people would hide, and let me fucking tell you, WE DO NOT GO DOWN THERE.

when ever i entered that basement, i could feel a huge presence, same with the attic.

that house is fucked, and im glad I moved out.

my sisters (biological and step) have seen on multiple occasions a figure sitting on the foot of their beds staring at them.

ghosts scare the fuck out of me.

04-02-2009, 07:43 PM
That sounds nuts. id freak out if anything like that happend to me. But i had seen a ghost before... and i remember it like it happened a few minutes ago.. it stains your mind if you ever seen one.

I had just moved in my cusins house. about 7 or 8 pm getting pretty dark. i had just got an electric scooter. me and my buddies including my cuz. were taking turns on it.. so my buddie hops on. goes down the street. comes back and then outta no where drops the scooter on purpose say "fuck!" and im like "hey man why did you do that!?" hey goes "look!" i wasnt the only witness. it was 4 of us that all saw the ghost of a little boy riding a tricycle. across this creekbed that was atleast 8 feet deep. crossing it with out gravity taking place. and it wasnt just a couple of kids that where there it was my aunt that was there seeing it too.. I never believed in ghosts untill i saw that.

I think lots of people dont believe in ghost mainly because they never experianced it.

04-02-2009, 08:27 PM
Sounds like the lights flickering and the phone losing connection might be related. Some sort of electrical problem perhaps. I'm not doubting the possibilities of ghosts in your house. If I were a ghost, I'd do something like appear in your mirror. Something that would really mess with you.

04-02-2009, 08:37 PM
isnt 3am a blatant mockery of 3 pm. . when christ was crucified?

that is terrible.


beeracing s14
04-02-2009, 09:55 PM
never sleep in doggy style, youll never know what goes behind you. bwahahah!

04-02-2009, 10:03 PM
One time when I was about 6 I was watching tv in bed wide awake and just my bed started shaking violently.

I freaked out and ran into my parents room.

Never had anything weird happen to me since then in any aspect of the "paranormal". Disappointing. I don't believe in ghosts until further experience.

04-02-2009, 10:47 PM
have you ever heard of "hags"?
read this
Old Hag Syndrome (http://www.ghostvillage.com/legends/2002/legends7_11302002.shtml)

04-02-2009, 11:07 PM
have you ever heard of "hags"?
read this
Old Hag Syndrome (http://www.ghostvillage.com/legends/2002/legends7_11302002.shtml)

I already explained that phenomenon.

04-03-2009, 12:10 AM
Tuesday night my girl had just fell asleep when she was awakened by the TV turning on. It started changing channels randomly. She figured she was laying on the remote so she got up to look for it. Searched for it and found it on the TV stand behind the TV.

And when I was little. My parents would leave to the casino's around 10 or 11pm. We had a maid so it was no biggie. They would lock the door to their room and return the next day around 8 to 10am. I would wake up before they got home laying on their bed with the door still locked. Weird thing is, they were the only ones with a key to the room. I would ask if they put me there and they said "No. Why would we leave you there by yourself and lock the door".

your maid picked the lock .. robbed you guys lowkey .. then left you in there .. hehehe ..

04-03-2009, 12:18 AM
I think there is a ghost haunting my left big toe, it's been sore for 2 days now. I have woken up with the feeling like I have been lifted off the bed and then dropped. Back when I was a little kid I don't know if it was ghost or a albino but it scared the shit out of me and I ran home and locked up all the doors.

04-03-2009, 01:31 AM
I sleep with my gun in reach of me. I might just pack some salt into those hollowtips :)
That would be hard to explain though, I swear I saw a ghost so I shot the fuck out of it, but it wasnt there, now theres just a bunch of holes in my wall.

04-03-2009, 02:10 AM
it was 4 of us that all saw the ghost of a little boy riding a tricycle. across this creekbed that was atleast 8 feet deep. crossing it with out gravity taking place. and it wasnt just a couple of kids that where there it was my aunt that was there seeing it too.. I never believed in ghosts untill i saw that.

I have heard of instances where flashbacks happen....time basically replaying itself. Some are true entities and others are just an image. Entities usually appear as an orb of light.

I always thought people who saw ghosts were just paranoid and that they did not exist until I experienced it first hand on a few occasions. I was wide awake and well aware of what was going on and there is simply no other explanation.

04-03-2009, 09:47 AM
Exactly. People who do not believe in ghosts have not had the first-hand experience with them.

04-03-2009, 11:44 AM
I think there is a ghost haunting my left big toe, it's been sore for 2 days now. I have woken up with the feeling like I have been lifted off the bed and then dropped. Back when I was a little kid I don't know if it was ghost or a albino but it scared the shit out of me and I ran home and locked up all the doors.

Maybe you have GOUT

04-03-2009, 01:10 PM
No such thing as ghosts... It's all in your mind. Probably smoking too much ganja that night or you probably drank too much coffee (haha, j/k). I have to see it to believe it. I've slept in old creepy houses before and i'm talking about over 100 year old house. Yeah you hear the odd creeps etc... but nothing out of the ordinary. All in all, good story :)


you speak the truth my friend lol i feel the same way


04-03-2009, 01:11 PM
No such thing as ghosts... It's all in your mind. Probably smoking too much ganja that night or you probably drank too much coffee (haha, j/k). I have to see it to believe it. I've slept in old creepy houses before and i'm talking about over 100 year old house. Yeah you hear the odd creeps etc... but nothing out of the ordinary. All in all, good story :)


you speak the truth my friend lol i feel the same way

im not calling the op a lier or anything lol just alittle crazy if anything

04-03-2009, 01:20 PM
Fuck..this is some freaky shiiit

04-03-2009, 01:35 PM
Dammmittt...i keep lookin over my shoulders cuz of these stories ha..(home alone and unemployed reading this shizz

04-03-2009, 02:38 PM
I do believe in the whole "Sleep Paralysis" gig, but there was more going on than just being paralyized. My phone going crazy is just creepy, considering it is on a flat, non-moving surface and would have no reason to break the electric connection between the charger and the phone.

What most likely was happening with your phone was that the poor connection along with a rise in temperature (cell phones get slightly warmer when you charge them) caused the connector to have an intermittent connection.

Basically with an intermittent connection, the electrical contacts are in such a state that the temperature or other factors cause the wires to lose contact and regain contact in short cycles. Gravity tends to help this phenomenon a little bit. As the connector thermal cycles it will shift microscopically, reducing tension on whatever it's holding on to. When this tension is reduced gravity can pull the wire down increasing the amount of shift.

The current flows through the wires causing heat, especially around the area of the poor connection. The heat causes the plastic to expand slightly. The connector loses contact from the expansion. Current stops flowing and the connector cools down. The plastic shrinks down allowing the connector to make contact again. The process repeats until the connector moves enough to provide either a slightly better connection, which may allow the cycle to start again later, or the connection is completely disconnected.

04-04-2009, 09:05 PM
What most likely was happening with your phone was that the poor connection along with a rise in temperature (cell phones get slightly warmer when you charge them) caused the connector to have an intermittent connection.

Basically with an intermittent connection, the electrical contacts are in such a state that the temperature or other factors cause the wires to lose contact and regain contact in short cycles. Gravity tends to help this phenomenon a little bit. As the connector thermal cycles it will shift microscopically, reducing tension on whatever it's holding on to. When this tension is reduced gravity can pull the wire down increasing the amount of shift.

The current flows through the wires causing heat, especially around the area of the poor connection. The heat causes the plastic to expand slightly. The connector loses contact from the expansion. Current stops flowing and the connector cools down. The plastic shrinks down allowing the connector to make contact again. The process repeats until the connector moves enough to provide either a slightly better connection, which may allow the cycle to start again later, or the connection is completely disconnected.

um, most definitely not.

coming from a logical and scientific standpoint, ghosts are the only explanation.

i didn't believe it either, until teddy's mom posted.

04-04-2009, 09:27 PM
Zombie Road



I want to go to there.

04-04-2009, 11:26 PM
yea, its called a night terror. my experiece is pretty similar but it started with some girl swinging back and forth from the corner of my room. next thing i know, something/someone is on top, holding me down. struggling and all, my body doesnt move so i try to scream... nothin. i look up, shes swinging over me. thats when i start praying. also, dont sleep with ANY body part hanging off the side of the bed =X

04-14-2009, 01:44 PM
just want to bump this thread, cause last night i had some pretty freaky shit happen...

i was sleeping last night pretty well then i got woke up by my dog walking around on the bed sort of wimpering, i look over to see what time it is and it was around 3:30 A.M. I tell my dog to shut up and go to sleep, and after that i roll over and was facing to where my guitar, and amp are, and on my amp the 2 little lights, Green and Red, that signify which setting the amp is on where flickering, so i unplugged that bitch from the wall as quick as i could, rolled over, said a prayer, and hugged my dog. shit was scary.

04-14-2009, 03:48 PM
I myself have not had any experiences yet but have done my fare share of ghost hunting. Found nothing yet but I love threads like this and I do sort of believe in ghosts.

A good friend of mine told me once that she could see ghosts. I of course laughed and said, "yeah right," until she told me of the story of her grandmas last days. Her Grandma was dying with little time left and was in the hospital. The doctors said they should just pull the plug because she would not live another day, and my friends father agreed... However when they where discussing, my friend saw her grandfathers spirit ...he had appeared above the grandmother and said to my friend it's not time yet. My friend told them not to pull the plug, but the doctor said she wouldnt live to see tomorrow but she pleaded and they agreed. Her grandmother lived an entire week after that before she passed. eerie.:eek3:

04-14-2009, 03:52 PM
I felt the hands of a man pushing down on my head and shoulder to a point where I could not move. At all. I was cold too! I felt cold chills all over my body. I couldn't scream either. I was fucking petrified. I opened my eyes to see...

And then the phone started beeping again, and I was like fuck that! and grabbed my shit and went to sleep in my mom's room on the floor.

I didn't read the thread AT ALL, but this is something I learned about in one of my classes in college. I specifically asked about it, so I remember, FO SHO.

It has happened to me too. I know exactly what you're talking about.

It's something that happens when you are dreaming and wake up. Something like "sleep paralysis".... Basically, your torso is still in "sleep" mode and will not move at all.


maybe I'll go google it now.

EDIT: sick http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis

I was right.

maybe somebody already mentioned it in the thread....

04-14-2009, 09:23 PM
IDK about ghosts.. I've had some wierd crap happen. I've thought about sleeping with a gun under my pillow (bond style) and my luck some shit like this would happen and I'd blow holes through my wall.

04-14-2009, 09:38 PM
Exactly. People who do not believe in ghosts have not had the first-hand experience with them.
Maybe because when something weird happens we think of the LOGICAL explanations???

Your phone for example. I had a phone that would do that all the time. I said, "wow, my phone is a POS... I think it's time for a new one"

Now, if you had a brand new phone, then that would be weird.

The other thing you described is simply sleep paralysis. While scary, it's not uncommon and definitely not ghosts.

Sometimes my house makes weird noises. Big bangs/cracks/whatever. Then I realize it's made of wood, and wood expands and contracts from temp change. SCARY SHIT, I know.

04-15-2009, 09:06 AM
When I was like in 3rd or 4th grade, I remember I was sick with a fever. And middle of the night I kinda woke up for a little, and when I looked by the doorway, I saw this shadow/figure woman standing there...I thought it was my mom, so I was calling out mommy, but nothing happened. So the next morning, I asked my mom why didnt she respond to me when I called for her. She told me she was sleeping all night and never went by room.

My grandfather passed away 9 years ago and one time I was over my aunt's house playing with my baby cousin (2 yrs old at the time) suddenly pointed at the couch and said "grandfather" in chinese...I freaked out cause my baby cousin still using baby language at the time..but I clearly heard her saying "grandfather"..I told my aunt..we stayed in the kitchen the whole night and had my uncle drive me home since it was getting late...

04-15-2009, 09:25 AM
a few days ago a friend and i were working on my car in my garage, it was about midnight and dark out already. my friend was getting ready to take off for the night but before he left i asked him to help me take my trash out from my garage and put it into the street because the next day was garbage day. so we have like 4 bags and a box to bring out... we each take a bag out go back in and bring out a 2nd bag each. i have a pretty long drive way and as soon as we get out of the garage into the drive way we both hear this guys voice say "Hello?". we both hurried to the end of the driveway to drop the bags off and back into the garage without saying anything. im freaked out because there was NOBODY in sight, and the voice wasnt a yell or holler, it was a normal voice as if they were standing next to us. my friend says did u hear that? and im like what? and he goes "Hello?" and i was like yeah i heard that! so we go back out and investigate. no one in site. we were freaked out and my friend didnt leave for about another 25 min or so because he was scared. i ended up having to walk him down my long driveway to his car. my gf doesnt believe me.

04-15-2009, 11:54 PM
Damn if I heard some one say my name out loud and no one is there I'd freak out.

My dad was telling me about an experience my grandfather had before he died. Well this is all in Mexico and my grandparents live on a ranch. Anyways as my grandfather was walking home from his brothers house (or someone i cant remember) he heard some one call out his name. No one was around but he could still hear someone calling his name. As soon as he got inside the house, the person stopped. Well two weeks later he ended up dying.

Because of that little story I'd probably shit my pants if I heard some one call out my name and no one was there.

I have a crap load of ghost stories from my trips to Mexico but I suck at story telling so yeah...

04-18-2009, 03:10 PM
sleep paralysis seems to be pretty common
myself included

my story me and my friend were smoking hookah in the garage and decided to just chill with just the black light on and when i was looking towards my friend i saw a tall black figure across the room and a split second later it was standing right next to where my friend was sitting i my friend we both were silent and it went away then i told him to turn the fking lights back on he did and sat back down and he kept asking me why i wanted the lights turned on i told him and he said he saw the same thing one the previous owners died in my house so im thinking that was her

04-19-2009, 04:13 PM
Well here goes my story when I was in Mexico when i was 9 years old.

My mom and I were staying at my grandparents house that they left for us in Mexico. Well she was telling me about my little cousin I think she was 4 years old at the time. She was telling everyone that Grandma had come to her school and wanted to tell her that she wouldn't be seeing her for a very long time and she hoped she could understand.

Then a few months passed that is when me and my mom come to Mexico. My little cousin tells me that my grandma told her to tell me that I shouldn't be scared because she would be watching over me. The scary thing about this is my grandma had be dead for a few weeks when she was telling everybody grandma had came to see her at school. I was going to have surgery that year, but decided not. The funny thing no one knew I was going to have surgery and I wonder till this day I wonder if she ment she would watch over me during surgery which eventually went through a few years later.

A few days before we were packing up getting ready to leave I was sitting on my grandpas favorite chair and I was talking to my mom while she was packing some stuff when I saw somebody walking up the stairs it scared the crap out of me because I know we were alone. Later I found out that people who sat on that chair had similar experiences some worser experiences than mine.

I have so many stories, but yet i'm still skeptical after what I been through.

04-19-2009, 04:56 PM
also, dont sleep with ANY body part hanging off the side of the bed =X

When I was having nightmares about aliens trying to abduct me (first season of x files is FUCKED UP.)

I would stay awake all night watching my door from my bed.

During my duress I drooped my arm off the bed and started subconsciously bring it back up, when my hand reached the edge of the bed, it looked like someone else's hand and I jumped back in my covers LOL.

04-19-2009, 05:49 PM
once i left a plate on the stove, and it started to slide/move. so i stopped it. :S

uhh lets see.
my cousin said he saw some ghost chick waving at him. LoL!

usually when i see shit it happens really fast, so i just go "fuck, eh cant be anything." and if its late i'll just be like "ahh, shit i need to go to bed"

04-21-2009, 11:45 PM
My story. So us/hmong people, non christians, are spiritualistic people. there are good ghosts ands bad ghost. Good ghosts are usually relatives but not always. During my brothers funeral, my grandma came over to sleep at our house. Funeral didnt open up yet, but we were preparing and do the ritualistic stuff. We had a bunk bed at the time and as always, i always had to sleep with my grandma on the bottom bunk. I always here are struggling but she usually never admits to it because i dont wake her up because i get scared SHITLESS. Was around 12 am ish when i heard my grandma mumbling and struggling a bit. I was scared shitless and was not going to try and say something unless one of my brothers would first. Well this particular time, after 5 mins of mumbling and struggling my brother call my grandma's name and ask's her whats wrong (from the top of the bunk) and switched the bathroom lights on (we had the master bed room, 6 boys) and asked here whats wrong. She pretended like nothing was wrong so she walks out and sleeps in the living room with all the other guests. At this point, i am scared shitless and have one of my older brother sleep with me.

Tomorrow morning, we ask her again what was wrong, and she told us. She said she was sleeping when all of a sudden, someone's hand was touching her hand and face as if someone was petting here. She then grabbed what she think was the cheek of someone cold. She was struggling with it the whole five minutes trying to tell one of us to turn on the lights. When my brother called her and turned the lights on, her grasp slipped and there was nothing. No doors opened, no windows, no blinds moving, just nothing. She said she didnt want to tell us anything that night because my brother had just passed and us boys would have pooped in our pants.

My experience are not quit as freaky as my grandmas. It happens often, not just to me but whole family. So this one time, instead of sleeping on my air matress (i sleep in the living room of my brothers place), i slept on the sofa. Woke up in the middle of the night and the hairs in the back of my neck were straight up.

You/I can always feel it when its going to happen. You/I wake up in the night, hairs on the back of my neck straight up, and i get a scary feeling. One thing that always happens, unable to move your limbs (paralysis) and unable to talk, only mumble.

I usually just sleep through it because i know it is impossible to fight back and win, but this one time, i was kind of mad because it happened quite often in a row and tried struggling with it. You can feel its presence but cant see it (because i dare not open my eyes and see something i do not want to see. Look up hmong funerals if you dare. the way the person is dressed and prepped, freaky as hell!!!) Well once my ears started ringing and i was unble to move my hand and try to sleep in a different position, face down, i knew it had happened. After struggling for a while, i tried to roll off the sofa to make some noise or something. after a minute or two, i felt that i was 3/4 off of the sofa BUT WAS UNABLE TO FALL OFF!!! After like five minutes, i just went to sleep, woke up about an hour later and guess what, it was like i never moved at all from the original spot.

To me, as long as i dont see it, and it doesnt do anything too horrible like haunt me and shit, i can care less because it happens sometimes. Tend to get used to it.

04-22-2009, 01:49 AM
Well I am was pretty sure this was a repost because I remember telling the story I am about to tell, but I am going to tell it for the sake that it is logical and it is why I believe in ghosts, it is not some unreasonable unlogical reasoning for explainable events, for all you doubters.

Well back when I lived in Fresno, Ca. I lived in a house that was haunted by what I believe to be good spirits(like the Hmong I am more spiritual than religious, so I believe in good spirits and bad ones) so my family has seen a multitude of things but I can't speak for them I can only speak for what I have witnessed.

First one night I took a hot shower after I got off of work and when I got out of the shower I looked at the mirror which was fogged up, and saw a hand print smeared from the top left to the bottom right. Logically thinking was that that it was oil from someones hands left on the mirror. But my family has said they have seen ghosts and stuff so that thought was in the back of my mind. So I decided that the next time I would take a shower that I would clean the mirror before and check it to make sure the hand prints are gone. So that is exactly what I did, I cleaned it with invisible glass and ran hot water until it fogged up and was free of any markings. So I showered when I got out there was a smeared handprint just like last time but going from the upper right to the lower left.
Now I know what you doubters are thinking, someone came into the bathroom while you were showering and did it to fool you. NOPE. Because my house had a ghetto lock in the bathroom, that made it impossible to get it. the only way to lock the door was to pull out a droor that was 2 inches after the door , so that once the droor was opened the door would only open an inch.

From that day on I knew that I was not alone in the house. I lived in a rough neighborhood and my house was the only one that was not vandilized or robbed, or shot at, or caught on fire.

The second one I came home from work late, stayed up watching movies and fell asleep I woke up in the middle of the night to get something to drink.

All the kids rooms where on one side of the house, and on the other side was the kitchen and a door from the kitchen went into my moms room.

So I go to get something to drink and when I open the fridge I notice my sister come into the kitchen hair in her face from sleeping. I say "You want something to drink? So I pour her a glass of kool-aid, place it on the counter close the door and go to sleep.

When I wake up in teh morning my mom says "who where you talking to last night in the kitchen?"
I told her Jessica came into the kitchen and I poured her a glass of kool-aid.
My mom looks freaked out a little bit and looks at me like I am crazy.
She then informs me that both my sisters were spending the night at the friends house and that us boys were the only kids home. She asked me what the girl looked like.
When I tell here a girl my sisters size and with her hair in her face looking downward and walking like she is sleepy. My mom then tells me that she has seen that ghost before and an old man. She said she has also seen a woman. I only saw the girl that once. But other things happened before, like lights. but they did not dim, like electric issues it was more like a ghost walked infront of it. Like the night light in the hallway would look as if a clear peice of plastic was placed infront of it.

Kinda creapy, but they are better than the bad spirits. I am not asking you to believe, but I do.

04-22-2009, 10:37 PM
^^^Did you see what she was wearing? The clothing is what scares me the most and the hair in front of the face. i always hear people talking about little girls with long hair in front of their faces. Creppy as hell

04-23-2009, 12:38 AM
Damn Robb,

thats some scary shiets.. Your story just made all the hair on my back stand.... It reminds me of stories that my parents use to tell me when they were still living in thailand/laos.. especially the girl with hair in her face.... FREAKY AS HELL!!! Also movie The Grudge/ the Ring..

Here is my story:

About 7 years ago, i use to have a friend that lived in a house behind me but like 3 homes away. He was hispanic. They brought us a video that showed things that had no explanation.. In the video it showed an orb that was flying in front of there front door.. Here is how it all went down.

We were all crowded around as my friend presented us with the video that they have recorded something out of the norm. MY friends dad had decided to put up a camera to record the trash because every morning they would wake up to their trash bins outside being dumped over or all the trash was taken out.. He was pissed so he wanted to catch the damn culprits... what he actually caught on camera was something that they did not expect.. The video was all in black and white. As the video played, we could see this light orb flying around, I mean it wasn't just like hoovering in one spot, it was literally maneuvering in and out of the bushes (thorn bushes next to their front door) and going in and out of the camera view.. Every time a car drove by, you can see the orb dodge out of sight and as soon as the car goes by the orb is back and doing it's business again. We all sat there for like 10-15 minutes just watching this thing fly around.. Then there was a part where a cat walked by their front door and you can see the orb fly right down to the cat and chase it off... The scariest part was when they paused the video and when you look really close at the orb, you can make out a girl's face. that scared the shiets out of me because my friend's sister just died about a month before they recorded the video. She died in a freak accident. Some say that it was the sister who did not want to leave yet so she came back to haunt the house where her parents lived. About 2 weeks after we saw the movie, my friend and his family packed and left the house and i never saw him ever again.. Then, about 3 years ago, My little brother had made friends with the new family that moved in after my friend had left, and they have encountered bizarre things happening to the home still and they have actually told my brother the they had seen an orb flying around the front door(These people did not know about the video). Four years have gone by and still the orb is there flying around. There was no explanation about the orb, it was defiantly not a glare because of the movements of the orb... It wasn't just me who saw the video. it was all my friends in the neighborhood, which was like 20-25 of us...

This is a true story...


04-23-2009, 06:55 AM
^^^Did you see what she was wearing? The clothing is what scares me the most and the hair in front of the face. i always hear people talking about little girls with long hair in front of their faces. Creppy as hell

hahaha, shit reminds me of the girl in The Ring or The Grudge...

04-23-2009, 06:59 AM
hey kouness, you still have that video?

04-23-2009, 09:49 AM
Man i got tons of these stories

I have video of one instance

Back when i was a teenager (17) there is this cemetary in my home town that nobody is buried in anymore do to high spirtual activity (at least thats what im told)

Me and my firends were drinking and off roading (back in my red neck days) so we were fuckin around and gonna make a Blair Witch video for some reason lol

Changed locations to this cemetary, I was tapeing outside the cemetary but everytime i pointed the camera at the cemetary a little static would come over the Mic.

As soon as we went into the cemetary the static got louder until i looked to the outside of the cemeraty.
The closer we got to the giant 3 70ft tall crosses at the back of the cemetary the static got louder.

There was some stuipd superstition that if you knock on the 3 crosses in a certain order you will die after 4 days.

well one of my buddies knocked on the crosses after 5 seconds if you listen closely you can hear a little girl's voice say "Mommy" in an erie drawn out tone.

we didnt hear it until we watched the video when we got home.

RIGHT after we heard the girl voice the VCR tried to eat the tape!!!

Luckily we were able to get the tap out unharmed.

I got tons of these stories

especially when i was living in Okinawa

Like when we went to the Haunted Hotel In Oki


First time we went to there we didnt get but 30 feet inside the hotel before we heard stuff

all we had were the LED flashlights on our camera phones

right when we got into the hall way one of the first door ways on the right we were hearing foost steps walking right towards us alothe no body was moving or in front of us.

we ran like little bitches lol

Entrance to the tombs

Spirt Orbs ITS NOT DUST! this was all in front of us No dust was stirred up
It was mainly in this halway too


Then we found this the second time we made it to the top....

I think it was a slushi lol

04-23-2009, 01:22 PM
Spirit Orbs...


04-24-2009, 12:07 AM
hey kouness, you still have that video?

Sorry, wish i did have a copy.. As far as i know there was only the original copy. That copy went with the family when they up and left the house..

The video i saw was nothing like the pictures posted.. I thought at first that it was a glare in the camcorder but the movements of it was so precise and random. It seemed to have a mind of its own.

I would like to keep this at the top so i will tell another:

Right behind the house i currently live in, my sister's boyfriend (J) at the time, now husband, use to live there. This house was freaky, during the time they lived there so many things would happen and they would always hear voices calling to them. Well this one time J invited my sisters and some of his other friends over to watch a movie. It was pretty late at night, while they were watching the movie and the light in the kitchen just turned on by itself and then a couple minutes goes by and it turned off. My sisters and the rest of the group all freaked out, but since there were quite a few of them, they just continued watching the movie. About a day goes by and J's dad does a spiritual reading, he's a a shaman, and finds out that the reason why the light turned on in the kitchen the other night was because the Person that used to live in the house, now deceased, came back to visit and check up on his house. J told my sister that and they stopped going over for quite some time, at least when it was at night they would not go over.

Before my sister's boyfriend moved there, the house was abandoned for a couple years, and before that there use to live this guy who had so many dogs. This one time my mom went back there and she saw the guy digging a huge pit and burying what seemed to be dead dogs back there.. That stuck in my head til now because i always thought about "What If". What if it wasnt dogs and it was a human body? What if it was a kid he buried? What If????

I can think of so many things that happened there, but it would take to long to type so i will leave it at that......


04-24-2009, 03:08 PM
^^^Hmong people and fresno does not mix imo. Dont get me wrong, i am hmong too, just sooooo many shit in fresno. I got other ghost stories but they arnt that scary.

What did the face look like? Details? Ethnicity? As long as it aint hmong and it aint rotten, it aint that bad haha.

04-24-2009, 05:09 PM
^^^Hmong people and fresno does not mix imo. Dont get me wrong, i am hmong too, just sooooo many shit in fresno. I got other ghost stories but they arnt that scary.

What did the face look like? Details? Ethnicity? As long as it aint hmong and it aint rotten, it aint that bad haha.

Well it was my hispanic friend that shot the video.. so they werent hmong. we couldnt really see it in great details, but you can make out the facial structures such as the eyes, nose and mouth... as in shit happening in fresno to hmong people. I would like to say that that things happen to those who go looking for it.. ive lived most of my life in the same house and in a pretty ghetto neighborhood and so far so good..
