View Full Version : KA24DE swap material list help thanks!!

03-24-2009, 11:37 AM
hello im looking to do a ka24de swap with my current 89 240. . there are a few things i want to state first

1. yes i have already done research on what materials i need before posting
2. you cannot trust everything you read and thats why im asking to people whom have been there.

so heres my question, what extra modification do i need to perform my swap effectively. my question really imply what are the small mishaps that may happen

yes i know you need things like the DOHC gauge cluster wiring ect. what i mean are certain things like throttle cable(ive heard you may need s14 cabling as your current cable will be to short) i would like to sort out fact from fiction.

sorry this is so long any advice is appreciated.

03-24-2009, 12:18 PM
im doing this right now almost done too :D you need all from a s13 ka24de

motor set
throttle cable
powersteering setup unless you mod your single cam one
harness and ecu
vaccum lines for the brake booster

tranny is the came as the single cam as is the lower tranny harness

03-24-2009, 01:14 PM
ok see, what kind of throttle cable(modified s14??)
have all the rest of that though( i thought ahead haha)

and i finally get a working air conditioner ohhhhh babbbyyyy !!!!!!

03-24-2009, 07:53 PM
nope just a regular s13 ka24de throttle body cable