03-21-2009, 11:58 PM
Okay I've been getting code 34 off and on for the longest. I've wiggled just about every wire in site because the car has times where it feels like it wants to die, but recovers and keeps on going. Only code I've ever gotten since it started doing it about month and half ago, is 34..knock sensor. So now I'm thinking about using a multimeter to check things related to it and the ecu..like wiring and connections. Unisa Jecs made a post on instructions on how he found his short to ground in the shielded wire..and tested ecu, sensor itself, and wiring. Thing is in one part he back probes the ecu pin for the KS and also de-pins the wire for it. None of this stuff I've done before, so not sure how to go about it. Like the pin you use the multimeter on is it on the ecu it-self or the connector, do you probe it with the ecu connected? Then how do you de-pin the wire. Stuff like that I don't know how to do.
Thanks for any advice..I gotta figure this out driving me crazy
Thanks for any advice..I gotta figure this out driving me crazy