View Full Version : Custom intercoller piping questions

03-13-2003, 05:44 PM
I recently acquired a Greddy FMIC core and no piping for a really good price ::thanks to you know how you are:D:: So now I need to have piping made

I have been doing tons and tons of research on the web and calling different shops in the DC/MD/VA region to get quotes. The price range has been anywhere from $400-$1200 dollars. I don't want to skimp on the quality but at the same time feel it would be pretty stupid to pay more for a used FMIC and custom piping then it would be to buy a brand new one

The prediciment that I am in is that I want to do the mounting work myself and all the shops want to mount it for me.
Now for my question:
1. Anyone know of any shops in the DC/MD/VA region that can just fab up the piping for me
2. Does anyone have pics of their piping so I can just show them the pics so I can just buy the bends and have a shop I know the guys at weld everything for me
3. What should I be looking for as far as the proper Aluminum tubing goes (I know 2 1/4 inlet and 2 1/2 outlet ::inner diameter:: ) but as far as grade of piping?
4. Does anyone know where I can buy bends from

If I were to get everyting new this is the breakdown:
Greddy FMIC (new) $800+shipping
Hot pipe ($150)
HKS Bov ($150) off ebay
Mount for BOV ($30)
=$1150 total (+/- $50)

What I am trying to do on a budget:
Greddy core ($250)
Piping ($400)
HKS BOV ($150)
Mount for BOV ($30)
=$830 total (+/- $50)

Did I leave anything out?
Any and all suggestions are welcome:D

03-13-2003, 05:48 PM
real quick. Get a BOV from japandy on ebay. You can get one for about 100 bucks.

It comes with a pipe you use to replace your hard pipe. You won't have to weld anykinda flanges since it'll be welded for ya.

That'll save on your overall costs.

I'm gonna PM you the number of a guy that can help you out. Tell him you know me jonathan Sean and Base4development.

03-13-2003, 05:49 PM
you left out the welding required for the BOV flange.
depending on if it's steel or aluminum, anywhere from $10-$80

03-13-2003, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Yoshi
you left out the welding required for the BOV flange.
depending on if it's steel or aluminum, anywhere from $10-$80

I can get it done for free from a guy that works at the hobby shop on base. (Being in the millitary has some perks)

03-13-2003, 07:32 PM
i can't believe you got a Greddy core for $250.....

Could always buy the mandrel bends yourself and just use large truck radiator hose to connect the bends together. It'd probably be anywhere from like $50 to $100 or so.

03-13-2003, 08:24 PM

check out the pictures of my old 240....I'm not sure if you can really see it, but I had the custom piping made. I'm not sure how much it's gonna cost you, got it for free...

03-14-2003, 12:46 PM
if you're handy with basic tools you can buy some mild steel mandrel bends in 2.5" size and cut them to fit as you need, and then use a stick welder to tack them together. Make sure you leave them in shapes that will fit back in. Take the pieces out, take em to an exhaust shop with a decent welder on staff, and have him weld em up, then attatch them with silicone hoses and clamps.

03-14-2003, 01:16 PM
I just found piping for a s14 on ebay for $200 and will take it to a place in Maryland to have a hotpipe fabbed up and get the piping to meet the throttle body.;)

-Bakari...who is getting pumped about getting a FMIC

03-14-2003, 01:30 PM
cool.. glad you found something.

I was gonna recommend this:


03-14-2003, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by sykikchimp
cool.. glad you found something.

I was gonna recommend this:


holy moly! that is a fookin great idea! Just as long as you cut the piping correctly, you can plumb your intercooler without the need of a welder. Granted it wouldn't look to hot but it'd work.

Good find!

03-14-2003, 02:49 PM
or you can do this. I bought the 60mm one. This is the 50mm one.


Its made by greddy.