View Full Version : TX FS: Stage 2 BC Cams 264, Supertech Spring and Retainers

03-17-2009, 08:16 AM
Exhaust cam is new. Intake cam has less than 1k miles. No dings, scour marks, etc, etc. In perfect shape. Part number is BC0205 and can be seen at BrianCrower.com - Brian Crower - BC - Nissan - S13 & S14/S15 - SR20DE(T) (http://www.briancrower.com/makes/nissan/sr20det.shtml). Bought these with intention to install but plans have changed. Looking for $225 shipped and paypaled. Paypal is [email protected]

I also have slightly used Supertech Valvesprings (single not double) and retainers if you chooose to upgrade. $125 shipped and paypaled.

Take it all for $325 shipped and paypaled.

Email or AIM is the best way to get a hold of me. Thanks for looking.

[email protected]
AIM: edluva8

03-17-2009, 12:08 PM
with these cams i don't need to make any other adjustments to my head besides for srpings and retainers right? if so i am interested in it all

03-17-2009, 01:14 PM
You'll need a timing gear for the intake side as it is off approx. 11 deg. You'll have no power up top if you just put them in as is.

03-17-2009, 03:38 PM
money sent for cams.

03-17-2009, 04:14 PM
you shouldnt need a cam adjustable cam gear for these cams unless you put them in wrong.

03-17-2009, 06:38 PM
Cams are sold. Springs and retainers anyone?