View Full Version : Questions on touchin up my fastback.

03-12-2003, 07:12 AM
I recently bought a 1990 fastback and it has little rust here and there and some scratcches. It has some rust on the body, how can I go about cleaning that up? Also the front bumper can be replaced by a 91-94 new bumper right with just nuts and screws? I currently have manual locks and windows but I would like automatic on both, how can I go about doing these? I was thinking the junkyard for the bumper and doors.

03-12-2003, 09:13 AM
The front bumpers are interchangable I believe.

The rust spots require body work, are there holes or just surface rust??

If it is just surface rust, sand it away using progressively finer sandpaper. Use body filler to take away the imperfections in the surface, sand again. Prime it right away to prevent the elements from getting in there before you paint it.

I have no clue on the other stuff

03-12-2003, 11:31 AM
For the 91-94 bumper switch you also need the fender liners that come on 91-94 fenders.

03-12-2003, 01:35 PM
so i need to get the fenders also? so fenders and front bumper?

03-12-2003, 08:02 PM
no, you don't need fenders. just the liners... they're sorta like a plate. but you really don't even have to have the liners. without them, you'll have a small gap on each side that match... that aren't noticable at all really. don't quote me, but i heard the same thing when i wanted the 91-94 front. get that front and the pdm lip. it'll look hot. i'm wanting power windows too... i know that the wires are already in the door itself... but i dunno somebody help us out on that..

03-12-2003, 10:17 PM
I found a tub of Bondo in the hatch, lol, wat a surprise. I guess Ill work on the rust for now, but just any touch up paint from pepboys is good? Or do i need a special type or brand? Any special instructions on howto remove rust and apply bondo and paint?

03-12-2003, 11:51 PM
junkyards are ur frined..dont use bondo.. use resin jelly

03-13-2003, 09:19 AM
bondo will work fine, just don't half ass do it. i'd recomend "tiger hair" bondo... the kind with the fibers in it on bigger holes. maybe its called fibre-hair... i dunno on that, but fiberglass filler a.k.a will be needed anyway around if d.i.y.

03-13-2003, 09:46 AM
So if its surface rust, that is the process? Sand it down, progressively getting finer/smoother, apply bondo, sand down to smoothness. Re-paint?

Will rust come back through that spot again? Anyway to make sure your car does not rust quickly if you completely wanted to totally re-paint the car?

03-13-2003, 06:48 PM
yeah basiclly. thats what i did on my rust pit(trunk with stock spoiler removed), but i grinded the rust off. pop-rivitted sheet metal under neath the holes... and used "fibre-hair" then fiberglass filler on that. its basiclly apply thin layer of bondo, sand the hell outa it and repeat. i just primered my hatch for time being... until THIS Saturday. wuhahaha(evil laugh) :p