View Full Version : installing rear strut bar S13 FB

03-11-2003, 08:05 PM
i just got my rear strut bar this morning in the mail..

i had to put it together..

im going to install it tomorrow..

now a couple of q's.

do i have to jack up the car to install?

should i make it very tight?

also .. i have a front strut bar. im sure i installed it right. whats the proper way?

03-12-2003, 12:25 AM
a lil over a year ago I think, we had a HUGE discussion as to whether you should pre-load your bar or not, I think the consensus was that you should. do a search and you should find it.

That being said, make that sucker tight! :)
when I added mine I didn't really notice a difference til I tried drifting around w/it :) Car seemed a lil easier to control.

03-12-2003, 12:47 AM
The bar should be snug, and secure.. not excessively 'tight'. The idea for the bar is to reduce the change in distance between the strut towers when cornering. Putting a preload on the bar, 'out' or 'in' introduces static, constant loads to the strut towers, which defeats the purpose of the bar.