03-13-2009, 01:50 PM University of Maryland Spring Meethosted by College Park Tuning
• Dyno pulls• BBQ• Live DJ• Feature cars• Formula SAE car demo• 50/50 Raffle• Raffle Prize
We will be asking for 1(or more) non-perishable food item per person as they enter the lot. If you forget to bring an item or prefer not to, we will collect a $1 donation on your way into the lot. All the donations collected from admission, food sales and the 50/50 raffle are going to be donated to Martha’s Table (Martha's Table | Serving the needs of the Washington, DC community through food, learning, healthy living, recreational and family support services. ( of Maryland – College Park CampusDirections to Campus ( )Date Sunday, April 26th, 2009TimeNoon, 12:00 pm Food• BBQ, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs on the grill• Soft drinks and other refreshmentsDyno• $75.00 for 2 - 3 baseline pulls w/ A/F and printout• If you are interested in dynoing your car, please send an email to [email protected] . We are trying to have people pre-register for the dyno.The Last three years meets were great successes. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported us! We look forward to seeing you all again!
• Dyno pulls• BBQ• Live DJ• Feature cars• Formula SAE car demo• 50/50 Raffle• Raffle Prize
We will be asking for 1(or more) non-perishable food item per person as they enter the lot. If you forget to bring an item or prefer not to, we will collect a $1 donation on your way into the lot. All the donations collected from admission, food sales and the 50/50 raffle are going to be donated to Martha’s Table (Martha's Table | Serving the needs of the Washington, DC community through food, learning, healthy living, recreational and family support services. ( of Maryland – College Park CampusDirections to Campus ( )Date Sunday, April 26th, 2009TimeNoon, 12:00 pm Food• BBQ, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs on the grill• Soft drinks and other refreshmentsDyno• $75.00 for 2 - 3 baseline pulls w/ A/F and printout• If you are interested in dynoing your car, please send an email to [email protected] . We are trying to have people pre-register for the dyno.The Last three years meets were great successes. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported us! We look forward to seeing you all again!