View Full Version : Lots of oil on top of engine! IDEAS??

03-10-2003, 11:45 PM
My car has been doing great.... But I have this new problem..

I am loosin lots of oil now. And I wipe off the top and sides of my engine and then after a few days there is oil ontop and on the sides... Its dripping dwn to the ground.. I loose about 1 quart every 2 weeks.

things I have looked at

1. Oil cap.. Got a new one.. It looks fine.
2. The timeing chain was replaced when i got the car 1.5 years ago
3. Oil pan was replaced with new one.. Due to huge crack in it.
4. There is no oil in the spark plug wells they are clean.
5. There in no buildup of oil on my plugs they are also clean.
6. My compression is fine.. no blow by I guess.
7. No I don't spill my oil all over my car.

So.. any other ideas befor I take it in????

Any ideas where I can buy another engine? ((KA24DE)) cheep!??
I wana do a slow rebuild to turbo in a few.....years

Thanks for the help in advance.

03-10-2003, 11:46 PM
valve cover gasket

03-10-2003, 11:55 PM
Is this somthin that I can fix easy? Or is this a pay job?

03-10-2003, 11:59 PM
no job is a pay job imho. only suckers pay

but look at your valve cover. you said there is oil on the sides.
under the valve cover is a rubber gasket. 2 of them. one on theouter edges that's squished against the head. the other is for spark plugs

iirc, it is 20 bucks for each at the dealer
gte the FSM out. unbolt valve cover. remove old rubber gasket, replace w/ new one. bolt back on proplery and blammo. tha tmight be it

a 40 dollar risk but might be the problem. someone else can add more if they think different

time it takes to do: no more then 2 hours. its a kids job.

03-11-2003, 02:05 AM
I second Dousan's assessment. My valve cover gasket was leaking when I first got my car, too. It's an easy 40 minute job with right tools and an FSM. Remember to unbolt and bolt the valve cover back on in the proper order, though, otherwise you risk deforming the valvecover/gaskets/something, causing a chronic oil leak from the gasket.

6-step Breakdown:
1: Unbolt valve cover in proper sequence
2: take off old valve cover gasket
3: scrape off all dried up liquid gasket on outer edges
4: put in new valve cover gasket
5: apply liquid gasket to outer edge of valve cover
6: bolt valve cover back on in proper sequence then wait an hour or two for liquid gasket to set/dry.

03-11-2003, 08:19 AM
I would clean the engine down really well, get someone to start it up and look for the leak @ high RPM;

I didn't use liquid gasket on my new valve cover gasket 'cause the manufacturer said not to; 45 min job.

Just make sure to tighten the valve cover bolts in small stages sequentially so u don't damage the gasket.

03-11-2003, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by dousan36
no job is a pay job imho. only suckers pay

I guarantee you would think differently if you were in my shoes. Last week, it was 5 degrees for the high one day, and my clutch slave cylinder decided it had had enough. So I had the car towed and had them put a new cylinder in. Not only was it freezing cold outside, I have no garage, and I was going to be in work and at class the whole day.

Yes, I did spend $160 on what could have cost me $15 and a couple hours of my own labor...but....it's not summer and I'm über-busy.

So, does that make me a sucker?


03-11-2003, 08:47 AM
bleh cold weather. i'd call up my friend, break out the heater and go to work. only takes a few hours.

i love working on cars. mm mm mm. cant wait to open up the good ol KA. will be working on the new engine soon. mm its JDM tyte! :)

edit: ive called in sick to work, so i can work on my car or go to the track. i have an addiction :(

03-11-2003, 09:00 AM
So how would I get my car to this "friend's" house with a magical garage and heater with no clutch.

You're right though, when I had to change my turbo gaskets, I did exactly that...my friend Jeremy has a garage and a propane heater. Worked great. Only took about 12 hours. :o Yeah, I'm not a pro.

Aaron, I love working on cars too, but please don't insult me (and others) by assuming that everyone can make time to work on the car whenever it needs it. In the 3 years I've had my 240 it's rarely been in the shop. The most frequent times was when I had my KA and it REFUSED to let me fix the EGR problem. It wouldn't let them fix it either. So I threw the engine away. Focking KA24E.



03-11-2003, 09:05 AM
im not insulting you, just breakin your balls

winter sucks. im glad i live in cali. mm year round projects are fun.

ka sucks. im glad they are so cheap to replace haha..that's a definate plus. its funny when 1 injector costs 100 bucks but you can buy a new KA for 2-300 hahaha.

03-11-2003, 09:15 AM
Yeah, I can't wait to be done with grad school so I can get a garage to keep my car in. I'm going to pair up with a buddy of mine in Chicago (240 2NR) and we're going to rent a nice, big garage and keep our cars there. This way, we can have plenty of space to work, and if they need to stay in pieces for weeks/months, it's no big deal.

Actually, it's lamer that I need the car every day than the weather. Even though it's cold, that's not always the problem. If I didn't need the car, I would have just waited a few days/weeks to get under there and fix it. Instead, I had to pay someone to do it RIGHT NOW.

So, when are you going to let the cat out of the bag and tell us what your JDM heLLa tYte engine is going to be?


03-11-2003, 09:19 AM
haha..very soon, im picking up the car probably next month i think. waiting for a good price. want a running on too, so i can cruies around and stop driving the s13 cuz its getting painful. ugh.

i need my own garage. i want to rent a house down here w/ some friends. mmm 4 bedroom house w/ 3 car garage woudl be NICE. hmmm

but i like living w/ monthly costs of ~700 bucks and a nice big paycheck instead, so its a trade off. my friends have garages and such so no worries. they are cool and let me store my extra wheels there (ack i gotta drop off 5 extra wheels, cuz its weighing down my car) as well as work on my car wheneveri want. i even have the key to one :D

03-11-2003, 09:35 AM
Ewww. You're probably going to rent a big, ugly suburban house with a garage on the front aren't you? Blech. I love cars, and I love working on them, but the garage is the LAST thing I want sitting on the front of my house.

Like this?? :rolleyes: :( It's not worth it. Don't succumb to the housing industry! You can get a better garage by renting space in an industrial park, and then you can have cool apartment in the city. You just have to want the lifestyle.


OK, we should stop hijacking this thread.

Ahem....the oil is from either your valve cover gasket or your breather tube being loose.


03-11-2003, 09:45 AM
nah i like that style. and i am the type , if i cant sleep ill go work on my car in the garage haha...i need an engine cuz ill just there cleaning adn working on it when im bored. if the place is far away then i'll have to drive out there, by the time i get there im hungry so leave for food come back, and im tired so go back home. i just wasted gas and 5 bucks :(

housing in irvine is nice. :) too many cops though, so have to be cautious but still, no worries for my car(s). i left my doors unlocked a few times on accident, no worries. and a house is SO MUCH better then an apartment. nthing like a backyard bbq in the summer and a get together w/ friends anytime, no worries if they stomp on the floor yell or drink too much. houses rule.

i still agree. gasket or breather. gasket is what my money is on. it hnk its like 12 bolts to remove take off cover, replace, rebolt/torque to spec. blammo.

03-11-2003, 12:06 PM
Thanks all... Will change that.. next weekend...