03-05-2009, 09:10 PM
Finally its time for some niceR weather lol they are 2 events this year instead of one.
1. June 14th-not sure exactly what time but Last year practise started around 9-10, possibly earlier.
2. August 16th-again same deal on times. Ill try to get a hold of the coordinator and get exact times, i will keep everyone updated.
The drift course is very similar if not exact to the Kilkare course. If your not familure then its a large oval with an X in the middle lol sorry, i dont have any pics.
Prices-no idea yet but you will probably spend more in gas then entering.
Come have some fun, full consetion stand with drinks/food. no alcohol!
Like i said, i dont have many exact details but im just trying to get the word out!
Midvale Speedway
State Route 250
Midvale, Ohio 44653
A few miles south of New Philadelphia
Right off of I-77
Midvale Speedway - Ohio's Fun Place to Race!! (http://www.midvalespeedway.com/index.cfm?option=trackinfo&category=directions)
1. June 14th-not sure exactly what time but Last year practise started around 9-10, possibly earlier.
2. August 16th-again same deal on times. Ill try to get a hold of the coordinator and get exact times, i will keep everyone updated.
The drift course is very similar if not exact to the Kilkare course. If your not familure then its a large oval with an X in the middle lol sorry, i dont have any pics.
Prices-no idea yet but you will probably spend more in gas then entering.
Come have some fun, full consetion stand with drinks/food. no alcohol!
Like i said, i dont have many exact details but im just trying to get the word out!
Midvale Speedway
State Route 250
Midvale, Ohio 44653
A few miles south of New Philadelphia
Right off of I-77
Midvale Speedway - Ohio's Fun Place to Race!! (http://www.midvalespeedway.com/index.cfm?option=trackinfo&category=directions)