View Full Version : kicking up sand noise from tranny

03-02-2009, 01:42 PM
Ive got a '93 hatch with an auto to manual conversion. when its in gear and im moving it makes a noise as if its kicking up sand. dident know if it was anything to worry about or not. just kinda curious. it operates fine and everything. just kinda wondered

03-03-2009, 09:07 AM
don't understand the kicking up sand thing.

03-04-2009, 02:29 PM
it makes the sound like when u drive over gravel or sand and ur tires kick it up.. but its comeing from the trans. its kinda faint and u cant hear it unless ive got the music down and stuff.

03-04-2009, 03:54 PM
Fluid level ok? Possible bearing or syncros going out? You might try and have a transmission place look at it but they'll tell you the things going to blow up and they need $3000 to fix. lol good luck with finding the problem!

03-08-2009, 10:20 AM
Fluid level ok? Possible bearing or syncros going out? You might try and have a transmission place look at it but they'll tell you the things going to blow up and they need $3000 to fix. lol good luck with finding the problem!

ahhh thats really lame... lol i havent checked the fluid yet, as stupid as that makes me sound. but then again, i dont really drive it often. just to school and work. but ill check the fluid and find a tranny shop i suppose:P thanks for the help :)

03-08-2009, 11:45 AM
ahhh thats really lame... lol i havent checked the fluid yet, as stupid as that makes me sound. but then again, i dont really drive it often. just to school and work. but ill check the fluid and find a tranny shop i suppose:P thanks for the help :)

You'd be better off buying another 5-speed transmission rather than a rebuild.

03-09-2009, 02:33 PM
well if i can rake up the cash for an sr swap i might just do that. but, that depends on how much cash i can make in the time before this trans fails. i have a feeling it needs fluid because the previous owner dident take care of it. but w/e either way itl get fixed or replaced.

03-09-2009, 03:43 PM
well if i can rake up the cash for an sr swap i might just do that. but, that depends on how much cash i can make in the time before this trans fails. i have a feeling it needs fluid because the previous owner dident take care of it. but w/e either way itl get fixed or replaced.

Well if you have the time, your best bet for longevity is to pull the trans and open the casing and try to get out as much debris as possible rather than just throwing more oil in it.

03-10-2009, 04:10 PM
Well if you have the time, your best bet for longevity is to pull the trans and open the casing and try to get out as much debris as possible rather than just throwing more oil in it.

id take it somewhere and get it flushed and have the fluid replaced. i don't have the time nor the tools to do that unfortunately:\ and i don't no how either. im a little uneducated at the moment, im doin my best with the little knowlage i have. this is kinda my learning car.

03-21-2009, 05:43 PM
turns out my clutch was about to take a shit on me... yup. it did just that today. lame. simply lame.

03-22-2009, 09:38 PM
how did you know it was the clutch? the springs? or was the TOB and release bearing/fork fucked?

03-25-2009, 10:03 PM
i took it to a trans shop to get looked at and the guy said it was probly the clutch... then the next day my clutch went out... lol that night not have been the noise problem. but that was the dudes suggestion. i wont no for sure till i rip it apart. im still waiting on my new kit to come in tho. i gotted a stage 2 kit tho:) im excited haha and i get to learn how to put it in woo!