View Full Version : Single cam cams

03-08-2003, 06:22 PM
I am in the process of rebuilding the head on my sohc and was wondering what cam everyone is running? I'm leaning towards the middle cam sold by pdm, but I am leery of running a regrind. Also, does anyone have a Nissan Comp. R4 cam they'd like to review? Lastly, should I go with factory lifters or spend the extra coin and go with the realnissan.com adjustable ones? For reference the head is also getting a mild port/polish. AAny pointers on the sohc head in general are also appreciated.

03-08-2003, 07:19 PM
There's nothing wrong with regrinds, aside from the extra effort of milling the cam towers. Since you're taking the head off anyway to port it, it's no big deal.

03-09-2003, 07:09 PM
I have the R4 Nismo cam. Its real nice, big power increase, REAL lumpy idle, and does not like stock compression at all. When i first installed it the car would not hold an idle, so i bought a HKS Super AFR to regulate the idle. Only after i rebuilt my motor with 10.5:1 compression pistons was i able to idle without the aid of the AFR. Still, real good cam in my opinion. I like the fact the valves stay open longer. The other cam i was considering at the time was the Gude Bullfrog cam, which is .500 lift (up from .409) and keeps the stock 228 rotation. Nismo R4 is .402 lift (the valves dont open quite as far as stock, so i believe its easier on your stock valve springs) and 270 rotation (valves stay open WAAAY longer) which creates a good ammount of overlap.