View Full Version : Car wont start - Ticking noise!

03-06-2003, 04:19 PM
Hey guys..

This is weird.. I never had a problem with starting my car before.

Yesturday, I parked my car in the drive way (on a slant, which is how the driveway is set up) and this morning, my dad moved the car, took his car out and parked my car in it's place. It was working fine.

A few hours later, when I was getting ready to go to work.. I try to turn on my car, there is a spark but the engine never starts. When I put it on Battery, I heard a noise that I never heard before.. it goes "tktktktktkttktktkkkk" ticking noise and the "check engine" light is on.

Very weird.. could it be my fuel pump?

03-06-2003, 04:22 PM
open your passenger side kick panel (remove it)
unbolt your ecu
leave it plugged in of course
turn key to "on" (one click before the starting one)
on the other side of ecu yo'll see a slot
take a screwdriver (slot) and rotat the slot clockwise, wait 2 seconds go back counter clock wise
read what it says (flashing lights)
long bleeps are 10, 20, 30, 40
short bleeps (lights flashing) is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

use that code to locate the problem

but pull the ECU and start there.

also check the engine and wires make sure everthing is cool

we cnat help diagnose it if you dont do this first!!!
you'll need a Philips, a slottted and a 10mm socket to take the ecu out to read teh code. takes 10 mins max

03-06-2003, 04:25 PM
It's -40 degrees out there man, lol.

Any idea what it might be before I do any of that stuff?

03-06-2003, 04:27 PM
oh sucks

yeah visual engine check. but you wont have any solid answers till u pull the ecu codes

that will give you a straight shot to it being either the EXACT problem or a possibility of 3 - 5 different things

it could give you a code thats something like "injector" and you know what your problem is exactly.

03-06-2003, 06:42 PM
That is generally the sound that is made when your battery doesn't have enough juice to kick the starter over. The solenoid is trying to do its thing, but there is not enough current. With the temp at -40, I'd say it's time to either get it jump started and head over to a battery store, or just go buy a battery and put it in yourself.


03-06-2003, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by uiuc240
That is generally the sound that is made when your battery doesn't have enough juice to kick the starter over. The solenoid is trying to do its thing, but there is not enough current. With the temp at -40, I'd say it's time to either get it jump started and head over to a battery store, or just go buy a battery and put it in yourself.


I agree. I sounds a lot like a battery right now. It's the easiest and cheapest thing to fix--might as well do it anyway--cold weather is hell on batteries.

Your car may not even take a jump start. My car started PERFECT for a year and a half, then one morning, tktktktktktktktktk. Tried to jump start it, it was still dead as could be. My battery had started to go bad, but my altenator was strong enough to still get the battery enough juice to start the car. That one morning, it went into a permanent slumber.

03-06-2003, 08:53 PM
No no.. my battery is FINE.. It's a very faint ticking noise coming from.. um.. the fuel pump? I can turn on all the light, my car is starting but not jumping in.. its like its not getting gas.

03-06-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by XxDriverxX
No no.. my battery is FINE.. It's a very faint ticking noise coming from.. um.. the fuel pump? I can turn on all the light, my car is starting but not jumping in.. its like its not getting gas.

Have you checked your spark plugs/wires?

03-06-2003, 09:05 PM
Yeah I did, they all look fine.

The car just struggles to start, and no, weather is not the issue here I was exagurating, lol. My car has started in WAY colder weather before, andl ike I said, it was working a couple of hours before.

03-07-2003, 12:22 AM
Try to jumpstart it.

From what you are describing, I say battery too :P

03-07-2003, 01:32 AM
could be grinding/worn down teeth in the starter

most like its battery, get yeself an optima

03-07-2003, 02:32 AM
When the starter solenoid gets real cold, it tends to do that. If it was just a battery problem or any problem with a battery connection, I would imagine it should be just one tick, not multiple. Turn the key and let it tick for like a dozen times. Keep repeating that until you've turned the key 10 times or so. The heat from the battery going through the solenoid for the startup might be enough to start car.

03-07-2003, 07:22 AM

Well, I tried that, now the ticking noise is gone.. LOL, wtf happened? My car still wont start

I gave it a boost, and still nothing, just struggles to go on.. lol, atleast that ticking noise is gone

I'm having it towed to my mechanic, waiting for the tow truck now. Thankgod for free road side assistance

03-07-2003, 07:36 AM
pull the ecu. youll know exactly. but theyll run a diagnostic on it

mechanics suck