View Full Version : smoke salvia, not silvia

02-24-2009, 12:52 PM
so my friend came back from Utah raving about this stuff. he brought some back for me to try and last night we smoked it. and to be honest it was the weirdest 10 sec of my life. I cant explain what the trip was like, but it was something I have never felt before... the only bad part was that it only lasted 10-15 sec. anyone else know about this stuff??

so don't lock this mods lol :spank:

Salvia divinorum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvia_divinorum)

02-24-2009, 12:54 PM
reactions are different ...but only 10 secs, sounds like it was weak...ive seen it affect people for around 10mins...and its not as funny as one would think...its pointless...

02-24-2009, 12:57 PM
my friend thought his jaw was sliding off,

he kept trying to hold it up,

it was funny as FUCK!


02-24-2009, 01:04 PM
This stuff has been around for a while.... it can be concentrated many times and is currently the strongest of all hallucinogens including acid and mushrooms.

I don't understand how this stuff is still legal.

Salvia smokes at a higher temperature so it is best to use a torch lighter and most people do not feel the effects unless it is smoked from a large water pipe such as a bong and the smoke MUST be held in for a good 20 seconds.

I know a lot of retarded people who say oh I smoked that stuff and it didnt do shit.... it's because they did not smoke it correctly.

One time I smoked this stuff I literally thought I was in a world of macarroni and clay, couldnt move from the couch and the body fry is the most intense thing I have ever felt.... not to mention the sweating and drooling everywhere.

It is a very uncomfortable feeling honestly.... I won't be doing it again anytime soon.

Oh and it lasts about 15 minutes depending on how good of a hit you got

02-24-2009, 01:24 PM
I feel motivated to try this ONCE. Macaroni land sounds interesting, lol.

02-24-2009, 01:26 PM
Wait will this shit get me high???

But only for 1-10 minutes??

02-24-2009, 01:29 PM
Wait will this shit get me high???

But only for 1-10 minutes??

well i mean the grade i smoked only got me high for a few sec. i was looking on the inter net and they have stuff thats like 20x as strong.

02-24-2009, 01:31 PM
the church my mom goes to sells these plants each christmas.. lol

20 til 3
02-24-2009, 01:34 PM
salvia is illegal to smoke, but legal to put in food man...

but its great to smoke out of a bubbler...lol

things needed to smoke it ;
cumfy fluffy couch
that 70's show
some green stuff

02-24-2009, 01:46 PM
Salvia is illegal in my state and every state that touches my state. Maybe not arkansas. But toit IS NOT LEGAL in something like a third of the US.

02-24-2009, 01:49 PM
well i mean the grade i smoked only got me high for a few sec. i was looking on the inter net and they have stuff thats like 20x as strong.

okay so can i or can i not walk around the city smoking this shit freely???

This would be great for before shows and shit lol....

Disclaimer:dont get high kids, i don't but just quit smoking cigs so yeah...

02-24-2009, 01:57 PM
i smoked salvia once. Everything slowed way the fuck down, i felt like sprinting across a football field. By the time I got to the end, I was completely normal... it was weird shit.

02-24-2009, 02:07 PM
I thought you guys were talking about Sativa. lol

02-24-2009, 02:08 PM
so my friend came back from Utah raving about this stuff. he brought some back for me to try and last night we smoked it. and to be honest it was the weirdest 10 sec of my life. I cant explain what the trip was like, but it was something I have never felt before... the only bad part was that it only lasted 10-15 sec. anyone else know about this stuff??

so don't lock this mods lol :spank:

Salvia divinorum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvia_divinorum)

Legal status of Salvia divinorum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_status_of_Salvia_divinorum)

Looks like it depends on what state you are in...

02-24-2009, 02:12 PM
tried it a couple times

it was alrite...

dont think i'd ever buy it

02-24-2009, 02:23 PM
Ban pending so i guess i can smoke this shit whereva i please nice!!

02-24-2009, 02:29 PM
Last time I did it, it fucked up my world in a way it never had before.

I had to take a shit going into and I knew that was a bad thing but, I was to *cough* *cough* to really care. I took 2 bong loads in about 20 seconds. I looked over at my friend and it looked like somehow he was on a football field/stadium like 20 yeards away throwing a pass. Then I looked at my other friend and his talking was all jarbled and slow mo. I started trippin, looked down and thought I was sewn to the chair with thread made out of ice cubes. So I really started freaking out and got the sudden urge I was going to shit my pants. So I got up as fast as I could and it felt like I was ripping stitches out when I got up. I then proceeded in a flash to get to the bathroom and took a mondo shit where for the next 10 minutes on the toilet I was seeing my thoughts and, thought I was in the magazine Car & Driver.

Life changning really.



02-24-2009, 02:37 PM
okay so can i or can i not walk around the city smoking this shit freely???

This would be great for before shows and shit lol....

Disclaimer:dont get high kids, i don't but just quit smoking cigs so yeah...

If you could manage to walk around a city or goto a show on this shit I would give you props. The one time I did it I felt like I was a third person watching my body in a room. I've seen some kids crumble to the ground and start foaming from the mouth too, but its usually not that extreme. We had 40x so we could only expect the craziest.

02-24-2009, 02:38 PM
I drank some water out of OLD ass bottles of water.
I went outside and almost fell down. Everything got SUPER spinny.

I'm not into that.

02-24-2009, 02:39 PM
Smoking anything is retarded.

02-24-2009, 02:44 PM
Kinda OT but has anyone had Kava-Kava tea or pills???

02-24-2009, 03:25 PM
okay so can i or can i not walk around the city smoking this shit freely???

This would be great for before shows and shit lol....

Disclaimer:dont get high kids, i don't but just quit smoking cigs so yeah...

No no no.... you can't function when tripping on salvia. The couch is your best friend for that 15 minutes. You feel like a ton of bricks. Anybody trying to drive on this shit will surely crash.

I've had trips where I just laugh the entire time.... those are the best.

They sell this stuff at the smoke shop in my area... it goes up to 80x which is INSANE. I had a friend that tried it and said he was in hell.... flames, demons and everything....

02-24-2009, 03:30 PM
Are you the Crooky monster in your avatar?

02-24-2009, 03:31 PM
Kinda OT but has anyone had Kava-Kava tea or pills???

ive tried kava-kava. its not too good and it tastes like bark. i didnt get messed up off of it. kinda just relaxed me. i bought it at The Basement Shaman - Pure Plant Vision (http://www.basementshaman.com) if you are interested.

karl wasabi
02-24-2009, 04:38 PM
I tried some 30x once, and man that trip lasted for about 15 minutes. It felt like I was being pushed down to the floor by a bunch of people, and it was really hard to talk right. I couldn't stop laughing for the life of me, and when I was looking around, it felt like I was trapped in a mirror maze. That part was pretty freaky.

02-24-2009, 04:39 PM
Last time I did it, it fucked up my world in a way it never had before.

I had to take a shit going into and I knew that was a bad thing but, I was to *cough* *cough* to really care. I took 2 bong loads in about 20 seconds. I looked over at my friend and it looked like somehow he was on a football field/stadium like 20 yeards away throwing a pass. Then I looked at my other friend and his talking was all jarbled and slow mo. I started trippin, looked down and thought I was sewn to the chair with thread made out of ice cubes. So I really started freaking out and got the sudden urge I was going to shit my pants. So I got up as fast as I could and it felt like I was ripping stitches out when I got up. I then proceeded in a flash to get to the bathroom and took a mondo shit where for the next 10 minutes on the toilet I was seeing my thoughts and, thought I was in the magazine Car & Driver.

Life changning really.



holy crap this like changed my life man hahahhahaha
i would hate to take a shit while in this state

however you actually made it to the crapper and didnt make a mess on the couch. :bowdown: i have heard of ppl being so out of it they just pissed on them selves.

02-24-2009, 04:44 PM
holy crap this like changed my life man hahahhahaha
i would hate to take a shit while in this state

however you actually made it to the crapper and didnt make a mess on the couch. :bowdown: i have heard of ppl being so out of it they just pissed on them selves.

Bar none, one of the worst and best experiences of my life.

02-24-2009, 05:57 PM
\/shit's so funny
YouTube - Joe goes above and beyond the realm with a horrible Salvia trip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upPl_wbwmGQ)

i did it once and i thought i was a sofa and just sat there for the entire trip.

02-24-2009, 06:21 PM
This is so pathetic. Some people will smoke anything just to get high. Salvia marijuana smoking XXR Megan knockoff aero running cheapskates. Grow up and do cocaine.

02-24-2009, 06:23 PM
This is so pathetic. Some people will smoke anything just to get high. Salvia marijuana smoking XXR Megan knockoff aero running cheapskates. Grow up and do cocaine.

Don't be sad because no one ever offers you any.


02-24-2009, 07:32 PM
Ive done it twice. Its some wierd stuff. It felt like I was stuck on the bed... and my face was waving... like I was being karate chopped at a beyond real speed.

If the length of the effects could be intensified.... It'd be something real real crazy.

02-24-2009, 07:33 PM
After watching the videos, it looks like it makes you retarded for a short period of time.

You never go full retard.

02-24-2009, 07:35 PM
i did it...it f*cked me up and i would never do it again. I had a horrible experience

karl wasabi
02-24-2009, 07:37 PM
After watching the videos, it looks like it makes you retarded for a short period of time.

You never go full retard.


i did it...it f*cked me up and i would never do it again. I had a horrible experience

Did you shit your pants?

02-24-2009, 10:14 PM
\/shit's so funny
YouTube - Joe goes above and beyond the realm with a horrible Salvia trip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upPl_wbwmGQ)

i did it once and i thought i was a sofa and just sat there for the entire trip.

omg fuckin hilarious

02-24-2009, 10:51 PM
Its not cool dont do it.

02-24-2009, 11:02 PM
I was @ In & Out drive thru with my friends, I was in passenger, I could not stop lauging because the girl that took our order looked like the hulk to me, Best 10 mins ever, I laughed the whole way through, and by the time I got my food, the trip was gone and I had the best double double ever ha

02-24-2009, 11:21 PM
One time I smoked it, I felt like I was being chased in some creepy woods and shit. I would close my eyes but that shit wouldn't stop. doesn't help that my homies were all throwing hands in my face, then my feet were cold? lasted like 10mins and then it was back to the bud.....

02-24-2009, 11:23 PM
Its not cool dont do it.

It's not detrimental to your health.

Also, I believe every person should do a hallucinogen at least once. It really lets you know that your brain is nothing more than chemicals and random synapses. It's not some mystical thing you are the master of. In that sense it is really eye opening to get to know the inner workings of your brain.

02-24-2009, 11:39 PM
^^. I'd rather do coke.

02-24-2009, 11:41 PM
my friend thought his jaw was sliding off,

he kept trying to hold it up,

it was funny as FUCK!


This made me lol. I'm at work and everyone just looked at me all crazy.

02-24-2009, 11:50 PM
^^. I'd rather do coke.

Entirely not the same...


02-24-2009, 11:55 PM
Fuck all gateway shit.

Get a heroin habit.

02-25-2009, 03:08 AM
Experimented with salvia divinorum quite a bit last summer. 10min to 30min trip depending on potency of extracts( You can get pure leafs to chew but supposedly that lasts up to 4hrs!) Usually just laughed uncontrollably, but if you focus you can experience some crazy shit. I saw my buddies "spirit" come out of him and another time I though I was in a world entirely made out of fabrics. Over it. I'd rather just smoke a doobie.

02-25-2009, 03:40 AM
After watching the videos, it looks like it makes you retarded for a short period of time.

You never go full retard.

That made me lol so hard. I might have woken up the roomies.

02-25-2009, 04:52 AM
I've never tried salvia... Or any hallucinogen, for that matter.

Although one time, I was at a porno convention, and they were handing out free sample packets of a sexual enhancement pill called Nasutra. I got bored at home one night and decided to try it. Thirty minutes goes by, and I felt nothing. After 45 minutes or so, I started seeing little purple blotches in my eyes. I just figured I'd sat in front of the computer for too long, so hopped on the couch to watch some tv. The purple blotches got bigger. I rubbed my eyes, and I pulled my hand away, I watched as my hand "grew" and started to stretch around. The couple minutes was cool; I just waved my hands in front of my face and giggled alot. After a few minutes though, I started thinking that the things on the TV were trying to jump out at me. Not really cool...
Never did get a boner though.

02-25-2009, 06:08 AM
me and a buddy of mine are gonna chip in and get like 5 grams of the high grade shit, smoke it in the woods on a sunny day.

02-25-2009, 07:56 AM
If you could manage to walk around a city or goto a show on this shit I would give you props. The one time I did it I felt like I was a third person watching my body in a room. I've seen some kids crumble to the ground and start foaming from the mouth too, but its usually not that extreme. We had 40x so we could only expect the craziest.

Oh word that would be crazy to like see yourself in 3rd person view haha lol okay i'll just stay home and try it...

No no no.... you can't function when tripping on salvia. The couch is your best friend for that 15 minutes. You feel like a ton of bricks. Anybody trying to drive on this shit will surely crash.

I've had trips where I just laugh the entire time.... those are the best.

They sell this stuff at the smoke shop in my area... it goes up to 80x which is INSANE. I had a friend that tried it and said he was in hell.... flames, demons and everything....

Oh word is it like an Acid trip??

That shit is crazy...

02-25-2009, 08:18 AM
I don't do drugs


02-25-2009, 08:25 AM
lol. In retort to your comment good sir, I give you


02-25-2009, 08:30 AM
Well in in retort to your comment good sir, I give you this....


02-25-2009, 08:48 AM

i dont remember that episode wtf????

02-25-2009, 12:01 PM
My friends have done it. That shit freaks me out too much to try it. We were in a room with three white walls and one blue one, my friend was getting all pissed cause the white walls were being raciest to the blue one lol

02-25-2009, 01:44 PM
I tried salvia awhile back, and it was ok, it tasted great but there still aint nothin like a good ol fashion blunt >_<

02-25-2009, 03:03 PM
^I thought the taste was the worst part...

If anybody plans on doing this you have to be some place that you are comfortable... such as your house.

after a few minutes you might forget you took a hit of something and start freaking out....

02-25-2009, 06:19 PM
i don't believe it's the strongest hallucinogen...DMT takes the poll on that.

The first time I did it I layed down on the bed and felt like I was getting up and falling down over and over and over and over. Felt like I did this forever and was laughing....then I thought my friends furnace was laughing at me which sent me into even more laughter.

Second time I felt like I was a zipper/sewn onto the couches. I could actually FEEL the color of the couches.

The last time I did it me and my friend took a hit at the same time. We sat there talking to eachother(knew what we were both tripping on/etc) and when we came out of it his girlfriend told us we just sat there laughing and mumbling like retards the entire time.

02-25-2009, 06:57 PM
i can gladly say that I havent done anything in a very long time... except 1 day bout 2 weeks ago i slipped and smoked some ganja... but before that it had been about 6 months...

I just don't really enjoy it anymore.

02-25-2009, 07:26 PM
Ive done it a couple of times. The first time I did it I thought my friend Errol's mouth was shooting out reeses cups. The second time just sucked, I thought I was a wall and I heard a very loud buzzing for like an hour afterward.

02-25-2009, 07:42 PM
The Active Ingredient in Salvia (http://www.ethnosupply.com/articles/active-ingredient-salvia.html)

"The active ingredient of salvia is the strongest hallucinogen known to man, other substances of the plant are also very important and believed to help in the effects produced"

02-25-2009, 08:34 PM
YouTube - Horrible Salvia Trip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5vMGPCTJac)

5 minutes in hilarity begins to ensue.

02-25-2009, 08:47 PM
i was outside and all the people around me disspeared but i could hear them calling my name....then all i could see was a clown laughing in a circus so i started running around and by the time i was done i was drenched in sweat and freaking out. I have never felt so disoriented in my life...it was horrible

02-25-2009, 08:50 PM
...Anybody trying to drive on this shit will surely crash...

not necessarily...


02-25-2009, 09:21 PM
After watching the videos, it looks like it makes you retarded for a short period of time.

You never go full retard.

Ahaha, greatest statement in this thread.

S13Nightkid.... As ESmorz said Coke is totally different, and something you don't wanna mess around with.

Bad for your well being.

02-25-2009, 10:03 PM
I was talking to my friend at school after seeing this thread, and asked him if he had tried it.
Best/worst 2 minutes of his life. He also really encouraged the "having someone to watch over you" part, because things start to really trip you out. If he was outside, he said he definitely would have run out into traffic or something because he felt like gnomes were chasing him everywhere. Your logic/reason skills are thrown out the window.

02-25-2009, 10:51 PM
my friends have done it. That shit freaks me out too much to try it. We were in a room with three white walls and one blue one, my friend was getting all pissed cause the white walls were being raciest to the blue one lol

dude. That was me wtf!?!?!? Holy fuck i forgot about that lmfao.

02-26-2009, 12:17 AM
ive tried it a couple times. it really only worked once on me and it was crazy. i was trippin out like a madman and thought i was gonna laugh to death but it only lasted for like 5 minutes. not worth the price

02-26-2009, 01:35 AM
I love that video z spool posted..... he sees a cat and trips out for a second hahahah

02-26-2009, 11:05 AM
not necessarily...


i remember when i first heard about salvia..i watched that video and was absolutely terrified to get that high lol godzirra cats and sh*t

02-26-2009, 11:19 AM
not necessarily...


excuse me as i go to space now hahahaa