View Full Version : FREE PANCAKES @ IHOP 02/24/2009 7am-10pm

02-23-2009, 01:36 PM

From 7am-10pm

About National Pancake Day

February 24, 2009

Known also as Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, National Pancake Day dates back several centuries to when the English prepped for fasting during Lent. Strict rules prohibited the eating of all dairy products during Lent, so pancakes were made to use up the supply of eggs, milk, butter and other dairy products…hence the name Pancake Tuesday, or Shrove Tuesday.
Since beginning its National Pancake Day celebration in 2006, IHOP has raised nearly two million dollars to support charities in the communities in which it operates. With your help, we hope to raise $1,000,000 for Children’s Miracle Network in 2009!

02-23-2009, 01:52 PM
Are you serious???

02-23-2009, 02:04 PM
Fuck yes! Chocolate Doo Dads and giggle drops for everyone!

02-23-2009, 02:21 PM
god pancakes 2morrowwww, its been so long since ive been to ihop but I might have to make a special trip! thanks for the heads up

02-23-2009, 02:30 PM
lol i cant wait to go there before school

02-24-2009, 11:08 AM
how many of you guys went? im thinking if i want to go or not... but it must be fucking packed... they even announced it on the radio

02-24-2009, 06:43 PM
YouTube - Denny's Nanerpus Superbowl Commercial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ur0LENvY5TE)


02-24-2009, 07:36 PM
I just got my free pancakes.

karl wasabi
02-24-2009, 07:38 PM
I'm going later tonight. But first, free tacos. LOL.

02-25-2009, 09:02 AM
didnt get a chance to make it. but i heard it was packed like a mofo

02-25-2009, 09:13 AM
i went today, the waitress said they stayed open till 12:30 should have closed at 10pm, tons of coustomers, only about 1 percent donated and about 70% didn't even leave a tip. She said there where families that came for 3 meals yesterday and never donated to Childrens Network.

02-25-2009, 09:19 AM
i donated at all 3 places i went to ...DELICIOUS...

02-25-2009, 09:20 AM
Drove by around 7pm and the place was a mad house so went home. :( That shit about the people that didnt tip pisses me the fuck off. I was going to go and give them $20 for 6 fucking pancakes just for the fact they were doing a good thing. Fucking worthless people in this world looking for a free handout.

02-25-2009, 10:44 AM
FREE FOOD DAYS - totally brings out a lot of low life people.

These are the same people that take "vacations" to Costco to eat free food samples all day long.

oh well.... I went to IHOP last weekend. Had some good coffee and pancakes. Good waitress. Good tip.

02-25-2009, 05:17 PM
FREE FOOD DAYS - totally brings out a lot of low life people.

These are the same people that take "vacations" to Costco to eat free food samples all day long.

No joke dude.


I was in line for 20 minutes for my free pancakes.

Saw a bunch of low life teenagers that came by after a baseball game or something. Didn't even eat all their free pancakes (wasted food), and it didn't look like they donated any money at all.

I want to bitch slap kids like that...