View Full Version : Hackers and how to prevent them?

02-23-2009, 04:41 AM
More of an information thread I'm trying to gather, since I know many of you are good with computers, I was curious on ways I can prevent or at least deter would be hackers. I have searched on hackers here but nothing about deterring them. I just want first hand experience on what is a good combo antivirus/firewalls and the like. Figured a thread like this would help most of you who are like me and not too computer savvy thanks.

02-23-2009, 06:07 AM
Hire this guy:

Bonus points if you actually recognize this reference.

02-23-2009, 06:10 AM
1. Use OpenBSD
2. Don't worry about hackers
3. Still don't worry about security in general
4. Profit

OpenBSD Security (http://www.openbsd.org/security.html)


02-23-2009, 06:48 AM
Hire this guy:

Bonus points if you actually recognize this reference.

from the actual movie Hackers right? And svensko thanks for that link am looking into it now

02-23-2009, 07:11 AM
Probably the easiest deterrent is to use a Mac. There are thousands of viruses that go after windows based computers and only like 3XX some viruses to attack Macs. The reason is because lots of hackers build viruses to steal information that could lead to money, businesses generally have more money than 1 individual. Since like 95% of the business world runs windows based computers that what the viruses are made to attack.

Now I still run windows based software and have a Sony Vaio. I was advised by a kid I know who went to RIT to use AVG so thats what I run. Theres a free version and I havent had any problems since running it.

02-23-2009, 07:21 AM
ZOMG shut up about macs no one gives a shit. You can still get hacked into if you have a MAC, yes there are less virus's out there but a mac is still hackable.

in the end, everything can get hacked into. Using an open source OS with regular updates is the most secure. Even then hide behind a fire wall, a honey pot, and then another fire wall... then a router and you will be fine.

02-23-2009, 08:00 AM
from the actual movie Hackers right? And svensko thanks for that link am looking into it now

You are correct. I award you 1,000 points.

Prizes may be redeemed at 1 billion points.

I'm using McAfee and Ad-Aware, plus a firewall, plus a few other features set up by my local IT guys. It works well. Just stay away from shady sites and dowloading a bunch of crap.

At least, that's what works for me.

02-23-2009, 08:04 AM
I'd worry more about malware and spyware than getting hacked. Just use common sense and you will be fine.

If you use a router, change the default username/password. If you have windows, make sure you keep it up to date with service packs/patches.

Also don't download any crazy shit that could have a trojan with it. You know, random stupid shit like smiley face packs and all the other BS out there. I'd avoid most .CN and .RU sites for the most part too.

02-23-2009, 09:46 AM
Don't DL porn and don't have anything that a hacker might want.

02-23-2009, 10:38 AM
Don't DL porn and don't have anything that a hacker might want.


02-23-2009, 12:24 PM
firefox *microsoft IE tends to be more commonly attacked since hackers will know that all windows computers will have it so more chance to hit that than the people with alternative browsers*
avg free antivirus is a good free virus protection program.

schedule weekly disk defrags for good health.
JkDefrag is a free lil defrag program that does good, you can copy the file into your screensaver folder and assign it to come on whenever the screen saver goes on, great for those of us who leave the computer on when we leave the room. http://www.kessels.com/Jkdefrag/

Dont install web toolbars, weather trackers etc they just slow your computer down. Just avoid alot of third party software *like back in the day, my friends would install that Bonzai Buddy purple guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonzi_Buddy , which was crap but they thought it was cute. It was basically malware *

and just be cautious of where you visit/download. and all should be well.
And theres tons of youtube-like porn sites you can just stream em instead of download now.

You will see alot of pop up browser windows that are made to look like windows warnings "Warning your computer is not protected with antivirus 2009, download it now".. Dont even bother with those, those are also spyware.

02-23-2009, 12:34 PM
viruses != Hacking

keep all the ports closed that you're not using. Invest in a good firewall, and READ ITS LOGS

also, unless you're on a public network or at a school or something similar, you're probably not going to get hacked.

02-23-2009, 12:38 PM
just a lil info but windows xp gets easily garbaged up with crap over time.. vista does not so much. I know alot of guys still love XP and all but its just more risky to rock it now.

02-23-2009, 12:41 PM
viruses != Hacking
no, viruses are mostly phishing and malware that makes your computer malfunction. hacking is basically electronic braking and entering.

02-23-2009, 12:44 PM
angelina jolie back in the day! hackers was a great movie..i wanted to be a hacker back in the day just because of that movie.

Sorry i dont have a constructive post.

pink godzila
02-23-2009, 01:56 PM
I work in the bank and most of our customer got fraud/hack through by paypal. Will somehow hacker our customer's account number and somehow got the paypal account verified, from there the hacker just buying all kind of stuff online.

My recommandtion is open 2 checking accounts, one account use for online shopping ONLY and keep the balance as low as possible, and the second account use as person to save all your money.

I never use any anti-virus protection on my pc and as long you dont go on to some weird sites/porn site/and open unknown email you will be safe!

02-23-2009, 02:31 PM
haha people think they got hacked thru paypal,.. its actually they find some fake paypal site that just logs their shit in, so whoever operates the fake paypal site, will have all their info.. same for banking...

my mom was a victim of that and someone took out 80k from her business loan into theirs.. the bank was cool about it and moved it back, they probably did something to whoever that was i hope.

I had to teach my mom to not follow any links she gets in her email from "said businesses" and make sure to always go directly to the site url.

02-23-2009, 02:50 PM
haha people think they got hacked thru paypal,.. its actually they find some fake paypal site that just logs their shit in, so whoever operates the fake paypal site, will have all their info.. same for banking...

Yeah, Phishing <> Hacking

People who get phished are just stupid and don't pay attention to shit.

02-23-2009, 03:03 PM

don't download porn from limewire :P

02-23-2009, 03:10 PM
fuck dont use limewire at all if you are afraid of hackers and viruses.

pink godzila
02-23-2009, 04:19 PM
haha people think they got hacked thru paypal,.. its actually they find some fake paypal site that just logs their shit in, so whoever operates the fake paypal site, will have all their info.. same for banking...

my mom was a victim of that and someone took out 80k from her business loan into theirs.. the bank was cool about it and moved it back, they probably did something to whoever that was i hope.

I had to teach my mom to not follow any links she gets in her email from "said businesses" and make sure to always go directly to the site url.

Will yeah they didn't get hacked, but somehow other people open an account on paypal and got verfied with the bank. So they can start buying stuff online. I remember one of our customer when back to Spain and when he came back, the customer found out that someone open a paypal account under his name/account and buying all type of stuff on such
as Alienware (worth $3000) and etc...

P.S - some of the customer don't even know what is paypal and some never even have computer

02-23-2009, 04:27 PM
Chris chris chris...

Its all the animal porn man.

Seriously, just don't browse stupid sites. Google will inform you of such dangerous sites before you visit, and make you click a link saying "I know this shit might have a trojan. Let me through so i can get raped."

02-23-2009, 05:06 PM
Why hackers? That is kind of specific...
I would not consider hackers to be the number one internet security threat, usually it is phishing and malware/adware, unless you have a personal reason why you want to know about hackers.
For preventing against typical attacks, a decent security software with a firewall will do its job, such as Norton Internet Security, or ZoneAlarm.

For those saying go Mac because it is safer, that is not true. In reality, Mac is more vulnerable than the average modern PC, but there just is not much malware written for it yet, and since it is not as commonly used, it is not targeted as much as a PC. However, as Mac keeps gaining in popularity, I give it a couple years before it gets hit hard. PC is already past its most vulnerable stage in my opinion, Mac has yet to have its security exploited on a large scale.

02-23-2009, 05:51 PM
Chris chris chris...

Its all the animal porn man.

Seriously, just don't browse stupid sites. Google will inform you of such dangerous sites before you visit, and make you click a link saying "I know this shit might have a trojan. Let me through so i can get raped."

haha nah I don't roll like that bro, it was just some curiosity I have, my ladies ex hacked into her shit, but she doesnt know much about computers so its hard to figure out what she can do to prevent it from happening again. I have typical security/firewall but just wanted to see if there was a program better than others.

Oh btw hows cali man?

02-23-2009, 10:35 PM
download comodo firewall....very good and free

02-23-2009, 10:43 PM
Who would go out of there way just to hack YOU?

Anyways.. Norton Anti-virus Corporate Edition on XP Pro SP3. Windows Firewall and hardware firewall on the linksys with DD-WRT.

Don't use IE, stay away from free porn, etc.

02-23-2009, 11:20 PM
Never go online...

As for porn, it's all about streaming on sites that require no info.

Koopa Troopa
02-23-2009, 11:39 PM
You'll need a military grade Dolphin that's connected to an underground intranet.

02-23-2009, 11:41 PM

Tell me about it, shit's bangin'

02-23-2009, 11:42 PM
Who would go out of there way just to hack YOU?

Anyways.. Norton Anti-virus Corporate Edition on XP Pro SP3. Windows Firewall and hardware firewall on the linksys with DD-WRT.

Don't use IE, stay away from free porn, etc.

ohh you got norton?


I GOT NORTON! - Encyclopedia Dramatica (http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/I_GOT_NORTON)!



Norton won't stop the average ANON or /b/tard

sure in the situation a scammer got scammed because the dude could hack. and the other dude thought norton is a worth while software.
so modem, physical firewall, software firewall, honey pot with a bunch of fake info and counter attack launchers, firewall, router, your computer.

or you can just play it safe, stay out of IRC and ICQ and older versions of aim. Stay off questionable porn sites. don't download porn off limewire and the like services. and when chatting with anyone and you get a funny feeling like you're going to be hacked. Just shut off the comp, disconnect the modem, flash your DNS TCP/IP settings, flash the same info on your modem and reconnect.

02-23-2009, 11:55 PM
More of an information thread I'm trying to gather, since I know many of you are good with computers, I was curious on ways I can prevent or at least deter would be hackers. I have searched on hackers here but nothing about deterring them. I just want first hand experience on what is a good combo antivirus/firewalls and the like. Figured a thread like this would help most of you who are like me and not too computer savvy thanks.

You probably don't have to worry about getting hacked- the current trend is phishing and key logging.

Simply put I find that it's safer to have good practices online than it is to rely on anti-malware programs. People running Macs and Firefox, while more secure than running windows with IE, are less secure than they think they are.

Avoid illegitimate websites/content- download from the official website when you can.

More specifically, however, I mean that you should get as much info as possible before actually downloading content. For example, if you're about to follow a link off of a search engine, check the title of the site and the accompanying preview text from the site- if the preview text is filled with a bunch of search terms, the website is definitely not worth your time and possibly hazardous.

When downloading files directly, have a good idea of how large the files should be. Software installation files/updates are good examples as they're usually at least a few megabytes in size, if not in the tens or hundreds- something that's just a few kilobytes is likely not something you want to have on your computer.

For the software side of things, I can recommend a few programs:
-Web browsers: Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox*
-Anti-malware: AVG, Avast, MalwareByte's anti-Malware.
-Anti-adware: Ad-aware**

*I grudgingly say Firefox. Don't get me wrong, it's better than IE so use it if you must but I don't like it. Of the two recent cases (past year or so) in which I've gotten malware on my computer, both have been through Firefox-exclusive security holes, one was some annoying java exploit on youtube.

**Ad-aware is now a big security suite and may make part of your security package redundant (more than one program doing the same thing).

At the end of the day, you can put whatever security programs you want on your computer but if you're an idiot, you're going to get your computer infected. Don't go looking for "hawt celebriti n00dz" or similar content and you should be fine.