View Full Version : mardi gras

02-22-2009, 01:07 PM
how was/is everybody's mardi gras? friend of a friend has a house on the main strip in Soulard (STL mardi gras not new orleans), went there for $10 all-you-can-drink hurricanes, saw some boobs, had a good time

this is off his front porch, i don't have more photos because after about two hours i couldn't figure out how to use my phone



anybody go to new orleans?

02-22-2009, 02:53 PM
I live about 10 miles west of New Orleans. Have not been downtown yet, don't feel like dealing with all the bullshit traffic and such.

WTF is up with Mardi Gras in other places? Feel left out much? lol

I took off work for Lundi Gras (monday before Mardi Gras), should be a good time.

02-22-2009, 02:55 PM
WTF is up with Mardi Gras in other places? Feel left out much? lol

You guys celebrate Thanksgiving down there? WTF? You aren't on Plymouth Rock.

How about St. Patrick's Day next month? WTF? This isn't Ireland.


02-22-2009, 03:05 PM
You guys celebrate Thanksgiving down there? WTF? You aren't on Plymouth Rock.

How about St. Patrick's Day next month? WTF? This isn't Ireland.



STL's mardi gras is the second largest in the country, i'd rather ride the light rail for 20 minutes and have a good time than drive 8 hours to get mugged. juss sayin'

...although i felt the turnout was a bit light, probably because of the crappy weather. but we had a patio heater so it was whatever.

01-05-2010, 11:02 PM
feb 13 this year, planning on buying tickets for the all-you-can-drink budweiser party tent this time. apparently it holds 2000. buffet, bud, bud light, select, busch, busch light, southern comfort, hurricanes, blah blah blah. i plan to load up on last year's beads and arrive via light rail at 9am this year.
anybody else doing anything?

01-05-2010, 11:18 PM
feb 13 this year, planning on buying tickets for the all-you-can-drink budweiser party tent this time. apparently it holds 2000. buffet, bud, bud light, select, busch, busch light, southern comfort, hurricanes, blah blah blah. i plan to load up on last year's beads and arrive via light rail at 9am this year.
anybody else doing anything?

i wouldn't pay a dollar for all you can drink BUD. seriously, mud has a better taste.

kids and alcohol...i tell ya ;)

01-05-2010, 11:39 PM
i wouldn't pay a dollar for all you can drink BUD. seriously, mud has a better taste.

kids and alcohol...i tell ya ;)

snobs and their heavy beer, i tell ya :P
it's not a beer asshole's beer, sure. but lighter beer definitely has its place. mowing the yard, baseball games, and any event where you plan to be drinking for 12 hours come to mind.

01-06-2010, 08:13 AM
snobs and their heavy beer, i tell ya :P
it's not a beer asshole's beer, sure. but lighter beer definitely has its place. mowing the yard, baseball games, and any event where you plan to be drinking for 12 hours come to mind.

Who said anythign about drinking heavy beer...hehe

There are plenty of great, cheap, low ABV beers out there, that would blow Bud Light outa the water (well it is water ;))

but I guess for you it's drinking local, so maybe it's allowed :D

01-06-2010, 08:24 AM
and any event where you plan to be drinking for 12 hours come to mind.

thats what Heineken and new castles are for... :D

01-06-2010, 09:13 AM
Get out of here you dorks

01-06-2010, 10:39 AM
Get out of here you dorks

i'm tellin mom!


01-06-2010, 10:57 AM
idk why mardi gras is limited to just a few cities.
thought it was a catholic thing.
sounds like fun though.

01-06-2010, 11:06 AM
feb 13 this year, planning on buying tickets for the all-you-can-drink budweiser party tent this time. apparently it holds 2000. buffet, bud, bud light, select, busch, busch light, southern comfort, hurricanes, blah blah blah. i plan to load up on last year's beads and arrive via light rail at 9am this year.
anybody else doing anything?

Never been to mardi gras, will try my damndest to go this year.