View Full Version : black berry storm

02-19-2009, 05:07 PM
does any one have one? i heard it uses a simcard or is that just bull? would it need to be jail broken to use on a t mobile server?

02-19-2009, 05:10 PM
i have one
it has both a sim card and a sd card
not sure about jailbroken im not that into phones

02-19-2009, 05:41 PM
It sucks.

Yes it has a slot for a simcard. It's intended for international roaming. Verizon installs a sim in there when you purchase it and only if you get it with the international roaming plan.

No, you can't unlock it or "jailbreak" it to get it to work with T-mobile unless you reflashed the ROM image to vodafone or some other international software.

Not worth your time.

nismo tuned s14
02-19-2009, 07:38 PM
My friend has one and hates it.

I wish it worked well.

It has so much potential.

02-19-2009, 07:46 PM
I still have to go and play with a Storm to make up my mind about it.

Seems that only the people that dick with phones A LOT hate it, your average cell phone user don't have a problem with it.

02-19-2009, 07:52 PM
ive had one for two months now

i regret buying anything else ever

the hardware is too awesome...its the os that people have issues with but theyve been leaking new updates almost 3 or 4 times a month...the new official os will rock

the phone has so much damn potential its crazy

02-19-2009, 07:57 PM
That's what I keep thinking too, just from reading reviews and looking at videos of demonstrations with the phone.

If nothing else, the screen quality is one of the highest on the market right now, as far as Verizon phones go, so I'm sure pics/videos would be awesome on it.

02-19-2009, 09:12 PM
Storm blows. No pun intended. Iphone pwns it.

02-19-2009, 09:16 PM
lol iphone hype

02-19-2009, 10:19 PM
My Gf had it, she hatted it so now she got the Dare

02-20-2009, 12:47 AM
I hate my blackberry, I got a damn virus on it and i cant seem to be able to get ride off it =(

02-20-2009, 08:05 AM
I still have to go and play with a Storm to make up my mind about it.

Seems that only the people that dick with phones A LOT hate it, your average cell phone user don't have a problem with it.

this could be true. I dick with hundreds of phone on the daily as part of my job. :(

totally jaded

02-20-2009, 08:57 AM
My Gf had it, she hatted it so now she got the Dare

omg the Dare is TERRIBLE. Who suggested that to her as an "upgrade"?!

Anyway, i've got an upgrade right now and i'm thinking of going with the Storm or the Voyager. Both phones are great IMO. The Dare is total trash though.

02-20-2009, 08:57 AM
People comparing this to the iPhone is pretty much apples (no pun intended) vs. oranges.

You can't get it on the same network so it doesn't matter.

I was going to stay Verizon, but once I heard the Storm was shit, I sucked up the end of contract fee, and joined AT&T and got an iPhone. I will NEVER look back.

All the people on Verizon should seriously consider jumping ship.

All the Verizon phones are mostly shitty OLD phones that didn't sell that they get for cheap it seems.

I've NEVER had one decent phone while my friends with AT&T always had phones that I wanted, not to mention if you get the Blackberry there's two add ons you MUST purchase in order for the phone to be worth it.

In short

1. Fuck Verizon

2. Stop trying to be different

3. Go AT&T

4. Be happy.

Fat Felix
02-20-2009, 09:18 AM
I just got the Storm for a company phone and eh... Not a huge fan of the clicking touch screen, but it's definitely something you'd get used to.

My biggest complaint is the extreme lag time it has. I'm hoping that future firmware would remedy the problem, but the current official firmware sucks. I loaded some hax0red firmware from the forums which helped a little, but it's still laggy.

I'm not a fan of apple products nor their hip followers, but I definitely am a fan of the iphone. If my company went with AT&T, I'd definitely go with the iphone.

Oh yea, the service I get with Verizon is only marginally (if any) better than my t-mobile.

02-20-2009, 09:24 AM
My Gf had it, she hatted it so now she got the Dare

The Dare is fucking garbage i hate it....

People comparing this to the iPhone is pretty much apples (no pun intended) vs. oranges.

You can't get it on the same network so it doesn't matter.

I was going to stay Verizon, but once I heard the Storm was shit, I sucked up the end of contract fee, and joined AT&T and got an iPhone. I will NEVER look back.

All the people on Verizon should seriously consider jumping ship.

All the Verizon phones are mostly shitty OLD phones that didn't sell that they get for cheap it seems.

I've NEVER had one decent phone while my friends with AT&T always had phones that I wanted, not to mention if you get the Blackberry there's two add ons you MUST purchase in order for the phone to be worth it.

In short

1. Fuck Verizon

2. Stop trying to be different

3. Go AT&T

4. Be happy.

In that boat now i have the Q9m and it sucks and Verizon keeps saying it's fine, i can't text without it getting frozen so in a week or so i'm leaving them and going Iphone fuck that...

02-20-2009, 09:29 AM
I saw a review of the storm on gadget pron and it pretty much said that the storm was a downgrade of blackberry. Yes it has touch screen but feature wise it was a step back. They advised everyone to stay with their current blackberries.

02-20-2009, 09:31 AM
the screen kills it it's a touch screen but the screen is like one big button, when you press it the screen presses down as well..

Not a fan

02-20-2009, 09:40 AM
AT&T is kinda beat...I can upgrade in exactly one month.
Went in today acting like I didnt know when I could upgrade, asked when I could, dude said march 20th.
I asked if we could push it up, he said there was a $75 fee.
I've gotten my past 3 phones a month early with no early upgrade fee....

02-20-2009, 10:38 AM
Played with both the Curve and Storm for Verizon...left with the Curve.

02-20-2009, 01:00 PM
omg the Dare is TERRIBLE. Who suggested that to her as an "upgrade"?!

Anyway, i've got an upgrade right now and i'm thinking of going with the Storm or the Voyager. Both phones are great IMO. The Dare is total trash though.

I hate it to but She like LG Phones for some reason IDK

02-20-2009, 01:02 PM
I used to work for LG let me tell you,

All their shit sucks, i worked in the Warranty AR dept..

We'd get calls bout shit breaking on the daily from Tv's to phones to Washing machines..

Only reason i stayed was employee discount was 53%

They refurbish everything...

02-20-2009, 01:05 PM
Almost got a storm, tried it and wasn't super impressed.

I got an 8900 Curve instead and it's fantastic.

02-20-2009, 01:37 PM
I used to work for LG let me tell you,

All their shit sucks, i worked in the Warranty AR dept..

We'd get calls bout shit breaking on the daily from Tv's to phones to Washing machines..

Only reason i stayed was employee discount was 53%

They refurbish everything...

damm i guess shes been lucky then, i think most of the phones she has had were LG's never had any problems with em

02-20-2009, 01:44 PM
damm i guess shes been lucky then, i think most of the phones she has had were LG's never had any problems with em

They're a little better when it comes to phone since that is their hottest selling product next to TV's....

But when it does break LG only offers refurbs but play them off as new, blue wrapping and all

02-20-2009, 03:00 PM
Thanks for the 411