View Full Version : bye bye Tom Lykis show.. going off air

02-19-2009, 02:07 PM
Sucks my friend told me about it.. guess it cost too much for radio stations to pay real people.. said its going to turn into a music station..

I listen to it sometimes.

02-19-2009, 02:17 PM
it used to be on here in the middle of the night, like 3-4 years ago. he was interesting to say the least. i couldnt listen for more than about 10 minutes at a time. was he big enough to go to satelite?

02-19-2009, 02:27 PM
Sucks my friend told me about it.. guess it cost too much for radio stations to pay real people.. said its going to turn into a music station..

I listen to it sometimes.

Advertisers pay the bills. If people only listen "sometimes," advertisers are not going to pay to sell their product on that show. Not enough revenue to pay the bills, the show gets canned for something that will.

You should have listened more...

02-19-2009, 02:41 PM
Eh, he was annoying anyway.

02-19-2009, 02:51 PM
Adam Corolla just went under today as well.

02-19-2009, 03:20 PM
Eh, he was annoying anyway.

I think the same thing, he was ok in small amounts.

Adam Corolla just went under today as well.
He was annoying too, always sounded like he was talking through his nose. way too whinny

02-19-2009, 03:22 PM
all talk personalities went under =\

very sad day for me.

i can care less that danny bonaduce is done, but adam/FHF/tom/conway/jon-jeff are done which sucks cause no one gives a fuck about music.

02-19-2009, 03:29 PM
me liking the show is due to typically hearing other people around me listening to it, so it kinda grew on me to peep it every now and than to see what hes talkin about and than listen to the callers who call in and agree with him and the women who argue with him lol... But most of what he says typically deals with common sense which is most of the time true. I relate to and see alot of things going on that he talks about and can typically agree with it.

I wasnt aware that the whole radio station talk shows are going down. sucks those guys are getting phased out by the economy too..

02-19-2009, 03:32 PM
Economy killed the radio star.

02-19-2009, 03:37 PM
yeah pretty much they are all cut for top 40 music crap.

i don't get it, these are like the TOP talk shows in socal. why would you drop what brings in money and put one something that will most likely drain your pockets?

your ratings will drop, companies will probably stop paying for air time for you to advertise.

wonder if they got together and like discussed their contracts? maybe take a pay cut and shit.

Economy killed the radio star.

oh and great karaoke song ha.

02-19-2009, 03:39 PM
Leykis never went to satellite because he chose not to, and reason enough is that Sirius/XM Radio are almost bankrupt

and fuck danny bonaduce, that idiot tries to call out adam corolla by saying its bad showmanship to announce whats going on this morning and now they have to talk about the same topic (saying goodbye) for 2 days in a row which will make for bad radio....if he wants to talk about bad radio, how about talking about ur ex wife, drug problems, drinking problems etc etc EVERY SINGLE DAY....that's bad radio :duh:

im pissed about this, i listen to 97.1 every morning and throughout the day at work...it helps the day go by...whoever thought that 97.1 could compete with KIIS FM in top40 countdown is a fucking moron

im really thinking about going down there tomorrow and drinking with Frosty, Heidi and Frank :w00t:

02-19-2009, 03:47 PM
ed...you down? cause uh, ill call off work.

02-19-2009, 03:51 PM
I'm surprised Leykis lasted as long as he did. he says more or less the same stuff all the time.
got tired of listening to his spite filled rants after 2-3 shows.
he's prob the most bitter & depressing radio personality ever.

adam corolla is okay. At least I find he has some sense of humor.

as far as stations go, as long as I have public radio kcrw news & music, station I am satisfied.

02-19-2009, 03:59 PM
Never really did like any of the shows except for frosty, heidi, and frank.

Those three are funny.

Tom is too bitter. I would listen to him when I felt like hating on women, and then he just takes it too far.

Adam is retarded.

Danny is retarded.

It should just the triplets and that's fine.

02-19-2009, 04:06 PM
ed...you down? cause uh, ill call off work.

well as of 10min ago (since the checks didnt come in)....tomorrow just turned into payday -__-

02-19-2009, 04:38 PM
Sirius/XM is just cause they are paying to much for their content. They have enough subscribers. Just like all that cash they dumped on Stern. They are over paying for what they have.

I think all the shows listed are broadcast by CBS radio. They have been dumping their FreeFM line and looks like they are killing all their talk formats now.

02-20-2009, 01:03 AM
I'm actually kinda bummed to hear this.

I use to listen to 97.1 all day during school. Thats how I discovered Stern.
Although I now listen to Sirius/XM pretty much all day, I would still sometimes tune in to hear what the triplets had to say.

You cant really blame the economy. The economy isnt the one putting shitty shows on the air.

02-20-2009, 04:28 AM
I saw this coming a few months ago. When the commercials breaks became shorter, Tom hyped it as, "Oh yeah, we now have shorter commercial breaks to bring you more of the show!" And all I could think was, "yeah, right, the economy sucks, so the advertisers are pulling out, hence, shorter commercial breaks."

I'm not shocked. Disappointed, but not the least bit surprised. They'll be back though. Tom is too good at what he does to NOT get another radio gig. Same with the Triplets and Corolla. Bonaduce... Eh, he'll probably keep a show in Philly.

02-20-2009, 05:32 AM
Good fucking riddance.

Fat Felix
02-20-2009, 09:13 AM
Anyone catch Tom's "announcement" at 5pm yesterday?

02-20-2009, 09:34 AM
He was an ignorant asshole anyways...
Adam Corolla is hilarious, but I didn't listen to the show... so... meh.
And by the way, Norm McDonald was a much better 'Death'.

02-20-2009, 11:57 AM
I'm actually kinda bummed to hear this.

I use to listen to 97.1 all day during school. Thats how I discovered Stern.
Although I now listen to Sirius/XM pretty much all day, I would still sometimes tune in to hear what the triplets had to say.

You cant really blame the economy. The economy isnt the one putting shitty shows on the air.

i was waiting for someone to mention stern, thats how i heard about him too.. back when i was a kid my dad would take me PLUMBING if i didnt have school or it was summer break. ah yes, nothing than spending your day off with ol dad, him yelling at you to get plumbing supplies from the van and constantly getting slaps in the back of the head for being a lazy dumbass. stern was one of the few things that made the day much more enjoyable and tolerable, and this was when stern was relatively new.

nowadays i listen to stern here and there when i download his shows, but he's very predictable and i dont enjoy him/them as much as when they were on radio. something about them constantly battling the FCC, it made it fun. now theres so much cussing and no boundaries, its become very plain.

as for tom lykASS, i dont really like him much. for one, i agree and think hes bitter. he makes a lot of sense from time to time, but the fucker is just a drain to listen to. plus he's got this loyal team of lackeys who call in and sound like tools, always repeating lykis montra.

lykis> thats right, ive told you guys before and im saying it again... STAY SINGLE, DONT GET MARRIED. Im single and i love life! treat women like the sluts they are, use them and abuse them
caller> dude, im single and banging chicks left and right, you're the man tom!
lykis> yes, yes i am the man.
caller> can you blow me up tom? will you please please please?
lykis> thanks for the call

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck... over and over, just so fucking boring.

02-20-2009, 05:04 PM
it's the last hour of tom lykis' show right now.

here's the player to listen online: play.it Radio Player (http://player.play.it/player/player.html?id=117&onestat=klsx-freefm)


02-20-2009, 05:59 PM
is he really going out to this song? :jerkit:

02-20-2009, 06:05 PM
4 mins into it and i already hate the new format of top 40 crap.

at least his last caller asked for the bong rip. haha

02-20-2009, 06:08 PM
i like how everyone was in the studio booth and he said "lets do this one last time" and everyone yelled..."BLOW ME UP TOM!"

02-20-2009, 06:17 PM
fuckin lady gaga?! my ears are bleeding.

now what station do i replace 97.1 on my radio?

02-20-2009, 06:19 PM
first indie 103.1 and now 97.1. the only radio stations out here that were worth listening to.

at least i can still stream indie 103.1 at work but i think i've heard their entire archive of music already since they went online-only a few weeks ago.

02-20-2009, 08:32 PM
heres the website to the new 97.1

02-21-2009, 02:11 AM
so i guess im the only tom fan here? :hide:


take me out ol' skool with a snoop dogg!

LEYKIS 101 FTW :l101:

edit: like the new avatar HyperTek ^^^

02-21-2009, 02:25 AM
Never actually heard his station but Lykis was on KROQ today and dam im glad i never did. lol

02-21-2009, 07:31 AM
Sucks my friend told me about it.. guess it cost too much for radio stations to pay real people.. said its going to turn into a music station..

I listen to it sometimes.

Fucking bullshit! We lost Leykus months ago in AZ. I also hear Adam Corolla show is finished too. I hate radio.

02-21-2009, 02:56 PM
I used to listen to Leykis all the time back when I had a job picking up deliveries. It made my afternoon go by faster. I already knew all the women stuff he knew, but it was entertaining to hear all the callers.

Leykis doesn't even need a job. He's a multi-millionaire, he's a smart invester/money-man.

Sucks to hear about 97.1 since I always used to listen to FHF and some of Bonaduce.

Red wiiine, convict! GaGa!

02-21-2009, 04:34 PM
Leykis doesn't even need a job. He's a multi-millionaire, he's a smart invester/money-man.

This is why I'm sad to see him go - he had a lot of great advice for small business owners that asked, beyond the "don't get married, don't have kids if you're not ready for child support, etc".

I learned about incorporating earlier rather than later in your business career (I work as a consultant most of the time), S-corps instead of LLC's sometimes, getting your tax situation in order, etc.

He knows the business world and has had very intelligent commentary on whatever the day's business headlines are.

I'll miss him.

02-22-2009, 03:14 PM
first indie 103.1 and now 97.1. the only radio stations out here that were worth listening to.

at least i can still stream indie 103.1 at work but i think i've heard their entire archive of music already since they went online-only a few weeks ago.

Word. :wtc:

I swear today I heard the same song from jayrock and lil' wayne on KISS and then on that new station.

Anybody think that the new "synth"-type beats have been overdone?? every other song is all synth's

02-22-2009, 07:43 PM
so i guess im the only tom fan here? :hide:


take me out ol' skool with a snoop dogg!

LEYKIS 101 FTW :l101:

edit: like the new avatar HyperTek ^^^

No, you are not. He was definitely angry but also very intelligent. I agree with him on his abortion stance.

I used to like John and Jeff but later hated them. Liked Adam corolla, Loved Frosty, Heidi and Frank, Despised Danny Bonadouche (yeah, It is spelled incorrectly), liked Tom Leykis, didn't care much for Tim Conway after Whitman left. The weekends could suck it.

02-23-2009, 12:08 AM
I only really tuned into Tom for his money tips. His Leykis 101 is shit I already know, and the idiotic callers are just an added bonus. I love when callers get totally owned.

Flash Fridays works. I was on the 101 one time and some girl on the other side flashed me. It was great.

02-23-2009, 12:10 AM
Flash Fridays works. I was on the 101 one time and some girl on the other side flashed me. It was great.

Haha me too! Totally forgot about that. Thanks Tom! :boink:

02-23-2009, 12:15 AM
the people that say he was such a jerk when it came to women...obviously never listed to his show and hear him talk about other things like business, money and real estate

02-23-2009, 02:54 AM
yeah serious. im a huge fan. great advice on other things besides relationships. i don't get why people would call him bitter. he's giving advice on a situation(marriage) that does not benefit men. and even about the whole relationship thing, why be stuck with onegina when you'll always want to smash the next broad that walks by? and you can do that if you're single!

all those people posting problems in the relationship thread need to listen to him. it would fix all of their problems.

and this thread title should be changed to "bye bye 97.1 the best station on the radio"


i think they will be back in a couple weeks, they knew a week before they told the audience that it was going to happen.