View Full Version : where to buy service manuals?? swapping a ka24de

03-05-2003, 10:31 AM
I need to find a place that I can buy a service manual from. I'm doing a swap for a blown ka24de on an s13.

Is there any websites that have this service manual in pdf format.??? I called the dealer, they're talking about 70bucks plus shipping 7-10 business days.

My friends that have fc's and fd's have service manuals in pdf format, and they just download it off of their forums. I wish we had the same features.

03-05-2003, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by wizdom98117
Is there any websites that have this service manual in pdf format.??? I called the dealer, they're talking about 70bucks plus shipping 7-10 business days.

that's not too bad of a deal. mine was $90 including shipping, although mine was an S14 FSM.
the only one online that I know if is the S14 FSM with SR20DET. It's downloadable from the zilvia.net home page IIRC.

03-05-2003, 02:27 PM
This is one of the few things eBay is reliable for. Got mine for ~$50 plus shipping.