03-05-2003, 10:27 AM
scroll to the bottom of the page, it's on the right in the lil violet column. Enjoy!
On a side note, I run a mailing list called "Yoshi's Deals", it lists all kinds of FREE stuff such as this, as well as great deals on CES type stuff and anything else I can find. Before someone shouts that this is a commercial post, let me tell u now, I get NOTHING from running my list. It's all out of the goodness of my heart. If you're interested in being added, eMail me... i HATE seeing people get ripped off, which is why I made the list in the first place.
Those of you on the list already, know i've saved u $$$
oh, and if you've never carfaxed your car, DO IT!
edit: here's an example of what a typical "Yoshi's Deals" looks like:
http://www.360realms.com/some personalized deals, and OfficeSupplies_ Max vs_ Depot (Yoshi's Deals).htm
scroll to the bottom of the page, it's on the right in the lil violet column. Enjoy!
On a side note, I run a mailing list called "Yoshi's Deals", it lists all kinds of FREE stuff such as this, as well as great deals on CES type stuff and anything else I can find. Before someone shouts that this is a commercial post, let me tell u now, I get NOTHING from running my list. It's all out of the goodness of my heart. If you're interested in being added, eMail me... i HATE seeing people get ripped off, which is why I made the list in the first place.
Those of you on the list already, know i've saved u $$$
oh, and if you've never carfaxed your car, DO IT!
edit: here's an example of what a typical "Yoshi's Deals" looks like:
http://www.360realms.com/some personalized deals, and OfficeSupplies_ Max vs_ Depot (Yoshi's Deals).htm