View Full Version : advise please

02-18-2009, 11:25 AM
i dont know how i always end up in this shit but i do.

Ok so i graduated college December 06.

Well the other day i get a letter stating that my account is past due. i paid all of my tuition when attending school, and at some point in 07 i actually got a refund check for over paid dues. (small amount)

So im thinking its a mistake, so i call the school and apparently i have been getting parking tickets. So the lady in the Bursurs office directs me to the campus police. They inform me that i have been getting tickets in 07 and 08, so i explain to the guy that i havent been on campus since 06 when i graduated. so he asked me what i did with my parking sticker. i was like hell i dont know that was like 3 years ago. so he states the account is in collections and i need to deal with the bursurs office.

My question is how is the best way to handle this. I did not get those tickets and im not going to pay for this. how can they put my account in a "collection status" with out notifying me sooner?

oh btw its over $400.00.

please help


02-18-2009, 11:32 AM
i would get a letter or something formal in writing from your school having them waive those fees or that it was wrongly billed and take that to the collections agency.

02-18-2009, 12:35 PM
i would get a letter or something formal in writing from your school having them waive those fees or that it was wrongly billed and take that to the collections agency.

sorry maybe i wasnt too clear, my account isnt at a 3rd party collectors office, its in a "collection status" at the school.

basically its me against the school, or the schools parking office.

02-18-2009, 12:41 PM
Since the "collections" is still with the school, I would assume it would be easier to get off. Dunno...maybe go in there with your diploma or something to prove you had no business parking there since you graduated. Update us with the conclusion if any.


02-18-2009, 12:55 PM
i dont see how they can give you tickets if your car wasnt physically there. do they run off of some monthly parking fee that they automatically collect or something??

02-18-2009, 01:15 PM
Here's what I would do.

1.) Provide proof of graduation. Even though this doesnt really prove you werent actually there it shows very good reason for you not to be.

2.) Make every possible attempt to find your parking pass if you think theres any shot you've still got it.

3.) Try and be like "Look, I havent been on this campus in two years, I dont know what is going on. Can you hold off any charges unless somehow another ticket gets recorded? Please notify the officers that this issue is going on and if another ticket is somehow recorded please take down the plate and a description of the vehicle."

Or even better yet I am pretty sure they take down the tag number when they write a ticket so they should already have that info. Ask them what the tag number is, then show proof that tag is not in your name and someone stole your parking pass and is using it illegaly and the owner of said tag (and car) is who they should be going after.

02-18-2009, 01:25 PM
My question is, what exactly can they do to you? I work for my school's parking division, and if you are already graduated, then if you get tickets there really isn't shit we can do.

What probably happened is a mix up with name, or vehicle type. This happened to my friend last week and he doesnt even have a car.

My best opinion is to try and find the sticker, or because they probably won't believe that you haven't been on campus

02-18-2009, 01:36 PM
well i talked to a lady in the parking office and she said that she needs to do some research and she will call me back.

ripnbst- good advice, depending on what she tells me i, will be using a lot was what u said, i dont know why they wouldnt write done the plate # of the cars.

future240- thats what i was thinking, what can they do? its not like they can hold my grades....can they try and put me in "collections" and it would go on my credit??

and in all honesty i have no clue where the sticker is, i know i didnt give it to anyone...but that doenst mean that i didnt throw it away and somone picked it up, i mean i could have put it in the trash at school or at home, i honestly have no clue...

02-18-2009, 01:38 PM
shouldnt be that hard then... talk to the head person, im sure they would understand. also have then provide information of the vehicle ticketed

02-18-2009, 02:38 PM
Yeah when you graduated they should have closed out your accounts and invalidated your pass. Most schools you have to re-validate your pass every semester when you pay for classes.

They can't hold anything anymore. Maybe a transcript if you go to Grad school or something.

Like they said. Go to the bursars office and say you were not enrolled at that time and to see copy's of all the tickets. If they don't have copy's or the plate # or Make/Model tell them to take it off. Your make/model and maybe the plate should be registered to the permit number. Ether leave with a clean bill or copy's of the tickets and head to the administrative review. You have to see what the school/state has for challenging them. These are "private" tickets even if it's a public school. So, they can ether drop them or sue you. Not something they can touch your license or car registration over.

If any 3rd party creditor calls or mails you. Call the number or talk to the person that calls and tell them you are "challenging the charges." You have to do this within 30days of them contacting you or they will assume they are valid and will go after you and your credit. By saying you challenge them as not real they will drop the case back to the school to deal with it.

Worst case they won't drop the fines and you tell them have fun trying to get the money back. I doubt you have enough in fines for them to care about suing you. Only thing you may have to deal with is a transcript if you decide to continue your schooling.

02-18-2009, 05:36 PM
These are "private" tickets even if it's a public school. So, they can ether drop them or sue you. Not something they can touch your license or car registration over.

I go to public school and I got a parking ticket, I paid it, then next time I tried to register my car I couldn't do it because of an outstanding parking ticket. I had to go get proof that I had paid it before I could register again.

02-18-2009, 10:24 PM
well i talked to a lady in the parking office and she said that she needs to do some research and she will call me back.

future240- thats what i was thinking, what can they do? its not like they can hold my grades....can they try and put me in "collections" and it would go on my credit?

Once again I don't know how they work, but parking citations that are owed by graduates, are pretty much non-collectable. The only people that are affected by the citations we issue are the students. Our citations have no effect on anyone's credit, I don't believe police citations can affect credit so the school's shouldn't either.