View Full Version : Anybody play WOW?

02-17-2009, 06:58 PM
Enough to cry for it like this little kid?

YTMND - Karazhan Bedtime (http://karacry.ytmnd.com/)

If can't watch there try. I find it freaking hilarious.

YouTube - WoW player scolded by parents over Ventrilo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwql6_RJ348&feature=related)

Let the hilarity ensue.

I searched but couldn't find anything.

02-17-2009, 07:13 PM
my friend plays this shit and is always beggin me to play but god dam that shit looks boring

Touge Noob S13
02-17-2009, 07:16 PM
I play DOTA

02-17-2009, 07:20 PM
Shyte is like crack do not start it otherwise you get sucked in.

Had to go cold turkey a couple of months back to stop playing that game.

02-17-2009, 07:22 PM
^Really? I played a free version and was bored out of my mind

Parents argue with their kids like that? My parents would have been like "off the computer now" and dared me to do anythin else.

02-17-2009, 07:25 PM
Thats one of the things that suck about WOW. That stuff happens all the time.

You just about have to get into groups to accomplish anything. Takes forever to find groups, and then you have tons of 10 yr old kids that have to log for the dumbest reasons, like the mom telling them they have to go take a bath or something likewise sophisticated.

The annoying social dynamic of the game is what got me frustrated enough to quit after playing for a number of years. in a way that was a good thing. Playing WoW has effect of being even more contemptuous for fellow mankind a more severe way. I like video games, but I absolutely despise being stuck in a position having to rely on infants or 12 yr olds to get things done.

02-17-2009, 07:32 PM
oh god i was worried this was gonna be a serious thread.

never played it, but my roomate whos a melvin plays the shit ALL day. hes either at class or on my couch playing that game on his laptop. it looks so lame i dont get it.

02-17-2009, 07:34 PM
kids need to get a life

02-17-2009, 07:36 PM
^Really? I played a free version and was bored out of my mind

Parents argue with their kids like that? My parents would have been like "off the computer now" and dared me to do anythin else.

That's the problem right there. You can tell the mom & dad are sissies. if parents allow kids to get their way, the kids will. So dumb of them to nag. If you want the computer down, just do it and stfu.

No wonder we have so many whiney, irresponsible ppl in the real world. So many parents have no idea how to discipline their child.

02-17-2009, 07:48 PM
That's the problem right there. You can tell the mom & dad are sissies. if parents allow kids to get their way, the kids will. So dumb of them to nag. If you want the computer down, just do it and stfu.

No wonder we have so many whiney, irresponsible ppl in the real world. So many parents have no idea how to discipline their child.

Exactly I would have walked right in their just unplugged the comp, broke the game, and walked out

02-17-2009, 08:35 PM

Kids nowadays are smarter than they used to me. Kinda.

They know about 'abuse' and its 'wrong.' And they use it against parents. What can parents do at that point? Talk to their kids to avoid social services coming into play.

Personally, I would tie him to the chair. Have the wife hold him far enough to see, but not hit anything. And give away his equipment. Then Delete the game completely. Then slap him with my dick for being such a damn baby.

02-17-2009, 09:30 PM
meh, WoW is something to take the time up between life, school, and work. i find it fun. but hey, thats my inner nerd showing

02-17-2009, 09:36 PM
I play it off and on. It really isn't addicting to me, it just kills time. I'd rather watch anime personally, but I love anime. Working on the S14, going out, and getting drunk are all more important than wow to me.

02-17-2009, 09:48 PM
I used to play this game religiously. I've probably logged almost 150 days played (yes, 150 x 24 hours) across a few characters since vanilla released (i wanna say 3 or 4 years ago). Yes, there are people with more played time than that. I barely play anymore as I've just gotten bored with it, but if you like RPGs like Final Fantasy and such, this game is like that, on crack. This game I believe also recently passed 12 million subscribers world wide. They are doing something right.

The thing is, I'm not young, I don't live with my parents, I have a full time job, and try to take classes at night when work permits. I'm not gonna add a gf into that because I honestly don't want one. I have plenty of booty calls on the side to take care of 'needs'.

Those of you that are into RPGs though, and really want to save cash, play this game. $15/month is the cheapest entertainment you'll find aside from criminal acts.

And to the parents issue: Parents nowadays are pussies. This country has become such a plethora of bullshit lawsuits, pansy parents, and poor parenting that kids get away with whatever the hell they want. When I was growing up, if I did some shit like that, I would get slapped/spanked and have my computer taken away for an unknown time limit. What his parents need to do is quit paying for his subscription, either through their credit card or funding his game cards. It's kids like that who ruin the experience for legitimate players who can pay for their own internet/game/expansions/subscriptions/hardware.

If I was on vent with him I would be egging his parents on, cussing, and being as rude as possible to get him out. Then I would get him kicked from his guild.

EDIT - Also, if that 'group' he got was for Karazhan, and he just started, he's looking at another 2-5 hours depending on the age of that recording, group level, etc.

02-18-2009, 07:47 AM
HAHAHA womenbeshoppin (http://zilvia.net/f/members/womenbeshoppin.html) plays this shit his probably on it right now lol..I bought the game a couple of months ago and played it for a month and didn't really get into it since on my computer it looked like ass lol the nintendo wii graffics looked better then this lol..

02-18-2009, 09:48 AM
Those of you that are into RPGs though, and really want to save cash, play this game. $15/month is the cheapest entertainment you'll find aside from criminal acts.

I've heard alot of people say that. I like RPG's final fantasy, xenosaga, zelda etcl all day. But this game bored the shit out of me

02-18-2009, 12:47 PM
WOW is an awesome game, only needs to be played with people you know in real life. Otherwise... games is boring as hell..

02-18-2009, 01:04 PM
less QQ more pew pew

02-18-2009, 01:21 PM
i started to play WoW.. but quit after it started to become like a 2nd job.. had to be on a certain time for raids and stuff and then people getting mad about dumb stuff.. its a game, im suppose to be having fun but instead im all stressing out about it..lol so i quit and now im playing gears... lol

02-18-2009, 01:24 PM
its all about live action role playing lol.

02-18-2009, 01:28 PM
WOW is an awesome game, only needs to be played with people you know in real life. Otherwise... games is boring as hell..

Aww so that is they key to it, and if you are like some players you don't have any realword friends, so the wow players are your friends. I get it now.

I know a group of people who are wow players, but I am not paying 180 a year to play a game.

02-18-2009, 01:56 PM
Aww so that is they key to it, and if you are like some players you don't have any realword friends, so the wow players are your friends. I get it now.

I know a group of people who are wow players, but I am not paying 180 a year to play a game.

Are you Fucking Serious??

Fuck that i'm putting this on my: this is some loser shit list...

02-18-2009, 02:07 PM
$180 does come out to being alot for a game each year, yet there are numerous things we waste our money on if we add it up.

The younger players in the game can make it quite annoying, but if you are able to group with players on your level it is livable.

My problem was that I ended up playing it at work, and any free time I had. Eventually I put my priorities in line and quit.

02-18-2009, 03:05 PM
Are you Fucking Serious??

Fuck that i'm putting this on my: this is some loser shit list...

Quite so yes, exactly why the one I play was one a free server. And that still bored the shit out of me.

02-18-2009, 03:07 PM
Only online game i play is fucking CS and i have to be bored as shit to even open it up...

02-18-2009, 03:12 PM
CS? Do you mean counter strike? I have never really played any online pc games. Just XBL. I have a rule though, if it comes with a subscription fee, it is not for me.

02-18-2009, 03:15 PM
CS? Do you mean counter strike? I have never really played any online pc games. Just XBL. I have a rule though, if it comes with a subscription fee, it is not for me.

Yeah Counter Strike i used to play that shit all day but now only when i have nothing to do i open it...

02-18-2009, 03:24 PM
CS? Do you mean counter strike? I have never really played any online pc games. Just XBL. I have a rule though, if it comes with a subscription fee, it is not for me.

Doesn't XBL have a subscription fee?

02-18-2009, 05:07 PM
Yeah Counter Strike i used to play that shit all day but now only when i have nothing to do i open it...

Is it a game that is fun for a while, then gets old?

Doesn't XBL have a subscription fee?

Ha ha ha you got me there. Okay let me clarify, if it more than XBL, the 38-50 for XBL for a year is okay, but 90 a year or more, naw not for me