View Full Version : Stripping S13 coupe for racing

03-04-2003, 12:21 PM
Hey all,

Just thought I'd give you folks first shot at these items before they go on eBay. They are from a Brown interior S13 Coupe. I'll have more stuff taken off next week, but feel free to e-mail me if you have particular requests. I'm not selling items that make the car run/stop/corner;

front seats with rails
rear seats, no rips or stains
rear speaker cover/shelf
3rd brake light (might keep)
rear seat belts, very good condition
center console (rear section)
Tokico HP's for rear (where are you mixedwell?)
Silvia coupe spoiler
Pioneer speakers set of 6 (front, rear, tweeters)
Spare tire and tool kit (complete)
Steering wheel with cruise control

Pictures can be found HERE (http://www.pelicanracing.com/pics/eBay/). Ignore the ones that say "bag".

Please make reasonable offers ($25-100). I reserve the right to ignore lowballers :smirk:


03-05-2003, 09:32 AM
hey wassup are you selling the dash?

03-05-2003, 01:38 PM
Sorry about that picture, it's not supposed to be there.

I just *bought* that dash for my car. Getting rid of the brown :)


03-06-2003, 02:18 AM
hey i sent u emai about the shocks! give them to me NOW! i have money again! yay! also if u can get me a HUD dash that would be sooo da bomb. and ill be ur b!tch for a month. :D hopefully...

coupes rock. holla

mixedwell ;)

03-06-2003, 08:05 AM
I need the glovebox hinges and guys usually remove the glovebox when they strip down, so if you are interested in selling them please sent me an email at [email protected]

03-06-2003, 09:29 AM
where did you get that black dash from? it looks clean.

03-06-2003, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by mixedwell
hey i sent u emai about the shocks! give them to me NOW! i have money again! yay! also if u can get me a HUD dash that would be sooo da bomb. and ill be ur b!tch for a month. :D hopefully...


Shocks are yours man, just PayPal me already! :)

HUD dash? Good luck. I was happy just to find a *regular* dash. I don't use the HUD anyway...


Picked up the dash in SF. Clean and crack free. It was quite the deal.


wicked s13
03-06-2003, 11:01 AM
Hey man Im really interested in the spoiler what do you want for it. let me know and we will go from there. [email protected]