View Full Version : Any reason NOT to buy an I-phone? Any Iphone deals?

02-13-2009, 11:17 PM
I am a total retard when it comes to electronics and phones. I do like the I phone for all its apps and the fact it can help me get around without getting lost(gps directions).

Is there any reason I SHOULDNT get an Iphone?

Are there any deals on them or do you just have to cough up full price no-matter what?


02-13-2009, 11:25 PM
because they're gay

get a g1


02-13-2009, 11:29 PM
^^^ Locked and un-jail broken iPhone is gay because you're basically tethered to Steve Jobs' nuts.

Unlocked and jail broken iPhone is one fucking awesome phone. Period.

The G1 is cool, and I'll probably get one sometime, but right now there's still A LOT more for the iPhone.

Alpha Residence
02-13-2009, 11:32 PM
iPhone is a great phone when it comes to multimedia (ie: photos, music, videos) However in the end it will really come down to what you are looking for in a phone, if you are looking to consolidate your ipod and phone into one device then it will be great. If you are looking at it from a business standpoint with E-mails and other 3rd party apps then it will not be as strong as lets say a blackberry.

Selling points:

1. 3G for fast internet speeds
2. Very user friendly and very easy to learn
3. Awesome web browser
4. Great memory

Weak Points:

1. AGPS via google maps no turn by turn spoken directions
2. No MMS, no forwarding of txt
3. You MUST have the 30 dollar data package while a iphone IMEI is listed on your account.
4. Asurion does not cover the iphone under it's insurance policy, so you will have to go out of company to insure it.

You'll not find a deal on the iphone anywhere legit. You can try a dealer however they are not authorized to sell it and obtaining one from them means that they probably obtained it through fraud. If you buy from Best Buy, im pretty sure that they can insure it through best buy. Other than that it's a decent device, give me more detail about what you are looking for and I can probably give you a better recommendation.

02-13-2009, 11:34 PM
Once again, i am an ELECTRONIC RETARD.

WTF does unlocked and jailbroke mean? Why does it make it better? Where can i get it/get a deal on it?

And please...if you reply to this, dont just say "because it's gay". I dont give two fucks if my phone is gay, queer, homosoexual, ugly, or un-cool. Just want a good phone that i can use.

EDIT- To the guy who posted above me.... THANK YOU for a great post.

In a phone i'm looking for something that can

Give me good turn by turn directions
Let me browse the internet easily
Has programs that will allow me to look up drugs(medicine) quickly and can give me all the info on said drug quickly. IE- pharmacy dictionary
That i can receive and send email from
Is fairly user friendly (I SUCK at electronics)
Can play music and hopefully let me listen to radio

If at all possible, something that I can hook a keyboard to(to type reports and receipts) and print from for school and business stuff. I think thats a stretch but if possible, i'd be thrilled.

Basically in order of importance too. Thanks for any recomendations you can offer.

Alpha Residence
02-13-2009, 11:38 PM
Once again, i am an ELECTRONIC RETARD.

WTF does unlocked and jailbroke mean? Why does it make it better? Where can i get it/get a deal on it?

And please...if you reply to this, dont just say "because it's gay". I dont give two fucks if my phone is gay, queer, homosoexual, ugly, or un-cool. Just want a good phone that i can use.

Jailbroke refers to "hacking" the iphone to allow for complete customization on the iphone. Jailbreaking means that you can install custom themes, custom apps, customize the display customize everything that has to do with the springboard (the iphones graphical user interface)

Jailbreaking is something that you have to do to the iphone, keep in mind that if you jailbreak your iphone and have to go through warranty you need to restore it back to a OEM software version before you exchange it because jailbreaking does void your warranty.

Better off you search google or go to modmyi.com for more information, you'll not get nearly as much information on a car forum as you will on a iphone forum.

02-13-2009, 11:45 PM
Thanks for the explanation! Any suggestions based on the following? Again, thanks for taking the time to explain this.

EDIT- To the guy who posted above me.... THANK YOU for a great post.

In a phone i'm looking for something that can

Give me good turn by turn directions
Let me browse the internet easily
Has programs that will allow me to look up drugs(medicine) quickly and can give me all the info on said drug quickly. IE- pharmacy dictionary
That i can receive and send email from
Is fairly user friendly (I SUCK at electronics)
Can play music and hopefully let me listen to radio

If at all possible, something that I can hook a keyboard to(to type reports and receipts) and print from for school and business stuff. I think thats a stretch but if possible, i'd be thrilled.

Basically in order of importance too. Thanks for any recomendations you can offer.

02-13-2009, 11:48 PM
Jailbroke refers to "hacking" the iphone to allow for complete customization on the iphone. Jailbreaking means that you can install custom themes, custom apps, customize the display customize everything that has to do with the springboard (the iphones graphical user interface)

Jailbreaking is something that you have to do to the iphone, keep in mind that if you jailbreak your iphone and have to go through warranty you need to restore it back to a OEM software version before you exchange it because jailbreaking does void your warranty.

Better off you search google or go to modmyi.com for more information, you'll not get nearly as much information on a car forum as you will on a iphone forum.

You can do a lot more than just customize the display. Jail breaking the phone fixes some of the issues you mentioned in your previous post such as MMS messaging capability and a few other weak points. There's a lot you can do when it's jail broken. The most common things are graphical modifications to the phone, but many other much more useful things are out there.

There's even people working to port Linux, and possibly the Android, OS's to the iPhone so you can switch OS's at will via an open boot option.

IMHO if someone needs google maps to give them spoken directions with the GPS... They really shouldn't even be walking. It's probably not safe for them. haha... Learn to read a map. It's not hard.

OP: You'll love an app on the iPhone available in the app store... There's an entire pharmaceutical compendium that can be downloaded, along with a bunch of other medical oriented programs and apps. From your list, I think you'd really like the iPhone.

EDIT: If you want a deal on an iPhone just look around ebay or Kijiji or Craigslist. There's always someone selling one for a decent deal... If you're willing to buy/try a used phone that is...

02-13-2009, 11:51 PM

Alpha Residence
02-13-2009, 11:52 PM
Once again, i am an ELECTRONIC RETARD.

WTF does unlocked and jailbroke mean? Why does it make it better? Where can i get it/get a deal on it?

And please...if you reply to this, dont just say "because it's gay". I dont give two fucks if my phone is gay, queer, homosoexual, ugly, or un-cool. Just want a good phone that i can use.

EDIT- To the guy who posted above me.... THANK YOU for a great post.

In a phone i'm looking for something that can

Give me good turn by turn directions
Let me browse the internet easily
Has programs that will allow me to look up drugs(medicine) quickly and can give me all the info on said drug quickly. IE- pharmacy dictionary
That i can receive and send email from
Is fairly user friendly (I SUCK at electronics)
Can play music and hopefully let me listen to radio

Basically in order of importance too. Thanks for any recomendations you can offer.

From what you are looking for, you may be better off with a PDA phone ie: att's Fuze.

Fuze supports att navigation which is spoken turn by turn direction just like your tom tom or garmond navigations. It uses cellular trianglation as well as satelite so when you have no signal via satelite, the program will use cellular trianglation ( triangulate using the 3 closest cell towers to find your location)

Fuze has a decent browser, however it is no where near as great as iphones safari browser. The upside is you can download a 3rd party browser or even themes that will mimic the iphone.

Regarding a program that will allow you to look up drugs, to the best of my knowledge there isn't a program that allows you to do this but i'm sure there are pharmasutical dictionaries that are available in PDF format right? The fuze does support pdf file viewing.

It will support push E-mail via person E-mail or by exchange however if you are looking for high volume E-mails I would suggest a blackberry.

It is a Windows mobile phone, which in all actuality makes it alot more difficult IMO in terms of user friendliness. I would say average learning curve on the Fuze is anywhere between 3 days to a month, depending on how competant you are with learning electronic devices.

In terms of music the fuze utilizes windows media player and supports up to a 32gig SD card (iirc) so you can load up plenty of music, pictures, documents or videos on the card. As far as streaming radio? Not anything outside of xm radio via att which is a added cost.

lol sorry i'm a little biased towards att since i'm a retail sales manager for them. Anything else shoot me a message i'll be more than happy to help you find something to your needs.

02-13-2009, 11:52 PM
Ipod in general is just way over the hype. I choose not to buy an Iphone simply because EVERY one buys them. I mean sure they were the first touch screen phone i belive but since its apple i would never buy anything from them.. there so expensive i dont feel its worth it.

Alpha Residence
02-13-2009, 11:56 PM
You can do a lot more than just customize the display. Jail breaking the phone fixes some of the issues you mentioned in your previous post such as MMS messaging capability and a few other weak points. There's a lot you can do when it's jail broken. The most common things are graphical modifications to the phone, but many other much more useful things are out there.

There's even people working to port Linux, and possibly the Android, OS's to the iPhone so you can switch OS's at will via an open boot option.

IMHO if someone needs google maps to give them spoken directions with the GPS... They really shouldn't even be walking. It's probably not safe for them. haha... Learn to read a map. It's not hard.

OP: You'll love an app on the iPhone available in the app store... There's an entire pharmaceutical compendium that can be downloaded, along with a bunch of other medical oriented programs and apps. From your list, I think you'd really like the iPhone.

You're absolutely right, it does fix some of the things I listed, however as you mentioned fixing the MMS or forwarding I will say that is fixed via a custom app that you will most likely have to purchase. When I meant customization I didn't mean just customizing the GUI. I know that cydia has a multitude of different things for the iphone, however when speaking to someone who is "electronically challenged" I figured it would be best to note one of the main points of jailbreaking.

However I did not know about the pharmaceutical app in the app store, great point. iphone may look better for him now.

EDIT: FYI Apple is now stating that jailbreaking is illegal and is considered copyright infringement.

02-14-2009, 12:02 AM
damn i could have had you a 16g (i believe the bigger one was a 16g) for damn near $200 lol LEGIT if we were back in 08 lol....back when they first came out my cousin had a hussle with the whole "get money back" thing they had going were you would make a quick $500-$1k in your pocket. Hell my grandma did it since apple pretty much was giving it to you

02-14-2009, 12:03 AM
You're absolutely right, it does fix some of the things I listed, however as you mentioned fixing the MMS or forwarding I will say that is fixed via a custom app that you will most likely have to purchase. When I meant customization I didn't mean just customizing the GUI. I know that cydia has a multitude of different things for the iphone, however when speaking to someone who is "electronically challenged" I figured it would be best to note one of the main points of jailbreaking.

True. I know he doesn't care about the ability to have an open SSH on his phone etc... Just thought I'd point it out nonetheless. Also, the MMS app on cydia (which I've never bothered with cause I don't use MMS all that much) as far as I know, is free, or VERY cheap (like a couple dollars literally, like most app store apps). Many of them also support landscape use, texting via Wi-Fi, and forwarding. There's a free app on cydia that gives you copy and paste on the iPhone as well.

I do agree that the iPhone is quite common, so it's nothing to special to have one. haha... But they're common because for most people, they're a great phone. I have a 2G in Canada, again nothing to spectacular, but anytime a cell savvy person sees my phone, they know it doesn't belong here. Canada never sold the 2G. I just like having my own phone I can do whatever I want to and not worry about warranty. lol

EDIT: FYI Apple is now stating that jailbreaking is illegal and is considered copyright infringement.

That's fairly surprising, and somewhat hypocritical, considering last year they officially said they would not pursue, or attempt to stop, any activity that involved modifying the phone etc. except any modification that performed or supported SIM/Carrier unlocking. The jail breaking process is completely separate from that. Apple has kind of had their head up their corporate ass as of most recently IMHO. All jail breaking does is allow one to put what they want on THEIR PHONE! Not only what Apple deems fit, approved, necessary or worthy via the app store. Apple expecting to have such product control, as to ONLY allow their app store to provide any user specific wanted functions, is just ridiculous. A friend of mine who worked for apple once upon a time even said that it seems that apple has some kind of attitude that even after they sell a product, they still own it. :loco:

02-14-2009, 12:12 AM
See, my problem is that I do not desire GPS, I am fine with directions, and do not terribly need a web browser, as anytime I am ABLE to need the internet, I am within 10 steps of a computer.
I DO, on the other hand, want the apps and the other shit, as well as the ability to SEND AND RECEIVE FUCKING PICTURE MESSAGES.
3rd party apps, I need support.
JAVA 2.0, I will need it mainly for the above mentioned.
Internal memory? Don't give a fuck, so long as I can expand.

I detest having to go under contract for something that might not last as long as the contract, as I do the mandate of a data plan that I will NEVER need.
CECT i9 (http://www.ubid.com/CECT_i9_touch_screen_GSM_MP3%2fmp4_Cell_Phone_4ban d_AT%26T_TMobile/a902527859.html)

Be prepared to have to be advanced enough a user to have to MANUALLY enter your MMS/WAP settings, I have no issues with that whatsoever.
Ordering ASAP.

Alpha Residence
02-14-2009, 12:19 AM
See, my problem is that I do not desire GPS, I am fine with directions, and do not terribly need a web browser, as anytime I am ABLE to need the internet, I am within 10 steps of a computer.
I DO, on the other hand, want the apps and the other shit, as well as the ability to SEND AND RECEIVE FUCKING PICTURE MESSAGES.
3rd party apps, I need support.
JAVA 2.0, I will need it mainly for the above mentioned.
Internal memory? Don't give a fuck, so long as I can expand.

I detest having to go under contract for something that might not last as long as the contract, as I do the mandate of a data plan that I will NEVER need.
CECT i9 (http://www.ubid.com/CECT_i9_touch_screen_GSM_MP3%2fmp4_Cell_Phone_4ban d_AT%26T_TMobile/a902527859.html)

Be prepared to have to be advanced enough a user to have to MANUALLY enter your MMS/WAP settings, I have no issues with that whatsoever.
Ordering ASAP.

lol i've seen first hand these bootleg iPhones.......They actually look, feel and operate legit. Although, i'll never admit it to one of my customers.

That's fairly surprising, and somewhat hypocritical, considering last year they officially said they would not pursue, or attempt to stop, any activity that involved modifying the phone etc. except any modification that performed or supported SIM/Carrier unlocking. The jail breaking process is completely separate from that. Apple has kind of had their head up their corporate ass as of most recently IMHO. All jail breaking does is allow one to put what they want on THEIR PHONE! Not only what Apple deems fit, approved, necessary or worthy via the app store. Apple expecting to have such product control, as to ONLY allow their app store to provide any user specific wanted functions, is just ridiculous. A friend of mine who worked for apple once upon a time even said that it seems that apple has some kind of attitude that even after they sell a product, they still own it. :loco:

Thats exactly what I thought but they released a statement yesterday:

After a year and a half and many millions of iPhones Jailbroken Apple has finally decided to publicly state that they believe jailbreaking is illegal. Here at MMi we do not believe Jailbreaking is illegal for many reasons. While I could list them all Fred von Lohmann (http://www.eff.org/about/staff/fred-von-lohmann) of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (http://www.eff.org/) which confronts cutting-edge issues defending free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights says it best with his statment (http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2009/02/apple-says-jailbreaking-illegal):

"Jailbreaking an iPhone constitutes copyright infringement and a DMCA violation, says Apple in comments filed (http://www.copyright.gov/1201/2008/responses/apple-inc-31.pdf) with the Copyright as part of the 2009 DMCA triennial rulemaking (http://www.eff.org/cases/2009-dmca-rulemaking). This marks the first formal public statement by Apple about its legal stance on iPhone jailbreaking.
Apple's iPhone, now the best-selling cellular phone in the U.S., has been designed with restrictions that prevent owners from running applications obtained from sources other than Apple's own App Store. "Jailbreaking" is the term used for removing these restrictions, thereby liberating your phone from Apple's software "jail." Estimates put the number of iPhone owners who have jailbroken their phones in the hundreds of thousands (http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2008/10/the-story-behind-cydia-on-the-iphone.ars).

As part of the 2009 DMCA rulemaking, EFF has asked (http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/dmca_2009/EFF%2BRM%2Bproposals.pdf) the Copyright Office to recognize an exemption to the DMCA to permit jailbreaking in order to allow iPhone owners to use their phones with applications that are not available from Apple's store (e.g., turn-by-turn directions (http://i.gizmodo.com/5151202/turn+by+turn-voice-navigation-comes-to-jailbroken-iphones), using the iPhone camera for video (http://www.iphonehacks.com/2008/08/iphone-cycorder.html), laptop tethering (http://www.theiphoneblog.com/2008/10/16/how-to-tether-with-pdanet/)).

Apple's copyright infringement claim starts with the observation that jailbroken iPhones depend on modified versions of Apple's bootloader and operating system software. True enough -- we said as much in our technical white paper (http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/dmca_2009/EFF2009replycomment_0.pdf) describing the jailbreak process. But the courts have long (http://bulk.resource.org/courts.gov/c/F2/977/977.F2d.1510.92-15655.html) recognized (http://bulk.resource.org/courts.gov/c/F3/203/203.F3d.596.99-15852.html) that copying software while reverse engineering is a fair use when done for purposes of fostering interoperability with independently created software, a body of that Apple conveniently fails to mention.

As for the DMCA violation, Apple casts its lot with the likes of laser printer makers (http://www.eff.org/cases/lexmark-v-static-control-case-archive) and garage door opener companies (https://www.eff.org/cases/chamberlain-group-inc-v-skylink-technologies-inc) who argue that the DMCA entitles them to block interoperability with anything that hasn't been approved in advance. Apple justifies this by claiming that opening the iPhone to independently created applications will compromise safety, reliability, and swing the doors wide for those who want to run pirated software.

If this sounds like FUD (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt), that's because it is. One need only transpose Apple's arguments to the world of automobiles to recognize their absurdity. Sure, GM might tell us that, for our own safety, all servicing should be done by an authorized GM dealer using only genuine GM parts. Toyota might say that swapping your engine could reduce the reliability of your car. And Mazda could say that those who throw a supercharger (http://www.supercharger.com/Shop/ViewProducts.aspx?PlateIndexID=51960) on their Miatas frequently exceed the legal speed limit.

But we'd never accept this corporate paternalism as a justification for welding every car hood shut and imposing legal liability on car buffs tinkering in their garages. After all, the culture of tinkering (or hacking, if you prefer) is an important part of our innovation economy (http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/chapters/0262720477chap1.pdf).

Of course, many iPhone owners will be happy to choose solely from the applications that Apple is willing to approve, just like many Ford owners are happy relying exclusively on their local Ford dealer. But if you want to pop the hood, the DMCA surely shouldn't stand in your way."

02-14-2009, 12:20 AM
Ok, for somebody electronically retarded like me.....

What are the perks or negatives to the phone you just listed? It looks badass and i like the fact it can use 2 sim cards for a business and personal number(not NEEDED, but nice).

What are the downsides? No GPS? Can't use apps? Sorry...as pathetic as it sounds, electronics shopping is overwhelming to me. Why shouldn't i get above phone? It looks great.

02-14-2009, 12:26 AM
Ok, for somebody electronically retarded like me.....

What are the perks or negatives to the phone you just listed? It looks badass and i like the fact it can use 2 sim cards for a business and personal number(not NEEDED, but nice).

What are the downsides? No GPS? Can't use apps? Sorry...as pathetic as it sounds, electronics shopping is overwhelming to me. Why shouldn't i get above phone? It looks great.

No GPS, no WiFi, no internal memory.
Anyone worth their salt should be DECENT enough with directions to live, (speaking for myself) if there is a disparity between the need and availability of computer access, you're screwed, and the memory is expandable to 8gigs, via microSD or TF, I forget which. Either format would be cheap from supermediastore, ubid, newegg or tigerdirect.
Needless to say, for my needs, I will be ordering the i9 personally, and won't be handcuffed by AT&T on a contract or data plan.

Alpha Residence
02-14-2009, 12:26 AM
Ok, for somebody electronically retarded like me.....

What are the perks or negatives to the phone you just listed? It looks badass and i like the fact it can use 2 sim cards for a business and personal number(not NEEDED, but nice).

What are the downsides? No GPS? Can't use apps? Sorry...as pathetic as it sounds, electronics shopping is overwhelming to me. Why shouldn't i get above phone? It looks great.

Perks: Don't need data plan, supports 2 sim cards, supports MMS and forwarding text, do not need contract.

Cons: no warranty through cell provider, no insurance through cell provider and I can probably think of more but it's 2:30am and I have to be up in a couple of hours.

02-14-2009, 12:38 AM
Cons: no warranty through cell provider, no insurance through cell provider and I can probably think of more but it's 2:30am and I have to be up in a couple of hours.
Speaking in terms of having used gray-market Sony Ericsson phones for 3 years now, and doing my homework on this one, these were the major cons:

-No WiFi
-Lack of internal memory (256mb internal, but expandable to 8gb)
-Features (MMS/WAP) must be manually programmed
-1 year warranty, but you MUST deal with the MFG, not the seller/carrier
-You'll have a certain member with a hair up his ass who will cry himself to sleep because you bought a "knockoff"

... wait, ignore that last one

Also, the lack of warranty/insurance coverage through the carrier is similar with the iPhone as well, since they will QUICKLY shunt you to a "special team" to cover warranty and will damn near LAUGH at you over insurance discussions of it.

02-14-2009, 12:45 AM

i bought an iphone

had it for 2 weeks

and pawned that shit

its not worth the money and i even managed to cancel the data plan and not have to pay for it

still not worth it

i kept trying to make excuses to WHY i needed all the games and apps (which i got them all for free... nofbipleaseapplekthx)

no fucking point

the 3g blows big donkey cock i got service maybe twice in the two weeks i used it

only thing you need it for is to make phone calls and text

any old phone can do both the ipod part is extra but whatever don't need it

gps ?? seriously buy a .99 cent map and learn to navigate

i bought a refurbished 16gb iphone for 200 dollars

then right when i got it they came out with an unlock for it

i sold it for 700 bucks unlocked on ebay two weeks later

that paid for my whole next two years of service im locked into

and it also bought me a psp which i can put all my music on

and i can play ps1 games, emulators, movies, browse internet, etc all for 100 bucks used system

win win win

02-14-2009, 12:55 AM
So when you say no WiFi, that means no internet at all..correct?

So basically its just a regular phone with lots of memory and a touch screen?

And about the whole map and directions thing.... I can read a map just fine. But when traveling long distances, cross country, not having a map to cover a certain area, and/or having to go to 8 different houses/locations in one day, a portable GPS would be nice. Not to mention the fact that having something tell me where traffic is good/bad during rush hour will pay for itself in time saved.

02-14-2009, 01:11 AM
WiFi would be the same internet you use to connect your laptop at Starbucks or the library... The iPhone does that and the clone does not. The clone DOES have WAP (please Google/Wiki this).
It is a phone with expandable memory and a touch screen, HEAVILY featured, only missing a couple things that the iPhone has... In my opinion, for what it is worth, you can get a GPS decently priced and not be hamstrung by AT&T's contract/data plan for the iPhone.

02-14-2009, 01:47 AM
and the fact that att's 3g doesn't work for shit in most areas

02-14-2009, 02:13 AM
There are ways around using the data plan on the iPhone. google it.

02-14-2009, 06:09 AM
and the fact that att's 3g doesn't work for shit in most areas
True, I have 2 Sony Ericsson phones now (W910i and K770i) now that COULD use it, but VERY rarely have, being used between VA and GA since I got them... It is a point of extreme pisstivity.

02-14-2009, 06:54 AM
Give me good turn by turn directions
Let me browse the internet easily
Has programs that will allow me to look up drugs(medicine) quickly and can give me all the info on said drug quickly. IE- pharmacy dictionary
That i can receive and send email from
Is fairly user friendly (I SUCK at electronics)
Can play music and hopefully let me listen to radio

If at all possible, something that I can hook a keyboard to(to type reports and receipts) and print from for school and business stuff. I think thats a stretch but if possible, i'd be thrilled.

Iphone3g in stock form will give you directions that a monkey could follow. It will not talk to you or advance the directions. I think it has to do with looking at cellphone while driving law.

Will let you browse the internet like butter. No Flash. No one really has flash anyway.

Yes pharmacy dictionary apps are available

You can send and recieve email from ONE email account pretty easily. More than one takes some work.

Most people can use an iphone. There's like 3 buttons and the rest is touch. out of all the smart phones this is the easiest to use. The screen is big so if you have bad eyesight then you can still read it.

It is an ipod that makes calls. It will play music. No smart phone I know of lets you listen to the radio.

Iphone keyboard is comming
Jailbroken iPhone 3G gets external keyboard, says "Hello" - Engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2008/11/05/jailbroken-iphone-3g-gets-external-keyboard-says-hello/)

As for printing.
Wireless printing coming to the iPhone? | iPhone Atlas - CNET Reviews (http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-19512_7-10115638-233.html?tag=mncol;title)
rumors are rumors

02-14-2009, 08:28 AM
A new one might be coming

A new iPhone lurking in the shadows? ยป VentureBeat (http://venturebeat.com/2009/01/28/a-new-iphone-lurking-in-the-shadows/)

02-14-2009, 09:01 AM
I was reading somewhere the other day that they were going to make one with slightly fewer features, but forgot which they would be removing, in order to lower the price quite a bit.
The article made note that when Motorola did that with the RAZR, it severely fucked their profitability and is STILL crippling them to this day. The thing is that it would ALSO force the lowering of the prices of iPods as well. Doing it would be a dumb idea in my opinion.
Couldn't find it in my RSS, so it HAD to be on MSN:

02-14-2009, 09:05 AM
I was reading somewhere the other day that they were going to make one with slightly fewer features, but forgot which they would be removing, in order to lower the price quite a bit.
The article made note that when Motorola did that with the RAZR, it severely fucked their profitability and is STILL crippling them to this day. The thing is that it would ALSO force the lowering of the prices of iPods as well. Doing it would be a dumb idea in my opinion.

That is most likely hearsay, as there is no actually official word from Apple yet. The best word that comes from them is the 2.1 code that keeps popping up in San Fran. (first iphone was 1, 3g 1.2)

02-14-2009, 09:21 AM
if you are electronically challenged I suggest the iphone. mac is known for user friendliness. from what you posted the only thing i see missing is the gps which they have

xGPS will Turn your iPhone into a True GPS device with Turn-By-Turn Voice Navigation - iPhone Hacks (http://www.iphonehacks.com/2009/02/xgps-will-turn-your-iphone-into-a-true-gps-device-with-turnbyturn-voice-navigation.html)

the reason the iphone is so popular is because the phone is great, yeah you will have the fanboys but the phone has been out for a few years and its still king of the hill imo

02-14-2009, 09:27 AM
I don't know about the other phones, but the iPhone has a pandora app, just as good as the radio IMO.

02-14-2009, 11:27 AM
cool app but not necessary i didn't use it at all

i'd rather listen to my music files

yes there is a way around apple's data plan don't guarantee it to work though i did it but i was more lucky then anything.

and of course another iphone is in development they have to keep up with new technology

expect it around june / july 09

there is NO for sure information on the new iphone or any upcoming mac products besides speculations and rumors

apple is extremely good at keeping their shit under the radar

they have also come out and said they are not interested in the low end phone market they're simply out to build the best phone they can offer

speculation that is more believable is that they will make two plans instead this time one without 3g and a certain amount of data a month and then what apple is currently doing with the 3g iphone

that is more likely don't expect any washed down iphones or iphone nano's

03-19-2009, 09:31 PM
great news.....

iPhone OS 3.0 Previewed to Developers. New Features Shown! - G4tv.com (http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/694071/iPhone-OS-30-Previewed-to-Developers-New-Features-Shown.html)

Cut, Copy & Paste! -The iPhone will finally support cut, copy & paste support. This is done by double-tapping on a block of text and adjusting the selection. A balloon will appear with options for cutting, copying, and pasting. Finally!
MMS Support - MMS will be supported on the iPhone, but not the original iPhone. This is for the iPhone 3G only. Sorry early adopters, time to upgrade!
Text Message Improvements - Text message forwarding. Also, multiple message forward & delete.
Search & Spotlight - Apple will add search to key apps like Mail and Spotlight (global device search) will get its own page on the dashboard. This will search everything on the device for a string of text from one screen. This is very similar to the Palm Pre's search functionality.
Landscape Keyboard - More key applications like Mail and SMS will support the Landscape keyboard.
Voice Memos - You will now be able to record voice memos.
Calender & Stock Improvements - The calendar app will add support for CalDAV and subscription based .ics calendars.
Stereo Bluetooth A2DP - Bring on the Bluetooth headphones. Note: for iPhone 3G and 2nd Gen iPod Touch only.

on top of that rumors of a new iphone come june-ish...

kOuKi MoNsTaRr
03-19-2009, 09:44 PM
one word APPLE

get a g1 ftw (faster than iphone 3g)

03-20-2009, 09:59 AM
I love the hell out of my iPhone. I bought one and switched to AT&T so I could develop for it, and ended up being completely attached to it and I'll never want to go back to anything else.

I almost always have 3G service and rarely ever drop calls.

03-20-2009, 10:06 AM
Here's one......the G1 is a million times better and much faster.

03-20-2009, 10:39 AM
New Iphone 3g owner here, and so far I love it. I had a blackjack that finally bit the dust (I loved that phone), and I didn't want the blackjack 2, so I picked up a refurbished 8gig for 99 bucks, with a new contract of course. Funny thing is, as I was registering it on itunes I noticed that it said I had 14.4 gigs of available space....come to find out that att sent me the 16gig instead of the 8, fot 99 bucks....I win.

03-20-2009, 10:56 AM
the whole only touch screen thing just whack as hell, i love QWERTY boards, actual button QWERTY boards, not on screen B.S. mind you these things crack pretty easily from what ive seen with co workers phones...

drift freaq
03-20-2009, 11:33 AM
the whole only touch screen thing just whack as hell, i love QWERTY boards, actual button QWERTY boards, not on screen B.S. mind you these things crack pretty easily from what ive seen with co workers phones...

I love my G1 just for this reason. It has made texting a breeze. This is coming from someone who hated texting before. While i wish my G1 had a slight larger screen like the Iphone and had a few of the apps the Iphone has I have discovered something. I know have more apps on my G1 than I have time to actually use.

Literally the whole app thing is getting nutty. I use my cell phone to make phone calls, I use it for the excellent GPS and maps. I can actually track myself while driving. I use a few other apps. Though I have downloaded more apps than I actually use. The Iphone is worse in this department. There are so many damn apps for it you waste time downloading them and looking to see if they are cool or not.

Seriously people these companies are laughing and making millions on people wasting there time on this stuff. I am pretty much over the whole app thing. My phone works great and does what it needs to do.

So G1 if you like open source and a Keyboard that rocks. Iphone if you have to have the coolest looking and be terminally hip or think that you are.

03-20-2009, 11:39 AM
i just got a blackberry storm and im super duper happy with it. iphone is coo but the storm has alot of stuff and the service is great. Check it out i think youll like it.

03-20-2009, 11:58 AM
Here's one......the G1 is a million times better and much faster.

lol you're so retarded

i have had both

iphone is better and faster

g1 has its perks though

03-20-2009, 12:52 PM
G1 ftw. the iphone has been in the publics hands since july of 07 (20 months) the G1 has been in the publics hands since october 08 (5 months), yet the G1 and the soon to come HTC Magic (http://androidcommunity.com/htc-magic-gets-zoom-wheel-video-20090319/)already do everything that the iphone does and more everyday. Android is the future of mobile operating systems. your crazy to buy a 2 year old technology instead of the up and coming imho

btw ive been enjoying bluray since the ps3 launch. just sayin

03-20-2009, 01:06 PM
the first iphone

came out then

then it got a speed bump

then the 3g phone came out

last summer

i don't get your point?

new iphone 3 is supposed to come out this summer


03-20-2009, 01:08 PM
i will sell you brand new i phone unlocked for $400 bucks if you want on. 3g

03-21-2009, 02:02 PM
Iphone sucks because it lags and freezes.

That's all I feel like saying.

03-21-2009, 02:50 PM
so does the g1? lol

03-21-2009, 03:15 PM
I never said it didn't?

Funny thing is I started using my HTC again and I didn't have to deal with phone sucking 20/7.

03-21-2009, 03:19 PM
god gift to man is the iphone, there isnt anything you cannot do on it, besides cut and paste ahahha, i have yet to find a need for that

edit: 3.0 software owns juuuuuuu

yeah gods gift to man

03-21-2009, 05:18 PM
get the iphone. it constantly has software updates. The new version 3.0 will have turn by turn and mms. You can jailbreak and add tons of cool apps. I have it and my girlfriend has the g1. i will take my iphone any day

03-21-2009, 05:55 PM
bs? msglengh

great news.....

iPhone OS 3.0 Previewed to Developers. New Features Shown! - G4tv.com (http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/694071/iPhone-OS-30-Previewed-to-Developers-New-Features-Shown.html)

Cut, Copy & Paste! -The iPhone will finally support cut, copy & paste support. This is done by double-tapping on a block of text and adjusting the selection. A balloon will appear with options for cutting, copying, and pasting. Finally!
MMS Support - MMS will be supported on the iPhone, but not the original iPhone. This is for the iPhone 3G only. Sorry early adopters, time to upgrade!
Text Message Improvements - Text message forwarding. Also, multiple message forward & delete.
Search & Spotlight - Apple will add search to key apps like Mail and Spotlight (global device search) will get its own page on the dashboard. This will search everything on the device for a string of text from one screen. This is very similar to the Palm Pre's search functionality.
Landscape Keyboard - More key applications like Mail and SMS will support the Landscape keyboard.
Voice Memos - You will now be able to record voice memos.
Calender & Stock Improvements - The calendar app will add support for CalDAV and subscription based .ics calendars.
Stereo Bluetooth A2DP - Bring on the Bluetooth headphones. Note: for iPhone 3G and 2nd Gen iPod Touch only.
on top of that rumors of a new iphone come june-ish...

03-21-2009, 05:58 PM
bs? msglengh

no lol 3.0 os has been released to iphone developers

check macrumors.com for official updates and rumors

03-21-2009, 07:03 PM
Sweet, more things my phone can freeze and lag with.

03-21-2009, 08:41 PM
hahahaha...thats why i got rid of my iphone. i fucking hated it... (sorry mel) i hated it so much i only got rid of it for $100 and it was a 16gig. now i have a Blackberry bold... i love it.

03-21-2009, 11:24 PM
Got the Iphone and i love it. I save so much time with business, school, and directions thanks to this phone! Thanks for the tips/suggestions guys/gals!!!!!

How do i get the turn by turn directions and all the other crap listed in the email above? What are other MUST HAVE APPS???


What is the downside of pandora? It seems like the greatest thing EVER. What am i missing?

03-22-2009, 02:52 AM
^^^even the OP got the iphone...

cant wait to get mine....or should i wait till new ones come out?

would it be possible to upgrade if i bought now at no additional charge?

03-22-2009, 09:54 AM
How do i get the turn by turn directions and all the other crap listed in the email above?

You wait till june, when they released the 3.0 firmware

03-22-2009, 02:47 PM
i just got a g1

03-23-2009, 12:55 AM
you can buy refurbished 4gb g1's from apple for 150.

search it up.

03-23-2009, 08:39 AM
Iphone sucks because it lags and freezes.

That's all I feel like saying.

My iPhone doesn't lag? Or freeze? Or drop calls?

I mean, everyone's experience with a phone is going to be different. But I haven't had any issues with my iPhone that I haven't had with every other phone I've ever owned. And they haven't been any more frequent than they were with other phones, either.

Seriously, the only way you'll really find a phone that you like is finding a friend who has one, and playing with it for a while. Some people like the touch screen, some don't. The iPhone's keyboard is awkward at first but I got used to it really quickly. My wife has a Samsung Propel with a QWERTY pad and I can't stand it.

And talk to people in YOUR AREA about service. AT&T where I live is great, I never drop calls, but a lot of people in other areas are bitching that they never get service. It really depends where you live.

you can buy refurbished 4gb g1's from apple for 150.

From Apple? Somehow I doubt it...

03-23-2009, 01:22 PM
probably best phone i've ever owned

i switched from verizon to AT&T just for this phone

-the service is great doesn't drop calls
-phone plugs right into my AUX into the subaru i can make calls and run them through my speakers
-carries my music and it isn't close to being full (8gb)
-charges on my dock in my bedroom serves as a good alarm too
-takes great pics they look even better when i upload them on my macbook
-didn't like the fact that i can recieve pic messages cause most my friends are verizon users but then found out i could e-mail them pics and receive them as long as you send it to their #@vzwpics.com
-has great apps like pandora which is a dope radio station that revolves around your favorite artists
-internet is pretty fast
-the fact that when i want a new wall paper i can just grab one off the internet instead of paying or taking blurry pics with your phone
-make ringtones off itunes when your purchase a song for a $1
-itunes does all the work for ya

don't have alot of bad things to say about this phone i don't regret it at all

03-23-2009, 09:50 PM
... cause the nokia N97 is out!