View Full Version : My dilemma between 2 cars

02-13-2009, 11:36 AM
K i am in the final 2 choices of a car after long search.... this will be my first and last time asking so please dont bash. I am stuck between a 97 240sx SE WHITE(fav color) but AUTO and 166k on chassis at 6,500 Then theres a 95 240sx SE leather seats 5spd only 100k on chassis, but Ruby Pearl.....at 5,200 My DECENT PLANS are WHITE JDM KOUKICONVERSION 5spd. If i buy the 97 240sx, all i need to do is a 5spd swap and change bumper, etc..but even if i finish there will be 166k on chassis......which i dont know is worth it... then if i get the 95 240sx, kouki conversin would cost me a grand, plus the WHITEPAINT..... im just wondering how much on avg this white pearl paint will cost me.......decent paint job..not shitty or superb. just help me this once please. thanks I figure the 95 will save me money, plus low miles on chassis but the paint im still not sure about...

02-13-2009, 11:46 AM
If it wassss meee.... I would go with the 100k mile maroon 95. Its already 5 speed. I would buy coils, wheels. and drive it. If your looking to drift it, i would still go with the maroon one. Practiceeee.

02-13-2009, 11:47 AM
Get the 97. It's already WHITE JDM KOUKICONVERSION.

02-13-2009, 12:02 PM
95 is a messed up yr! the wireing is diffrent then any other s-chasy.
if you planing on doing a swap... just get the 97 and save yourself a headach.
plush its already white and kouki.

02-13-2009, 12:04 PM
Come on, you're 21 years old. Proper sentence structure and grammar would go a long way if you used it. Putting 4-5 periods doesn't make things any easier to read.

Personally I'd say to just get the maroon 95. Who cares what color it is or front end it has? You're most likely gonna smack it into something within the next few months anyways.

02-13-2009, 12:05 PM
Kouki conversion + paint is going to come out to MORE than 1500 if you do it right, bringing you over the asking price of the first car.

The 97 is an automatic, which means it's PROBABLY not as beat down as the 95 anyway. The engines, though they have different mileage, probably have close to the same amount of wear on them. Get the 97, do a 5 speed swap for a few hundred, and rock that.

02-13-2009, 12:05 PM
to convert it to white kouki you are looking at more then $1000. If you are going to paint the car you should fix any dents on the car and make sure its a nice paint job. Just get the 97, a 5 speed swap is easy and cheap, so is a spare ka if the one in there blows.

02-13-2009, 12:44 PM
just get the red zenki and keep it zenki, kouki's are over rated :blah:

02-13-2009, 01:00 PM
Not a big fan of converting auto to manual, its not easy as it seems. Requires a shit load of drilling via the firewall, plus you have deal with the wiring, argh! i'd say go with the Zenki. It's already a Manual, keep things simple! Hate to burst your bubble but it will cost more than $1500 for a kouki conversion, especially here in Calgary. Looking around $2000-2500 including paint if you want it done right. Show some Zenki love! Ever seen a Zenki with the Navan body kit? Search it up!


02-13-2009, 01:05 PM
i say they're both too expensive. where are you located?? ive seen way better deals down here in socal.

but if i were to choose between the two, i would get the 97. Getting a good paint job is expensive. And don't forget, you're going to have your engine bay that maroon color. I wouldn't like that at all. You will end up spending more money on the 95.

02-13-2009, 01:13 PM
Kouki conversion + paint is going to come out to MORE than 1500 if you do it right, bringing you over the asking price of the first car.

The 97 is an automatic, which means it's PROBABLY not as beat down as the 95 anyway. The engines, though they have different mileage, probably have close to the same amount of wear on them. Get the 97, do a 5 speed swap for a few hundred, and rock that.

Totally agree!

02-13-2009, 01:18 PM
Not a big fan of converting auto to manual, its not easy as it seems. Requires a shit load of drilling via the firewall, plus you have deal with the wiring, argh! i'd say go with the Zenki. It's already a Manual, keep things simple! Hate to burst your bubble but it will cost more than $1500 for a kouki conversion, especially here in Calgary. Looking around $2000-2500 including paint if you want it done right. Show some Zenki love! Ever seen a Zenki with the Navan body kit? Search it up!


3 holes in the firewall. 2 for bolts (tiny), one for the master cylinder itself. 15 minutes worth of work.


shut up.

auto -> manual is every bit as easy as it seems. and wiring isn't hard either. but there's 5389075023197523 write ups of how to do it online. so you can search it yourself.

02-13-2009, 01:19 PM
make up your own mind.

02-13-2009, 01:20 PM

02-13-2009, 01:21 PM
95, OBDI. if that matters.

02-13-2009, 01:40 PM
well im not gonna rock a sr20det...as im in socal argggh this doesnt help me, 1/2 people on here say zenki, 1/2 on here say kouki.... ARGGGGH, i plan to keep it for 4 more years to and want to sell it....if i were to get a kouki, and put 40k on it, wouldnt selling the car with 200k+ be hard? and im prob gonna need to replace motor......and the kouki has light mods so it might have been driven a little rough.... WHICH ONE!

02-13-2009, 01:51 PM
Get the Zenki its 5 speed already, and cheaper, you can always do a kouki conversion...

Shift n Drift
02-13-2009, 02:10 PM
Do work son!

02-13-2009, 02:30 PM
mmm i would vote for the 5 speed just because it would be more fun to drive in the time being.

but if you plan on swapping motors and etc, maybe just get the kouki since you can convert to 5 speed during the motor swap.

02-13-2009, 02:35 PM
the 97 unless you can paint it your self then the 95

02-13-2009, 03:51 PM
get the 5 speed youll be happier in the end. You dont HAVE to convert to kouki to be cool, focus on motor work and suspension first.

02-13-2009, 04:17 PM
get zenki. color and front end are all cosmetics. NOT IMPORTANT!! keep it red and dont convert the front. the car will grow on you for sure

02-13-2009, 04:21 PM
get the 5 speed youll be happier in the end. You dont HAVE to convert to kouki to be cool, focus on motor work and suspension first.

Exactly what he said. ^ ^

02-13-2009, 05:17 PM
get the one that's already the color and headlights you want since you're obviously a bandwagon jumping retard

02-13-2009, 05:23 PM
Get a focus.

02-13-2009, 06:32 PM
get the zenki and keep it zenki and do a badass zenki.

done and done.

02-13-2009, 07:46 PM
cough** OBD I cough***

I like Zenki's better, but Im just wierd like that. Maroon is boo boo though, but hey the leather makes up for it.

02-13-2009, 08:29 PM
I would take the 95. My choice is based mostly on year and where i live though. See where i live any car year 95 and under you don't have to pass emissions. That means you can do whatever motor swap you want. Plus the 5 speed and less miles. And you can make it look like a kouki. I don't know if you would do the 5 speed conversion yourself but it's kinda a pain but not to bad and a decent paint job is about 2 grand. I would get the 95 and call it a day, it seems like a better deal, i think zenki's look better when done right to. Zenki's done right look mean.

02-14-2009, 12:00 AM
thanks guys zenki 5spd it is, my goal is a CLEAN JDM KOUKICONVERSIOn 5spd, WHITE. i am a detailer for BMW so that should be easy =] thanks again guys for helping me choose.

02-14-2009, 12:11 AM
you do know it would've been cheaper to just get the kouki right? that whole cars going to have to be repainted, plus since you're changing colors you're going to have to repaint the doorjams, under the hood and under the trunk.

assuming you would do it the right way that is (the sad thing is, I already know the answer to that)

02-14-2009, 12:44 AM
you do know it would've been cheaper to just get the kouki right? that whole cars going to have to be repainted, plus since you're changing colors you're going to have to repaint the doorjams, under the hood and under the trunk.

assuming you would do it the right way that is (the sad thing is, I already know the answer to that)

cant i just pay someone to do that?

02-14-2009, 02:34 AM
Not a big fan of converting auto to manual, its not easy as it seems. Requires a shit load of drilling via the firewall, plus you have deal with the wiring, argh! i'd say go with the Zenki. It's already a Manual, keep things simple! Hate to burst your bubble but it will cost more than $1500 for a kouki conversion, especially here in Calgary. Looking around $2000-2500 including paint if you want it done right. Show some Zenki love! Ever seen a Zenki with the Navan body kit? Search it up!

Steve.It's not as hard as you think.

"Shit load of drilling"? 5spd swap requires 3 holes to be drilled. Takes <5min. Wiring? Easy peasy. A few connectors. Heck, I'm just using a wire-nut on the black and brown wires.

02-14-2009, 02:38 AM
I still say the Kouki is the better choice. $400 for the 5 speed swap if you look around, and you know it's done right. Versus probably close to 2500 for front end, paint, random BS, rebuild (cuz all 5 speed 240sx's are abused anyway) etc.

More trouble than it's worth, but it just means someone out there gets to love up the Kouki.

Get them both, swap the 5 speed and auto's, then sell whatever.

02-14-2009, 03:07 PM
get the kouki and leave the zenki for someone who appriciates zenkis

02-14-2009, 03:10 PM
Get them both, swap the 5 speed and auto's, then sell whatever.

do it, you'd have an auto daily and a weekend fun car, damn I wish I had to money to do it that way

02-14-2009, 03:15 PM
Looks like everyone wants to harp on me about the drilling issue, give it up already... no need to be rude about it ie. 'Shut Up' please be mature about it. I gave my opinion so what. I personally hate drilling holes into my car and i've see the auto to manual swaps, yes they come out good (to some extent) but when looking at the type of work they did really put me off. Again this was my opinion. Honestly to the OP just decide for yourself we're not your parents. Get whatever you want and just deal with it. Work around your budget period!
