View Full Version : For those Navy people

02-11-2009, 06:10 PM
Yeah I bet a good amount of people on this forum are from the military and I'm about to swear into the navy reserves but I just needed help on choosing a job. I'm pretty much qualified for every job except NUC or Nuke.

I got down my list to Personnel Specialist or Information System Technician because I liked my experience dealing with taxes and accounting but I like to fool around with computers and electronics. If anyone has any other suggestions I'm pretty open or want to share their experiences then yeahh.

haha, this is pretty funny but is it possible for me to register my California s14 in florida or something without living there? i'm not sure if i stated that question correctly but yeah i want some florida plates. Lets hope Barack Obama doesn't change federal emmissions.

02-11-2009, 07:46 PM
Be smart, don't work S1, mang!

You'll just get sucked into political bullshit and get frustrated at the amount of stupid bureaucratic nonsense.

Do something fun for your one weekend a month.

Just my $0.02

02-11-2009, 07:48 PM
^ Agreed

Stay away from Administrative jobs.

Avionics is a good job. :D

02-11-2009, 08:48 PM
paper pushers (admin) its ok as long as you like what you doing. there's a whole lot of politics involve (.02cents) . for me, im more into field work, blowing up and shooting stuff up type of work. good luck with boot camp.

02-11-2009, 08:48 PM
I'm in the AF, but I googled Information System Technician and it sounds close to the job I have (computer systems operations - 3c0x1).

I'm pretty biased, but I say go for the comm job. I'm about to get out, and I've had a ton of experience on all kinds of cool shit.

Information System Technician (IT) (http://usmilitary.about.com/od/enlistedjob1/a/it.htm) says that you need a secret clearance for the comm job, that is $$$ on the outside. Just make some contacts and line up a cushy contractor job doin the same thing with no drama in 4-6 years when you get out.

Just my opinion :)

02-11-2009, 08:53 PM
IT is not a bad job, but it only depends on where you are going to work at ie: duty station.

02-11-2009, 10:57 PM
good luck with whatever you decide man.

02-12-2009, 02:53 AM
As far as the car registration shit, you cant just register your car in FL unless you actually live/stationed there or actually a resident of that state.

I know for active duty (which might not work for you since you're a reservist), I can change the state im claiming on my LES to TN. Once that goes thru and its in my LES, I can register my car in TN. Doesnt matter if what license you have. You send them a copy of your orders wherever you're stationed at, copy of your license, mil ID and copy of your LES showing TN on it. Give them the address of where you at and they will accept it. Register your car and its only $32 iirc for registration yearly. No smog, no nothing....

02-12-2009, 03:26 AM
As far as the car registration shit, you cant just register your car in FL unless you actually live/stationed there or actually a resident of that state.

I know for active duty (which might not work for you since you're a reservist), I can change the state im claiming on my LES to TN. Once that goes thru and its in my LES, I can register my car in TN. Doesnt matter if what license you have. You send them a copy of your orders wherever you're stationed at, copy of your license, mil ID and copy of your LES showing TN on it. Give them the address of where you at and they will accept it. Register your car and its only $32 iirc for registration yearly. No smog, no nothing....

rearry? That's really good info to know. Haven't heard about it yet

02-12-2009, 05:32 PM
I'm an IT. Its a nice job. Theres comms/radio (telecommunications etc) side and theres adp (computer/network admin) side. Both are fun. Both are money on the outside becuase of the clearances and you can go higher than secret as well for most jobs.

ALSO you should have your job situated BEFORE you swear in. Once you sign in you contract has already been finalized. So if you didn't/don't have it taken care of by then... you will probably get screwed.

02-12-2009, 05:55 PM
I knew when I went into the Navy that I wanted an avionics job - fuckin jets are cool.

I started out undesignated (thanks MEPS), and got put into V2 on a carrier (USS T Roosevelt CVN-71) working with ABE (Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Equipment) on aircraft launch and recovery equipment (catapaults).

I hated life.

Then I was standin watch with an AT that works in AIMD (Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Division, they don't work on the planes, they work on the shit that goes in them), and decided to test into it, and did.

Everything else was gravy :)

Supply/personnel jobs suck - comm jobs can suck too, but at least you might get some applicable experience if you're a CIS major or something - do something exciting!