View Full Version : what to do with 240

02-11-2009, 12:43 AM
i have the chacne to pick up a auto ka. 89' 240. it has no frame rails as all midwest 240s lol. but i can pick it up for $650 could i make mroe than that parting it out? interioir is mint! its a pignose front end.

Slammed Assassin
02-11-2009, 12:50 AM
just weld on new frame rails..dose it run?

02-11-2009, 12:53 AM
Think of it this way, will it really be worth it to have a huge mess while parting it out considering you won't profit much off of it since most junk yards are infested with these cars anyway?

Most parts for these cars can be bought for stupid cheap. Hell, even free.

You decide.

It's a unibody chassis. Frame rails can be replaced.