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02-10-2009, 06:28 PM
I was thinking, and I realized a few things that I do are SUPER out of the ordinary. For instance, I don't use the shift key, I do <caps lock> CAPS </end caps lock> even for a simple 'I'. Don't know how I started doing it, but I can do it really fast now, and I still type like 80-100 WPM. haha.

I sit down in the shower every time I take a shower, too, haha.

Anyone else a weirdo ?

Forte EXE
02-10-2009, 06:49 PM
I usually highlight words when im on the internet for no aparent reason. it's like OCD for me.

02-10-2009, 06:58 PM
damn sitting down in the shower lmfao thats a weird one def.

02-10-2009, 07:00 PM
I organize the shopping cart by packaging shape when i go grocery shopping. I HAVE to do this. It literally drives me up the wall seeing disorganized shopping carts. And If i have a lot of stuff and i dont use the self check out, I also load items onto the conveyor belt thing by item shape. Seeing people do this in a disorganized manner hurts my brain as well. I will literally pick up any magazine available to avoid looking at their mess.

I have issues...lol

02-10-2009, 07:00 PM
I sit down in the shower. I thought I was the only one lol.

I also smoke in the shower. That one is kinda weird.

02-10-2009, 07:05 PM
I sit down in the shower. I thought I was the only one lol.

There are others! cool. I remember when I started doing it back when I was young; I was like... oh my god, this is the best idea ever.

02-10-2009, 07:07 PM
I sleep in the shower every morning, standing up, propped up by my forehead against the corner of the shower walls.

Oh, and whenever I drink anything I have to swish each sip around in my mouth three times before I swallow it. If I am thinking about it I can stop myself from swishing, but otherwise I swish.

02-10-2009, 07:08 PM
I sleep in the shower every morning, standing up, propped up by my forehead against the corner of the shower walls.

Oh, and whenever I drink anything I have to swish each sip around in my mouth three times before I swallow it. If I am thinking about it I can stop myself from swishing, but otherwise I swish.

ok i understand your 19...but so am I.

so with that said...do you do that with shots? i think i would puke...

02-10-2009, 07:15 PM
sounds like we have some OCD in the house

sitting down in the shower by yourself? foreal??

the whole time? how do you clean your ass and legs?

i guess i gotta try it sometime...

the only time i've sat during a shower was when there was sexytime :wiggle:

02-10-2009, 07:15 PM
I recite the phonetic alphabet, backwards.

Zulu, Yankee, X-ray, Whiskey, Victor, Uniform, Tango...

...in under 3 seconds.

I also have mild OCD. I have to spin combination locks 5 times in each direction to make sure they're locked. If there are more than 3 similar objects sitting out, I have to line them up how I see fit. Any light switch panel with two or more switches, all the switches have to be the same direction. This sometimes mean that I will sit in the dark, because I don't feel like having 2extra lights on.

The list goes on, but I think that's enough of my "weirdness" for now.

02-10-2009, 07:19 PM
OCD was made up by scene girls.

These are just weird little habits we have picked up along the span of our lives.

Every night when I am falling asleep, I untuck the bottom of my blanket and tuck it under my legs. I started doing it when I was small now it's just habit and comfortable. Probably to keep the monsters from getting in near my feet.

02-10-2009, 07:21 PM
I put A1 sauce on my pizza if I have it around.

02-10-2009, 07:29 PM
Every time i work out, i feel like i need to hang off a bar to stretch myself out so i don't shrink. a lotta minor ocd things like organizing bookmarks, lists alphabetically, etc. I also am guilty of paper towels abuse.

02-10-2009, 07:33 PM
Every night when I am falling asleep, I untuck the bottom of my blanket and tuck it under my legs. I started doing it when I was small now it's just habit and comfortable. Probably to keep the monsters from getting in near my feet.

LOL no fuckin lie i do that too, i used to be scared to hang my arms over the sides as well for fear of some unknown little gremlins hiding under my bed getting me.

oh and i sleep naked

02-10-2009, 07:34 PM
I usually highlight words when im on the internet for no aparent reason. it's like OCD for me.

Im not the only one! :bow:

I do that, even if people are reading something with me. They tell me everytime to, "Stop f**king doing that."

02-10-2009, 07:36 PM
shampoo mohawk in the shower daily but i think a lot of people do this actually...

i wash my hands a lot... i also use a towel instead of a napkin at home

02-10-2009, 07:46 PM
ok i understand your 19...but so am I.

so with that said...do you do that with shots? i think i would puke...

I don't swish my shots because I think about not swishing them before I do it. I assume I learned my lesson on that the first time I did it.

I also have mild OCD. I have to spin combination locks 5 times in each direction to make sure they're locked.

I do this too, and it did it in high school with the built in locks on the lockers. I swear, I would make it halfway to class and think for some reason that I forgot to spin the dial around and run back to my locker to do it.

02-10-2009, 07:52 PM
you bunch of wierd mofo's

J/K I really dont think I do anything out of the ordinary. It's amusing reading this shit though

02-10-2009, 07:52 PM
I look at anything I am going to eat off of be it plates or silverware and inspect it thoroughly. And anytime I take a cup out for a drink I look in it and blow in it one time.

Also I only eat Mels Hotdogs with a pickle and nothing else.....

02-10-2009, 07:53 PM
Unless it is a breakfast meal, nothing on my plate can touch. I use separate dishes and bowls for veggies and stuff lol.

02-10-2009, 08:00 PM
i used to do the blanket thing a lot when i was a kid

not so much anymore...maybe when its cold

02-10-2009, 08:02 PM
i do mental math to go to sleep...like simple stuff....mutlplying and dividing and then other shit.....lol

02-10-2009, 08:10 PM
I put A1 sauce on my pizza if I have it around.

It's Tabasco for me

i wash my hands a lot... i also use a towel instead of a napkin at home

I do this too, the skin on top of my hands get super dry from it

loved lemons when I was a kid, would put lemon juice on almost everything I'd eat

I obsessive when it comes to cleaning things
I've been known to take a toothbrush and spend hours cleaning car parts

02-10-2009, 08:17 PM
damn lol, i wear beanies, sweaters, and flannels during all weather. It can be 104 and i will still be wearing those. I have long hairs and the reason why i wear the beanies is because my hair looks short, yet i couldnt stand to cut it.

02-10-2009, 08:21 PM
sitting down in the shower by yourself? foreal??

the whole time? how do you clean your ass and legs?

i guess i gotta try it sometime...

the only time i've sat during a shower was when there was sexytime :wiggle:

Its great for sexytime as well. I stand up to wash and such but I sit down and relax while the water sprays on me. Usually this tempts me into smoking.

I can't really think of much else I do besides that... probably just having a brain fart.

02-10-2009, 08:24 PM
Unless it is a breakfast meal, nothing on my plate can touch. I use separate dishes and bowls for veggies and stuff lol.

i do this too sorta, not really that extreme though. but i HATE when people just mix everything together... all of my different foods must be separate.

02-10-2009, 08:25 PM
Its great for sexytime as well. I stand up to wash and such but I sit down and relax while the water sprays on me. Usually this tempts me into smoking.

I can't really think of much else I do besides that... probably just having a brain fart.
The shower is nice for sexytime lol. oh sometimes i just go in my car and sleep, my bed is comfortable, i just enjoy being in my car hahaha:wackit:

The Chad
02-10-2009, 08:29 PM
Can the OP re-title this thread to read "Anyone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Please Post in Here!!!" haha.

-I clean my ears like 5 times a day with Q-Tips, whether they need it or not.

-I shower in a specific order or else I miss a body part.

-I am compulsively late for everything by about 5 mins. If i am going to be on time i'll pull over somewhere and buy something useless to make my self late.

I have had OCD since I was like 15yrs old. It sucks ass. The only thing that keeps the anxiety down is rum and cokes or a 6 pack of beer. :)

02-10-2009, 08:30 PM
i do this too sorta, not really that extreme though. but i HATE when people just mix everything together... all of my different foods must be separate.
Yeah my friend mixes everything, its disgusting. Why do that? each thing has its own flavor, savor it instead of eating a puree to save time or w/e the reason for this is.

02-10-2009, 08:49 PM
I cannot stand stray threads on clothing. or hair. my gf is blonde and I wear black a lot so you can definately see all the hair she leaves on me and if I ever happen to catch myself in a mirror I have to make sure they are all gone. I cut or burn threads so they don't keep going.

02-10-2009, 09:20 PM
I tend to put tapatio hot sauce on mostly everything I eat. I got addicted to that shit.

02-10-2009, 09:24 PM
Every night when I am falling asleep, I untuck the bottom of my blanket and tuck it under my legs. I started doing it when I was small now it's just habit and comfortable. Probably to keep the monsters from getting in near my feet.

I started doing this as well, it was after I saw the movie "Child's Play". I was scared that chucky was going to come after me with a knife and cut my toes or somthing from underneath my bed somwhere.

Oh and I have a habit of also rubbing my ear lobes a lot of times because they get really soft and feel all smooth and stuff.

02-10-2009, 09:53 PM
I started doing this as well, it was after I saw the movie "Child's Play". I was scared that chucky was going to come after me with a knife and cut my toes or somthing from underneath my bed somwhere.

I do something similar, I will not EVER let any part of my body hang off a bed at any time EVER! I have this strange feeling that it will get cut off or stabbed.

I am anal about cleanliness of my dishes. I wash clean dishes again before I use them. I will not use anything before I, personally have washed them. Also I have an obsession with spoons and dont use forks.

02-10-2009, 09:58 PM
i also shower in a certain order

shampoo hair
scrub face
scrub arms chest back
scrub legs toes
scrub the junk

basically it goes from cleaning the cleanest to the dirtiest

no way in hell im scrubbing my face with the same wash rag that i just scrubbed my ass with

02-10-2009, 10:01 PM
I think i purposefully dirty my room just to have an excuse not to have anyone in it. I always think someone is going to jack something from my room.

02-10-2009, 10:03 PM



02-10-2009, 10:06 PM
I do something similar, I will not EVER let any part of my body hang off a bed at any time EVER!

me too, me too.

02-10-2009, 10:12 PM
me too, me too.

i've never had this fear, not sure why. Instead i sleep with my legs up on the wall, kinda like the letter L. Only when im along of course hahaha. G/f would make me sleep on the couch if i tried to pull that shit while she was around.

02-10-2009, 10:32 PM
Every night when I am falling asleep, I untuck the bottom of my blanket and tuck it under my legs. I started doing it when I was small now it's just habit and comfortable.

I do this a lot when its cold.

02-10-2009, 10:37 PM
I was thinking, and I realized a few things that I do are SUPER out of the ordinary. For instance, I don't use the shift key, I do <caps lock> CAPS </end caps lock> even for a simple 'I'. Don't know how I started doing it, but I can do it really fast now, and I still type like 80-100 WPM. haha.

I sit down in the shower every time I take a shower, too, haha.

Anyone else a weirdo ?

thats just gay

02-10-2009, 10:47 PM
i also shower in a certain order

shampoo hair
scrub face
scrub arms chest back
scrub legs toes
scrub the junk

basically it goes from cleaning the cleanest to the dirtiest

no way in hell im scrubbing my face with the same wash rag that i just scrubbed my ass with

so next time you scrub your face, the last thing to touch was your junk?

02-10-2009, 11:09 PM
haha i sit in the shower too.

i also do the wrap the blanket around my feet cuz i hate my feet sticking out cuz of all the scary movies i saw when i was little. for that reason also i absolutely had to sleep against a wall. i didnt like having my back turned cuz something could just sneak up on me.

whenever i drive be it auto or stick my hand is ALWAYS on the hand brake.

on my couch i always line my remotes and anything else like my ipod and phone perfectly in a row and are parallel with the back of the couch.

02-10-2009, 11:32 PM
i sniff food before i eat it
i inspect silverware, plates, bowls, and cups before i'll use them
i have to sleep with some type of noise like a fan, music, or my favorite, waves
i dry myself off after a shower in the same order
i absolutely have to move some part of my body when there is some sort of music on. mostly a finger or my foot.

02-10-2009, 11:33 PM
I can't sleep with out a little bit of noise, music, wind, some thing.
I also put TONS of soy sauce in my rice...

02-10-2009, 11:45 PM
I HAVE to have a fan on me when I sleep.
Can't sleep without it.
Even in the winter.
If someone turns off the fan while I'm sleeping I'll instantly wake up.

I also can't be in a room with the doors open at night, I always think someone or something is watching me.

02-11-2009, 12:09 AM
i'll let you guys in on two of my many ocd like activities

i'm cursed to forever play the childhood game of don't touch the cracks when im walking, or ill do it inverse, where you have to touch a crack with each step, or a certain colour of tile.

I also alternate tapping my teeth together on the left and right side for objects that are on the walls ( that qualify by my fucked up rules) when i'm walking down a hallway, or i do the same for sign and power poles when im in a car and not driving.

02-11-2009, 12:11 AM
I HAVE to have a fan on me when I sleep.
Can't sleep without it.
Even in the winter.
If someone turns off the fan while I'm sleeping I'll instantly wake up.

I spent about 15 years of my life doing this and just last year I broke the habit.

02-11-2009, 12:12 AM
I have to jerk off 7 times in under 13 minutes before I get to sleep
If I don't do this I can't get to sleep. If I go over 13 minutes, I start over.:cj:

02-11-2009, 12:23 AM
I usually highlight words when im on the internet for no aparent reason. it's like OCD for me.

I highlight text as reading it, by habit.

I don't reuse towels for showering... I don't find it weird, but my mom gets really annoyed by it.

I don't eat or drink after people...

I don't shit in public restrooms, unless needed.

I don't like hospitals, try to avoid going to them as much as possible.

I don't like blood to be taken from my body.

I won't stand next to the microwave when using it..

.. probably more, may edit later

02-11-2009, 12:26 AM
As for me, I have dumb routines for everything, and many times I have to go out of my way to follow them, even when I am in a hurry and will be late. I think I am borderline obsessive compulsive.

02-11-2009, 12:33 AM
i wash my hands before and after i take a leak.
i like to synchronize my pee with the my flush so by the time the toilet flushes it washes the last drip.

02-11-2009, 12:35 AM
I never pee in the water. I always pee just above it in the bowl. As to avoid making noise.

Ninja pissing.

02-11-2009, 12:41 AM
^ahahah I do that too.

I get ocd with plucking hairs on my knuckles.... it drives me crazy sometimes.

I HAVE to have a fan on me when I sleep.
Can't sleep without it.
Even in the winter.
If someone turns off the fan while I'm sleeping I'll instantly wake up.

I also can't be in a room with the doors open at night, I always think someone or something is watching me.

I also have both of these problems.

I do something similar, I will not EVER let any part of my body hang off a bed at any time EVER! I have this strange feeling that it will get cut off or stabbed.

^and this one!

02-11-2009, 01:57 AM
I usually highlight words when im on the internet for no aparent reason. it's like OCD for me.
I highlight text as reading it, by habit.

That isn't OCD.

Nope not at all... Get your eyes checked... probably astygmatism kicking in.... I know I have it, basically your retina fails to focus light efficiently any more and you just get a halo effect from bright lights. So in terms of text, the brighter background stars encrouching on the actually letters....

Get your eyes checked...

That was quoted from this thread
Do you highlight text when you're reading? (http://zilvia.net/f/off-topic-chat/224128-do-you-highlight-text-when-youre-reading.html#post2441918)

But aside from that.

All these posts in this thread are weird.

02-11-2009, 02:08 AM
-i shower in the dark. who needs light when you have super hearing capability!!!
-i dont like pizza. to most ppl i meet, they're all like "WAT????!!!"

02-11-2009, 06:19 AM
Since I broke my wrist many years ago I cannot help but to crack my wrists like knuckles. I also picked up that horrible habit of cracking my knuckles a lot. When I do it, I have to do both hands the same amount of times, same order. I wash my hands way way too much. There are many little quirks here and there but hey, it's all good.

02-11-2009, 06:46 AM
i put soy sauce an tapito on my rice. when i walk an there are straight lines on the floor i have too follow them, i count my steps. thats pretty much it.

02-11-2009, 06:57 AM
one weird thing i used to do was when in serious fights..when i ever i kick or punch towards my opponent, i would make sound effects with my mouth (like in those kung fu movies whenever someone gets hit).. very weird and silly at the same time..

02-11-2009, 09:19 AM
I have so many things I do... brain fart though...
Lets see... my main OCD habit would probably have to be doing things in even numbers... usually 4. If my hand grazes something by accident, I'd have to touch it again but get the same feeling I did the first time...if it's not the same I'll have to do it again but make sure it ends up on an even number...

I also have a habit of wiping my mouth after every bite of food I take...

02-11-2009, 09:19 AM
i need to have some sort of blanket or anything over me while i'm sleeping, summer winter fall spring, all the time. i just feel empty without having anything covering me lol...

if i'm expecting a fart while sitting, i tilt my body off to the side a bit

02-11-2009, 09:26 AM
i like to press my body against the wall when i sleep

02-11-2009, 09:27 AM
I get off when I fart in elevators.

02-11-2009, 09:38 AM
ok so my roommate was trying to have a serious discussion and debate about what he does.... No you can make your own decision if this is weird, and i most def think it is...

The man pee's sitting down.... and is proud of it, even suggests everyone should try it.

my weird things i do, i fall asleep to music blairing, i shower at night(people find that weird), i hate when the heat is on during the winter.

02-11-2009, 09:38 AM
i love to sleep with my head covered. either by my blanket or i wear a hoody to bed. kinda wierd. i also pull on my earlobe and pop my ear all the time. i dont think its actually my ear popping but the cartlidge. anyway its weird.

Alpha Residence
02-11-2009, 09:42 AM
I'm butt ass naked when I take shits in domestic residences, socks, shoes, everything.

02-11-2009, 09:45 AM
i make all light switches sit the same direction

sleep in the shower standing up in the corner

i shift threw all 5-6 gears 5 or 6 times before i drive any manual car. I also continue to do it as i sit at lights.

02-11-2009, 09:49 AM
The man pee's sitting down.... and is proud of it, even suggests everyone should try it.

I will do this if I wake up at 3AM and have to use the bathroom, because I don't feel like turning the lights on and blinding myself just so I can say I'm more of a man than the next fool.

I can tell you how many steps there are in every flight of stairs I regularly use.

I count the letters in words I hear in conversation.

It doesn't matter where I am; if I see a picture frame that is even the slightest bit crooked, I WILL straighten it.

My fingernails are RAGGED.

02-11-2009, 09:51 AM
I browse zilvia for 6+ hours a day.
I am addicted to chapstick so much that I have used cooking oil as a substitute in desperate times
I can't stand for my fingernails to look bad

02-11-2009, 09:52 AM
yeah, same here for me..no matter what, I have to wash my hands constantly after I'm done with anything. And let say I'm done going into the public restrooms, before I leave, I have to grab paper towels and open the door with it..if theres someone enters in, i would try to hold the door with my foot and then exit..lol

02-11-2009, 09:58 AM
- 2 condiments
Texas Pete Hot Sauce
Kraft 3-Cheese Ranch

- I order spinach on deli sandwiches instead of lettuce, ALL THE TIME...

- I eat my side items before eating main dishes, all the time.

- I have a specific order for my tabs in FireFox to be open, if anything upsets that, I close it and open again in proper order.
Gmail, Zilvia, MySpace (at home, MSN at work), YouTube and then any other variables, which are handled and then closed.

- I type things I might need to remember for later in an email draft, then handle it later. I do this for blogs I will post when I get home, pictures I might need to share, or just a means of reminding myself of shit.

02-11-2009, 10:05 AM
- I order spinach on deli sandwiches instead of lettuce, ALL THE TIME...

- I eat my side items before eating main dishes, all the time.

These two i do.

To add to mine, If i get full I keep drinking, even if I don't want anymore food, i have to keep drinking.

02-11-2009, 10:35 AM
Here at work, I have this habit of Signing my name on scratch paper until the page is full...

02-11-2009, 10:48 AM
sleep in the shower standing up in the corner

You are the only other person besides me that I have ever known to do this.

Here at work, I have this habit of Signing my name on scratch paper until the page is full...
My girlfriend does this, her garbage can is always full of of whole pieces of printer paper with her name covering every inch of the sheet.

02-11-2009, 10:59 AM
I am VERY strict about spelling, punctuation and grammar, even in text messages. I know that I have 160 characters to send one from my phone, but I make a point of punctuating sentences, spelling full words and avoiding the 13 year old girlish habit of shorthand. I know this sometimes causes me to need 2 messages to make my point, but frankly I don't give a damn.

02-11-2009, 11:04 AM
^Oh yeah, how I could I forget THIS one.

I nearly got into a shouting match with someone in the middle of a university lecture (a thermodynamics lecture that had nothing to do with English or grammar) over his use of "irregardless."

02-11-2009, 11:10 AM
^^^ Which reminds me of the cute chick whose number I took one time, and intended to call, but ending the exchange, she used the word "conversate" and I never called her, JUST because of that.

02-11-2009, 11:15 AM
Conversate and irregardless are instant dealbreakers.

As are the pronunciations "jew-luh-ree (jewelry)" and "ree-luh-tor (realtor)."

02-11-2009, 11:28 AM
i shift threw all 5-6 gears 5 or 6 times before i drive any manual car. I also continue to do it as i sit at lights.
I was always thought it was bad to do to a car while it is running. I never researched it so I might be wrong.

I type things I might need to remember for later in an email draft, then handle it later. I do this for blogs I will post when I get home, pictures I might need to share, or just a means of reminding myself of shit.

I do this all the time when I'm on a computer other than mine.

I am VERY strict about spelling, punctuation and grammar, even in text messages. I know that I have 160 characters to send one from my phone, but I make a point of punctuating sentences, spelling full words and avoiding the 13 year old girlish habit of shorthand. I know this sometimes causes me to need 2 messages to make my point, but frankly I don't give a damn.

U dUn LiK iT WiN EyE tYp Lik diZ???????????????????????????????????????????

I'm the same way though. You can tell at lot about someone just by how the annunciate and punctuate themselves.

I can't stand horrible grammar.

Even why I used T9 I still made sure my papers looked like something I would hand into an English professor.

02-11-2009, 11:29 AM
i like to sleep upside down from my ceiling. i also fart out of my mouth and burp out of my butt.

02-11-2009, 11:38 AM
You guys are too weird for me...lol

I always heel-toe downshift on the streets, even at low speeds/rpm.

02-11-2009, 11:42 AM
Conversate and irregardless are instant dealbreakers.

As are the pronunciations "jew-luh-ree (jewelry)" and "ree-luh-tor (realtor)."

and Jag-you-are (Jaguar) and Por-sha (Porsche)

02-11-2009, 11:50 AM
For the past couple of years, I have avoided beginning any of my posts with "I," although on a few occasions it was inevitable.

02-11-2009, 12:21 PM
Yeah, I have a tendency to drink and wipe my mouth after every bite that I eat. If a plate is crowded, I eat every item first then the main dish last.

02-11-2009, 12:22 PM
I am VERY strict about spelling, punctuation and grammar, even in text messages. I know that I have 160 characters to send one from my phone, but I make a point of punctuating sentences, spelling full words and avoiding the 13 year old girlish habit of shorthand. I know this sometimes causes me to need 2 messages to make my point, but frankly I don't give a damn.
That's exacly how I am with my texts... and pretty much anything which requires me to type.
^^^ Which reminds me of the cute chick whose number I took one time, and intended to call, but ending the exchange, she used the word "conversate" and I never called her, JUST because of that.
What do you mean? Conversate = Sex on the first date. Everybody knows that. LOL!!!

On a side note, I tend to use "..." a lot... (the three dots). I know some people hate that, but it's a habit I picked up at work.

02-11-2009, 12:22 PM
I dip my grilled cheese in ketchup.

02-11-2009, 12:38 PM
- i NEED the tv to be on when i go to sleep. if i cant faintly hear something or its totally dark, i cant sleep. i slept like a baby when i visited my uncle in Manhattan.

- when i get home from work, first thing i do is internets and open tabs in the same order. VRT, Zilvia, LookOut, Hotmail, Hybridz, Gmail, Facebook, VAdriven, Sumospeed, VIPStyleCars. if i dont, it just feels weird. then i check Urbanprankster.com and Notalwaysright.com. After that i can go about my business.

- i like to wrap my head in something when i got to sleep

- i cant sit still ever, i need to move something. i usually tap my foot whether theres music or not

- i play with my facial hair a lot and sometimes pull it out..

02-11-2009, 12:48 PM
On a side note, I tend to use "..." a lot... (the three dots). I know some people hate that, but it's a habit I picked up at work.

I use a lot of ellipses, but I'm even worse with parentheses. My sentences constantly have (interjections like this) in them.

02-11-2009, 12:50 PM
I cant control it but when someone gets hurt no matter if its something small to serious...i Laugh really hard cause I find it amusing for some reason. I think because when I get hurt I do the same. People have said that I'm "mean" for laughing in that kind of situation but I can't help it.

02-11-2009, 12:52 PM
this isn't really odd,

but i HAVE to make my bed before going to bed, i get all pissed off it i try and lay down in a unmade bed.

02-11-2009, 12:58 PM
I use a lot of ellipses, but I'm even worse with parentheses. My sentences constantly have (interjections like this) in them.
LOL! Yeah, I'm the same way with parenthasis as you saw in my post... It's usually for explanatory purpose though. Like when you make reference to something and you think people wont get it...

02-11-2009, 01:02 PM
I dip my grilled cheese in ketchup.

Tomato soup here.

Thought of a few more.

- I sleep at the foot of my bed, it is weird when my girl stays over or I stay over her place.

- When walking on a sidewalk, I count the number of steps I take on each "panel" of the sidewalk and try like hell to make them match.

- On long trips, once I am back in range where the exit numbers are counting up or down to my own exit, I calculate how much time it will take me to get home, based upon exit number and speed. I even do this when someone else is driving.

- I have a hard time staying sleep in absolute silence, I need the television on while I sleep... It is as loud as when I am awake.

- I plan short trips, like through the city, based upon which method will net me the most right turns instead of left turns.

- Sometimes when I am in a public place, like a mall or something I look around at people and create a whole back story leading up to what got them there. Often times, this story is humorous and people are looking at me like some kind of damned alien when I laugh.

02-11-2009, 01:15 PM
- When walking on a sidewalk, I count the number of steps I take on each "panel" of the sidewalk and try like hell to make them match.

*high five*

02-11-2009, 01:22 PM
Some of these are interesting to read...
But a few of mine are:
-the elipses thing...
-heel toe down shifting no matter what speed, etc..cause i want to be like Tsuchiya...
-always have my hand on the e-brake/hand brake
-sometimes before i jump in bed i'll shut my light off, think something's not right, turn the light back on, then turn it off and jump in bed..maybe repeat a few times
-sweet and sour sauce with pizza

02-11-2009, 01:25 PM
*high five*

I really don't know WHEN the fuck I started doing that, but it makes for a very strange alteration the gait of my walk sometimes too, on oddly shaped sidewalks,.

02-11-2009, 01:27 PM
i flip through magazines from back to front with my left hand while my right typically holds it up

02-11-2009, 01:29 PM
- i play with my facial hair a lot and sometimes pull it out..

*looks at stray hairs all over my desk*
... yeah, I will clean this damned thing off now.

02-11-2009, 01:44 PM
Plastic drink bottles:

Once opened, I have to remove the "safety ring" that used to be attached to the cap, but is now stuck on the neck. Often times I will just pry it off, however if I have a blade on me, I will cut it off. Once it has been cut off, I cut it into 4 relatively equal pieces before I throw it away.

I also HAVE to remove the label from the bottle. ALL of it if possible. Once you break the seal of the bottle, you release the pressure inside. Once the pressure is gone, the label doesn't fit as tight as it did before. That causes it to wrinkle and crinkle in my hand, distracting me from enjoying my tasty beverage. So, it MUST go.

At a restaraunt that serves drinks on coasters, all the coasters must be facing so that the person picking up the drink can read the coaster.

I will stack similar sized dishes at the end of my meal, to make it easier for the server to take them away. Then wipe the table clean before I leave.

Whenever possible, I enter and exit a building through the same door, retracing my steps on the way out.

I also find myself trying to avoid the cracks in the sidewalk, or at least attempting to skip the oddities in my path. For example: The staircase leading to my office. One of the steps (#7 from the bottom) was repaired a few months ago. The non-skid rubber pad on the step was cut too short on each end, exposing the concrete step underneath (less than half an inch on each side). So, when climbing or decending those stairs everyday, I space my stride so that I ALWAYS skip that step.

02-11-2009, 01:58 PM
After I get out of the shower I put the towel on my head, switch pillows, and just lay in bed till my hair is dry...

When time allows of course.


02-11-2009, 02:03 PM
Some weird motha fuckas in here....

Na i do weird shit but mostly like ocd shit like make sure everything in my pockets are always in the same order day after day..

Stack Coins

02-11-2009, 02:10 PM
I buy Tiffany and Louis Vuitton stuff on impulse.

02-11-2009, 02:36 PM
I dip my grilled cheese in ketchup.

I didnt even know that was weird. All of my friends and I have always done that.

02-11-2009, 03:02 PM
so next time you scrub your face, the last thing to touch was your junk?

its called a fresh wash rag brah

doing laundry is serious business

also when in the shower i HAVE to draw or write something on the shower door

its like therapeutic

i also walk around the house when i brush my teeth otherwise i get bored

02-11-2009, 03:06 PM
I buy Tiffany and Louis Vuitton stuff on impulse.

i feel you on that...

i also walk around the house when i brush my teeth otherwise i get bored

i have to also or i'm just bored looking in the mirror

02-11-2009, 03:15 PM
- i cant sit still ever, i need to move something. i usually tap my foot whether theres music or not

- i play with my facial hair a lot and sometimes pull it out..

People are always telling me to stop pacing because I can't sit still
I pick at my beard constantly, popping the beard bumps, and pulling hair out.

I like to sleep close to the wall, and only when I am sleepin by myself I sleep on my stomach.

02-11-2009, 03:18 PM
I constantly check to make sure my wallet, cellphone and keys are in my pockets.
I first noticed it when I was talking to some girl at a bar in Vegas and she called me out on it. She thought I had drugs on me and was being paranoid lol.

There are very few people I'll drink after.

I never finish the last bit of water/beer/soda in the bottom. Makes me gag just thinking about it.

When I'm concentrating really hard, my right leg shakes like a mother fucker. People get pissed off at movies cause it's like sitting next to Thumper (yes, that's a Bambi reference. fuck you)

02-11-2009, 03:19 PM
I'm always eating chocolate chips.

I'll have a little bowl of them sitting and eat them while i watch TV or play some xbox.

02-11-2009, 03:21 PM
When I eat really good food, I break out into a mini dance

When Ben and Jerry release a new flavor, its life or death.

I get mad when B&J gets more than $2.50

02-11-2009, 03:33 PM
I get angry when a bj costs more than $2.50.

02-11-2009, 03:41 PM
Haha I do the caps lock thing just like the OP. Never learned that shift shit.

I take medication for obsessive compulsive disorder and I take a liking to the number 17 in many different ways...

02-11-2009, 03:49 PM
i flip through magazines from back to front with my left hand while my right typically holds it up

i do that shit. but flip the pages with my right hand instead.

02-11-2009, 04:20 PM
I constantly check to make sure my wallet, cellphone and keys are in my pockets.

Same here, I always touch them with my left hand in the order of phone-wallet-keys, probably 15 times a day or more. I lost my wallet for a few days last week and kept doing it, touching my ass to make sure it wasnt there.

Also, when I lock my car with the remote, I have to hit lock 3 times before I'm confident it's locked.

02-11-2009, 04:39 PM
I constantly check to make sure my wallet, cellphone and keys are in my pockets.
I first noticed it when I was talking to some girl at a bar in Vegas and she called me out on it. She thought I had drugs on me and was being paranoid lol.

i do that as well...about every 5 minutes, maybe even more often.
cell front left, keys front right, wallet rear right...

i set my alarm about 5 times before i can sleep well. like, i turn it on, go to bed, stand up after a few moments, check again, go to bed again...about 5 times every night.

did i mention that i also set my cellphone alarm everyday, because i'm afraid that my alarm clock breaks down?

i can not WALK stairs...i run. if i go up, i take 2 steps per...uhm...step.

02-11-2009, 04:56 PM
I constantly check to make sure my wallet, cellphone and keys are in my pockets.
I first noticed it when I was talking to some girl at a bar in Vegas and she called me out on it. She thought I had drugs on me and was being paranoid lol.

When I'm concentrating really hard, my right leg shakes like a mother fucker. People get pissed off at movies cause it's like sitting next to Thumper (yes, that's a Bambi reference. fuck you)

Yeah dude, the cell phone+wallet thing is probably very common...because I do it too. I also do the Leg shaking thing.

When I eat really good food, I break out into a mini dance
Aww dude, hell yeah! I do that too. LOL!

02-11-2009, 04:59 PM
oh I know.

In college I pretty much ALWAYS started my exams from the middle or from the back and worked my way to the first question.

I don't know why...

02-11-2009, 05:03 PM
oh I know.

In college I pretty much ALWAYS started my exams from the middle or from the back and worked my way to the first question.

I don't know why...

they say creative people tend to read things backwards for some reason. I was flipping through something backwards and my girlfriend told me that.

I feel that I can finish a task more "completely" if I do it from finish to start.

02-11-2009, 05:06 PM
Well hey, if you wanted my number, you just could have ASKED.


02-11-2009, 05:45 PM
i do most of the things listed.

but for the first letter of each word, it has to be all capitalized or all lowercase.
So If I Type Like This You'll Notice Every First Letter Is Capitalized.
and i also put periods in place of commas.

i'm OCD about the vents in my s14.
they ALL have to be tilting the same way/turned the same way.

i'm having brain farts

02-11-2009, 06:07 PM
I HAVE to have a fan on me when I sleep.
Can't sleep without it.
Even in the winter.
If someone turns off the fan while I'm sleeping I'll instantly wake up.

I also can't be in a room with the doors open at night, I always think someone or something is watching me.

Same thing for me!

SleepR 240sx
02-11-2009, 06:10 PM
I love sleeping in cramped situations, so I tend to sleep on the floor in a corner or on a couch more than my bed. When I do sleep in my bed I have to have the pillows on the right side and sleep as far against the wall as I can.

I always make my steering wheel lock when I leave the 240.

I always leave my car in neutral with the handbrake up. If my dad moves my car to let himself out in the morning and leaves it in first I will stall out when I start it up. Every time.

I drink an unhealthy amount of sweet tea, and don't drink soft drinks or anything carbonated.

I do the leg shaking thing too, but probably because I'm ADD. It drives my GF NUTS. She always forces me to stop if I 'm around her doing it lol.

The Chad
02-11-2009, 06:47 PM
I feel like everyone in this thread needs to address their OCD as an anxiety based psychosis and move on. JK. I'm nutty too. But seriously, OCD sucks, but i did learn that it only becomes a disorder when it begins to affect your life in a negative way.
1. You obsess about the idea to do whatever it is.

2. You give in and compulsively engage the idea.

3. You become weird as hell to all those watching you :)

02-11-2009, 06:50 PM
I constantly check to make sure my wallet, cellphone and keys are in my pockets.

haha i do that too

i can not WALK stairs...i run. if i go up, i take 2 steps per...uhm...step.

my sister, my mom, and myself do that also...

Na i do weird shit but mostly like ocd shit like make sure everything in my pockets are always in the same order day after day..

same here. keys and chapstick right front, ipod/phone left front, wallet right rear

02-11-2009, 07:02 PM
oh yeah.

i forgot.
i like my arms cold when i sleep. so i usually stick em under my pillow.
once it starts warming up i move it aside to a different cold spot.

02-11-2009, 07:04 PM
When ever i sit down i always need to empty my pockets, also my blackberry cant be in the same pockets as my keys.

I also try to have the best spelling, if i don't know how a to spell a word correctly i google it or just don't use it, this is why i bought a blackberry for the check spelling feature

02-11-2009, 07:05 PM
oh yeah.

i forgot.
i like my arms cold when i sleep. so i usually stick em under my pillow.
once it starts warming up i move it aside to a different cold spot.

Doesn't everyone do that?

02-11-2009, 07:42 PM
How's this for weird. I hate 240's yet I own three. Maybe I'm just stupid. *shrugs*

02-11-2009, 07:58 PM
How's this for weird. I hate 240's yet I own three. Maybe I'm just stupid. *shrugs*

Could always toss me one, get rid of the "future"part of the sn:D

I remembered another. I am obsessed with my teeth. I put toothpaste on my toothbrush about 4 times when I brush. Brushing can be as long as 6 minutes for me

02-11-2009, 08:00 PM
When ever i move to a new house.. i wait about 8 months. then i start to look for things i never noticed before.

when i go to sleep i have to have the TV on because silence really bothers me and i cant just listen to the radio i have to see the light flashes hitting the wall.

When ever im in a public restroom and some ones next to me i for some reason cant pee till theve left cuz i just dont feel confurtable.

i have alot more but there redicules.

02-11-2009, 08:00 PM
How's this for weird. I hate 240's yet I own three. Maybe I'm just stupid. *shrugs*

Well you know what they say about the definition of insanity.


02-11-2009, 08:02 PM
I'm actually selling the two 93's. Downgrading to only one mistake. I have enough bad habits.

Forte EXE
02-11-2009, 08:04 PM
Can the OP re-title this thread to read "Anyone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Please Post in Here!!!" haha.

-I clean my ears like 5 times a day with Q-Tips, whether they need it or not.

-I shower in a specific order or else I miss a body part.

-I am compulsively late for everything by about 5 mins. If i am going to be on time i'll pull over somewhere and buy something useless to make my self late.

I have had OCD since I was like 15yrs old. It sucks ass. The only thing that keeps the anxiety down is rum and cokes or a 6 pack of beer. :)

Holy shit! I do all three of those things. everytime Im in the bathroom aftera pee, i clean my ears, haha. Im late to EVERYTHING even when i leave early i find something thatll distract me.

02-11-2009, 09:39 PM
When I use my phone book in my phone I have to spell the person name out. Even when I call my friend Aaron...he is on the top of the list for all the slow people.

02-11-2009, 09:44 PM
Alright, I just thought of another one...
When I go to restaurants, I have to sit at the corner of the table where my right side is facing outward. That's why I try to walk in so I sit down first because then people don't understand why I want to switch...

Man... This is a thread of some pretty shocking realizations...

02-11-2009, 09:57 PM
- When walking on a sidewalk, I count the number of steps I take on each "panel" of the sidewalk and try like hell to make them match.

- Sometimes when I am in a public place, like a mall or something I look around at people and create a whole back story leading up to what got them there. Often times, this story is humorous and people are looking at me like some kind of damned alien when I laugh.


yep. and i tend to make up possible conversations and talk to myself.

i do that as well...about every 5 minutes, maybe even more often.
cell front left, keys front right, wallet rear right...


i flip through magazines from back to front with my left hand while my right typically holds it up

yep, except i only do it when ive read it a few times. i tend to read back to front hoping theres gonna be some new stuff or something i missed before i guess.

02-11-2009, 10:00 PM
Haha I also feel for my phone, ipod, and wallet. At least like 3 times when I get in my car because I just need to know that I have them.

I always go back and re-do certain things because I'm convinced I didn't do them right even if I did.

My hands always have to be occupied or at least be in my pockets or else I feel weird and start walking odd.

I always make sure I have proper punctuation and grammar in my text and if I don't know how to spell a word I don't use it and then have to type a definition of that word. I also can't use T9.

For some reason I always have to explain myself for the most stupid reasons, for example, if I use the wrong word in a sentence then I have to explain why I did it. Or I have to elaborate everything just like I am doing now.

02-11-2009, 10:10 PM
oh, and i minimize WHATEVER im looking at when im on the computer when someone walks by, because i hate getting asked ohhh what are you looking at, or whos car is that, whos that(facebook)....

02-11-2009, 10:29 PM
I always go back and re-do certain things because I'm convinced I didn't do them right even if I did.

Boy, this thread is making me realize how compulsive I am. I do this too, about crazy things like thinking I left the gas on after I lit a cigarette off the stove. I will be laying in bed and I'll have to get up just to check, same thing with making sure the locks on all my doors are locked even after i've been sitting in bed for a while.

02-11-2009, 10:30 PM
Haha these are way good!

I play with my facial hair all the time.
I shower at least twice a day.
And I have to shower before I go to bed.
I need some kind of noise when I go to sleep.
The colder my room is the easier it is to sleep.
On my way to school I have to have something to drink, it can't be water though.
I hate the heater on in the house.

02-11-2009, 10:45 PM
"Every time i work out, i feel like i need to hang off a bar to stretch myself out so i don't shrink."

^I do that too.
i never put lids on my cups.
cant sleep with socks on.
cant sleep if i see the tv being turned off. so i turn my head away.
i need to put my arm over my eyes for at least an hour b4 i can actually fall asleep.
lint irritates the shit outta me.
i hate wrinkly clothes.

02-11-2009, 11:31 PM
I also do the ninja pee thing, i used to just do it every now and then but ive realized i do it all the time...Also I dont like to drive barefoot or with flip flops etc on, seems i drive worse, it feels too sensitive? I dont know if its weird or not, but i organize the little money that i have in my wallet from largest bills in back to smallest in front, also they have to be facing the same way

02-11-2009, 11:47 PM
i wash my hands before and after i take a leak.
-i like to synchronize my pee with the my flush so by the time the toilet flushes it washes the last drip.
i do this allll the time...its like i know exactly when to flush so when the last drop hits the flushing is on its last second of flushing

I never pee in the water. I always pee just above it in the bowl. As to avoid making noise.

Ninja pissing.
-I hate it when ppl here me peeing. i always think ppl are thinkng/talking about me: "how big do you think he is from the sound of the pee"
"whos peeing this late at night"

- I dont like wearing shoes....at all, but i do
- I drive with no shoes
- I used to buy a new pack of socks every week because i like the feel of them, i would give my old ones to salvation army

02-11-2009, 11:50 PM
i cant sleep with my head towards the door of a room, and i talk to myself about situations sometimes, like verbally work out the problem.

02-11-2009, 11:53 PM
I hate it when ppl here me peeing. i always think ppl are thinkng/talking about me: "how big do you think he is from the sound of the pee"
"whos peeing this late at night"

Size problems or what?

02-12-2009, 01:13 AM
I will always extend my pinky when I drink, anything.
My wallet must always be in my left pocket, cell phone on the right.
When I count, I count to 10 in english, anything after in spanish.
When I text my grammar is always right.
I eat with my back to the all or a corner, so no one can sneak up on me and kill me.
I am uncapable of pooping in a porta pottie, will never, ever happen. (it can flip over)
Foods are eaten separate, never mix.
I must sleep in complete silence and darkness, so dark that I dont even have an alarm clock due to the light it emits.
I also ninja-piss, and try to do things as quietly as humanly possible.
I am obcessed with WW2 airplanes and would love to fly a B-17.

02-12-2009, 03:11 AM
I sleep in the shower every morning, standing up, propped up by my forehead against the corner of the shower walls.

Oh, and whenever I drink anything I have to swish each sip around in my mouth three times before I swallow it. If I am thinking about it I can stop myself from swishing, but otherwise I swish.
lol i sleep in the shower also

02-12-2009, 08:32 AM
-I wear socks to bed

-When I eat, I eat one thing at a time, and save my drink until I'm done everything, including desert.

-I organize the dishwasher so that same plates/glasses are all lined up

02-12-2009, 08:48 AM
I check for my wallet/phone/keys every 5 minutes. If any feel like they are missing.. i will stop whatever i am doing.. including driving my car or motorcycle.. pull over until everything is found.

i am sure i have many more.. i remember this one cuz it happened this morning.

02-12-2009, 08:55 AM
Man, after reading this thread I have come to the realization I must be crazy. I didn't know all the fucked up things I do until I read this thread!

Wash my body in order: shampoo + rinse, conditioner, wash face, rinse conditioner, rinse face, then body from top down.

I frequently flip words around in my head to see what they spell backwards.

In the car (as a passenger), if there are spots on the side window, I stare at them like they are moving beside the car in the scenery. When I was a kid I used to move my head up and down to make them appear to dodge signs, hydrants, cars, etc. I probably looked retarded, so I don't do that anymore thankfully!

The above might have contributed to my HATE for dirty car windows. I keep mine clean as fawk.

I wash my hands a LOT too. The top of my hands gets really dry in the winter. I also do the paper towel trick in public restrooms so as to avoid touching the door handle.

I ninja piss - I turn on the fan to increase stealth too.

I am addicted to chap stick which lead to my next issue: pocket organization!

same here. keys and chapstick right front, ipod/phone left front, wallet right rear

HA! We have the same organization: I have to have chapstick and keys in the right front pocket, cell in the left, and wallet in the right rear. I hate carrying anything more or anything less.

I really don't like sleeping on other peoples' bedding or using their towels (Its the unfamiliar smell). If they are clean though, I can force myself to get over it.

Tabbed browsing: gmail has to be in tab 1, and I hate having more than 5 tabs open. I will close anything not-in-use asap.

I never drink the last sip in my drink - especially beer for some reason. *gag*

I have to keep my beard short or I will pull hairs out that are longer than the others. Sideburns too ><

Crap that is a long list... I hate you guys for making me realize all this about myself!

02-12-2009, 08:59 AM
I constantly check to make sure my wallet, cellphone and keys are in my pockets.
I first noticed it when I was talking to some girl at a bar in Vegas and she called me out on it. She thought I had drugs on me and was being paranoid lol.

i do that constantly. like 10 seconds after i put my wallet away i make sure its there. i know i just put it in my pocket but i still check anyways.

i feel so awkward if i dont have a pack of smokes in my pocket. like if i finished a pack and threw it out and am going to buy another, i check my pocket and feel so strange that just my phone is in it.

02-12-2009, 09:29 AM
keys and chapstick right front, ipod/phone left front, wallet right rear

Keys: left front
Chapstick/nail clippers: right front small (the "junior" pocket that most jeans have)
Phone: right front
Wallet: right rear
Random paper list of stuff to do: left rear

Always, always, always.

Also related to the above, I ALWAYS have nail clippers with me, because I pick my fingernails constantly. Sometimes it'll get too out of hand and I'll need the clippers to avoid making my fingers bleed.

02-12-2009, 10:05 AM
I will always extend my pinky when I drink, anything.
I eat with my back to the all or a corner, so no one can sneak up on me and kill me.
I am uncapable of pooping in a porta pottie, will never, ever happen. (it can flip over)
I must sleep in complete silence and darkness, so dark that I dont even have an alarm clock due to the light it emits.

I get so much crap about the pinky thing, quite a few gay jokes.
Same here, I always hug the corner when I eat, my GF thinks it's so weird
Pitch black is the best way to go, I once went so far as to hang a giant black trash bag over the window to block out light.

02-12-2009, 10:12 AM
Pitch black is the best way to go, I once went so far as to hang a giant black trash bag over the window to block out light.

Tin foil works well, also. The apartment we used to live in had this BRIGHT security light outside, right next to our bedroom window :rolleyes: Not even those blackout drapes could keep it dark in there.

02-12-2009, 10:45 AM
I have to change up my style of clothing every few months, and when i do i buy nothing but that brand, like this winter i had a vans obsession and then a north face obsession, now i'm going through an under armour obsession :hyper:

I also can't get away from 240's no matter what I switch to, I'm on my 4th one right now, but dislike it cuz the previous owner fucked up shit not worth fixing, but I know if I get rid of it I will just buy another, which might not be a bad thing compared to this POS.

I also must run or exercise at least once a day, otherwise I feel like I have missed out on something, lack of endorphines/adrenaline.

02-12-2009, 10:55 AM
I also must run or exercise at least once a day, otherwise I feel like I have missed out on something, lack of endorphines/adrenaline.

That's just physiological. If I don't exercise I feel like absolute shit. No energy, no motivation. It seems counterintuitive that you need to expend energy to have more of it, but that's the way it goes. =)

02-12-2009, 11:31 AM
When ever i cum, i start acting like a baby...

02-12-2009, 12:15 PM
When ever i cum, i start acting like a baby...


.... but yeah, I double check myself constantly, I remember when I was managing a restaurant, I would turn around and check to see if I locked the door; a few times when I was almost halfway back to my house. Didn't forget to lock the front door ONCE when I turned around and check it, but I still felt the need if I even questioned it.

02-12-2009, 12:24 PM
That's just physiological. If I don't exercise I feel like absolute shit. No energy, no motivation. It seems counterintuitive that you need to expend energy to have more of it, but that's the way it goes. =)

So true!

When ever I shower, I have to brush my teeth afterwords, I just don't feel 100% clean if I do not.

02-12-2009, 12:40 PM
When I make eye contact with somebody (usually strangers), I look away and sometimes I HAVE to make eye contact again... maybe even multiple times...

02-12-2009, 02:07 PM
i allways sniff my fingers when i scratch myself.... or other things
I allways need at least 2-3 pillows to lay on my bed or else i cant sleep
i never let my feet exposed to others to see even though i;ve told they are ok
i allways eat things with my front teeth like hard candys and certain foods so it looks like i am eating like chipmunk and also why i got a root canel there too...
i grind my front teeth at night when i am sleeping
i also used to sit down while showering but then i relized i out grew my shower since i was little so the fix was jaqcuzz!
everytime i go to the bath room. I have to throw a pose or check myself out in the mirror..... not a vanity thing... its just somethig i do.
I can never sleep at night if i dont take a shower first right before. IT HAS TO BE RIGHT BEFORE.

02-12-2009, 02:23 PM
Oh MAN, I just keep remembering stuff.

I smell my hands constantly. I HATE it if they smell dirty at all.

In conversation, I repeat things back to myself after I say them. Sometimes it's audible, if I'm not careful.

02-12-2009, 02:45 PM
my room is dirty but, I sanitize my phone, tv remote, xbox controller.
when I stand in one place to long I space out and dont move at all (some people say thats weird)
i eat my McDoubles with Mac sauce.
the cigarette i keep behind my ear is always my last one before bed even if i have more smokes
and i tend to reply to all text messeges NO matter what (even if i dislike the texter)
i have my own supply of cleaning products

02-12-2009, 02:55 PM
fuck you guys


ok here is my list

- i have to have noise when i sleep. tv or radio. i need something.
- the colder the better when im trying to sleep
- whenever i drive my right hand is always on the shifter. even if its auto
- im always checking my pockets about 10-15 times a day
- i have to be doing something with my hands. no matter what
- i have to constantly be doing something(eg: tapping foot, shaking leg, tapping fingers) drives my G/F nuts sometimes

- i have to wash my body first top to bottom, then shampoo my hair. then shave, then brush teeth. in that order

- i am always checking to make sure i locked the doors, closed windows etc.
- i have to check 3 times that i locked or unlocked the car. otherwise i dont think it worked(also drive my g/f crazy)

-all my electronics or cables have to be neat or wrapped up properly or i go crazy
-when im editing( i do video stuff for work) i HAVE to have a clean room/desk. if anything is out of place or messy, i cant work. even the floors have to be vaccumed

-i am always playing with my goatee or rubbing my head. or i force myself to keep my hands in my pockets

i organize my stuff when i go to my g/fs house. my little pile of stuff is always kept clean. i do this when im at hotels also. everything must be kept in place

i think thats all for now

i hate you guys

02-12-2009, 02:59 PM
I have a very specific way of preparing the toilet when I go poo. (this is for places other than home).

I roll out like 6 squares of paper and wrap it around the toilet seat where my weenie might touch. THEN, I get the wax paper seat thing and put it on.
Then I sit and go poo.

I am way freaked out about my weenie touching the seat.

p.s. Ross, remember that one time you came over and then I had to go poo real bad and it was terrible.

02-12-2009, 03:02 PM
bh. i dont remember that:(

but that brings up another point.

- i have to clean or cover the seat cover...no matter what
- i cant walk on cat litter that got knocked out of the litter box. that crunching sound drives me nuts and i have to clean it up. no matter whos house i am at

02-12-2009, 03:05 PM
i sleep with the windows open even when its snowing and 15F* out.

well unless im with a girl.

02-12-2009, 05:25 PM
-i order a cup of very hot water when i go out to eat, so i can soak my fork/spoon etc. before eating (make sure they are clean)
-i can open a pry top beer/drink with a lighter or my teeth
-i answer the phone with "speak" or "yes" to everybody
-when I'm talking to people, i sometimes feel like im not blinking when im looking them in the eyes (i am tho'), so i try to remember to blink. which makes me blink even more than normal

02-12-2009, 05:30 PM
every time i go up stairs i HAVE to skip steps and go up it faster (excluding escalators)

02-12-2009, 06:09 PM
Let's see..

Knuckle cracking, also wrists, neck, elbows.

I rinse standing in the shower and clean it, then plug the tub and wash with the shower on. Yeah, sitting down. I have loved water as long as I can remember, so I take baths.

I fidget. Finger tapping, leg rocking, something.

I talk to myself. There is constantly a dialog in my head.

I drive with my right hand underneath my right leg.

I hold down my big toes to "swerve" away from signs/pole on the highway. Comes from when we took lots of road trips as a kid and I was bored.

I have similar sleeping issues as everyone else.

I "ninja pee". I also have a shy bladder and have difficulty using the bathroom if anyone is around, even family.

If I don't have lots of private time during the day I get pretty anxious.

Pocket organization/checking. Yup. Surprising how everyone's keys/wallet tend to be kept in the same spot as me.

I put sauce on EVERYTHING.

That's enough for now. I've revealed too much. :coolugh:

02-12-2009, 06:19 PM
I "ninja pee". I also have a shy bladder and have difficulty using the bathroom if anyone is around, even family.

is that common? i think im the same way sometimes..
unless im drunk lol

i wake up in the morning to check my email/myspace etc..

02-12-2009, 06:29 PM
Haha Bluejayde you're like my twin or something. I do all the exact same stuff. I always play out scenes and shit in my head and the right hand underneath the leg while driving.

Somebody is going to have to change the name of this thread too "Weird things that you do that everyone else does"

02-12-2009, 06:35 PM
I drum my fingers as if it was the buttons on an arcade machine whenever I'm at a desk. I sometimes also must walk and even number of steps between certain spaces on the ground. Example, walking on the sidewalk, walking on a sidewalk, I must walk it with an even number of steps before stepping off it.

02-12-2009, 07:51 PM
When ever i cum, i start acting like a baby...

I laugh for some reason when I do. I had an ex who got pissed off because of it

02-13-2009, 09:41 AM
when i get out of the shower, i chill in my room with only the towel on.. like im in no rush to do anything, i will chill around lol..

02-13-2009, 09:58 AM
I laugh randomly at stuff that happened weeks , and months ago.

02-13-2009, 10:54 AM
^^^^^Same here...then people around you look at you really weird and that just makes me laugh even harder.
But whenever I try to tell someone what it was that I was laughing at they never find it funny.. :(

02-13-2009, 10:56 AM
on airplanes, i need to turn the little latch that holds up the tray tables so it points straight down or i'll go OCD for the whole flight.

02-13-2009, 11:18 AM
I have to have all the blankets on top of the bed to sleep the cant be hanging of or putting pressure in one direction.

I have to have weight on me to sleep so i sleep with like 5 comforters even during the summer. I just turn the ac up.

I cant eat food in the dark. I have to turn the lights on

02-13-2009, 11:43 AM
first of all this thread is awesome, there are def some very OCD ppl on zilvia haha

i do that as well...about every 5 minutes, maybe even more often.
cell front left, keys front right, wallet rear right...

i rock the exact same setup and check em constantly as well, except i usually have some gum back left

i count steps and paces, if im at work using tools always count how many hits/turns/cuts etc..

CONSTANTLY play with my hair if its long, dont even think about it its totally subconscious. and if im thinking hard about something i kick it into overdrive and there is a pile of hair on the desk or whatever...

talk to myself quite a bit, i dont think this one is too bad... its once you start responding to talking to yourself that u might need to talk to someone haha

funny to see how we are all just a little bit crazy

02-13-2009, 11:44 AM
i make myspaces for sex offenders.

02-13-2009, 12:30 PM
I wonder if car enthusiasts have a higher chance of being OCD. I bet there is a correlation there.

I hate it when people touch my car. Black shows fingerprints and it drives me crazy. I always touch the door handles and nothing else. The Z has perfect door handles for opening and closing without touching the paint :)

02-13-2009, 12:55 PM
^^^^^Same here...then people around you look at you really weird and that just makes me laugh even harder.
But whenever I try to tell someone what it was that I was laughing at they never find it funny.. :(

yeeeep exactly what happens to me. :-/

02-13-2009, 01:25 PM
I have to have all the blankets on top of the bed to sleep the cant be hanging of or putting pressure in one direction.

I have to have weight on me to sleep so i sleep with like 5 comforters even during the summer. I just turn the ac up.

same here.....dam i thought i was wierd......to add i also sleep with 5 pillows.

my other wierd stuff....

im always checking for my wallet, like ALL the time.
can never sit still. have to be moving some part of my body....
i stick my pinky up when i drink anything.
im always analyize what i tell people, as in if i tell somone hello i have to think about if it was appropriate (abbrasive...nice...etc)
when im spelling out a word, if i think about it i usually spell it wrong, then i continue to think about it and i cant spell it out...even little words...
theres more but i dont want yall to think im wierd.....LOL!!

02-14-2009, 02:12 AM
My wife says when I sleep I cross my big toe with the one next to it (middle toe?) and wiggle them back and forth.

I put ranch dressing on pizza.

I guess thats not too weird? I'm sure there's more I just can't think of anything else.

02-14-2009, 03:34 AM
I look at anything I am going to eat off of be it plates or silverware and inspect it thoroughly. And anytime I take a cup out for a drink I look in it and blow in it one time.Dude, me too! I always blow in a cup i get out of the cabinet. As if it's got dust in it or something. Also, when at a fast food place, I ALWAYS pull the paper off, then blow through the straw. One time, there was a small piece of paper in the straw, and I sucked it up. Twas nasty.

I do this too, the skin on top of my hands get super dry from it

I obsessive when it comes to cleaning things
I've been known to take a toothbrush and spend hours cleaning car partsSame here about the hand-washing thing. Especially now during the winter months. My skin will get so dry that it will start to get raw/crack. It's gross, but I'm totally OCD about hand-washing.

I regularly clean something on my car with a toothbrush and degreaser.

-I shower in a specific order or else I miss a body part.Idk about missing a body part, but I always start with the face, then do my neck/shoulders, then do my arms, then my chest, back, then legs/feet, then underarms, then my junk, then my butt.

NEVER EVER will I use the same washrag.

I had an ex one time that would use the same washrag for a few days, but wanted a new towel for every shower...

Umm. Towels are for when you're clean, and the washrag gets all your body's nastiness on it.

I do something similar, I will not EVER let any part of my body hang off a bed at any time EVER! I have this strange feeling that it will get cut off or stabbed.

I am anal about cleanliness of my dishes. I wash clean dishes again before I use them. I will not use anything before I, personally have washed them. Also I have an obsession with spoons and dont use forks.Same here. My friends always comment about me using the scrubby side of the dish scrubby pad, rather than just the spongy side. I justify it by saying that if I don't see something, then the scrubby stuff will get it off of there.

I even go so far as to have created scrub marks around the rim of my plastic cups, cause i've scrubbed them OCD-style. lol

i also shower in a certain order

no way in hell im scrubbing my face with the same wash rag that i just scrubbed my ass withAmen.

so next time you scrub your face, the last thing to touch was your junk?Don't use the same washrag twice in a row. :rant2:

i'll let you guys in on two of my many ocd like activities

i'm cursed to forever play the childhood game of don't touch the cracks when im walking, or ill do it inverse, where you have to touch a crack with each step, or a certain colour of tile.

I also alternate tapping my teeth together on the left and right side for objects that are on the walls ( that qualify by my fucked up rules) when i'm walking down a hallway, or i do the same for sign and power poles when im in a car and not driving.Haha. I do that, too. Then feel bad cause "step on a crack, break your mother's back" or whatever. I love my momma.

You made me think about something I used to do when my family would take trips when I was little. To pass the time, I would imagine that I was watching a dirt bike (motocross kinda deal) rider ride along the side of the road. There are plenty of jumps and such, and it's kinda stuck with me. I'll catch myself doing it to this day.

I don't shit in public restrooms, unless needed.

I won't stand next to the microwave when using it..

.. probably more, may edit laterSame here on both of those.

i make all light switches sit the same direction

sleep in the shower standing up in the corner

i shift threw all 5-6 gears 5 or 6 times before i drive any manual car. I also continue to do it as i sit at lights.Hahaha. I play with my gears, too. Most often, I'll just "waggle" the shifter left and right.

Conversate and irregardless are instant dealbreakers.

As are the pronunciations "jew-luh-ree (jewelry)" and "ree-luh-tor (realtor)."The one that really grinds my gears is people who say:

"NUKE-yew-luhr" ... nucular?

It's definitely: "NUKE-lee-uhr" ... nuclear :)

I always make my steering wheel lock when I leave the 240.

I do the leg shaking thing too, but probably because I'm ADD. It drives my GF NUTS. She always forces me to stop if I 'm around her doing it lol.I lock the wheel, too. And I'm always shaking my leg. I think I have restless leg syndrome.

A few of my own. I always find it easier to put my contacts in when I FIRST wake up. If I wait like 5 minutes, then they'll burn a little bit.

I take really long (elapsed time, assholes..lol) dumps. It started when I was younger as a way to get out of housework. Then I learned the trick of taking a book in there. Being a natural bookworm.. Yeah. I take at least 20 minute dumps. Mostly like 30-45 minutes though. Any longer, and my legs start to fall asleep. lol

I used to have braces, and to keep food from getting stuck in them, I would pull my lips tight over the braces, then put some suction in the area between the wire and my teeth to make sure no food's just chilling in there. To this day, I still do that. Looks weird, I know.

When I'm trying to think of something, I flex the muscles under my scalp/back of my head and move my ears.

I obsessively crack my knuckles. Both fingers and toes.

I smell a lot of things. Toothbrush, cups from the cabinet, socks I've just taken off, etc.

I shave my arms, and I'll absentmindedly take my stubbly finger-hair (sounds gay, right?) and rub it over my chin or lips. Girl asked me one time if I was "smelling my finger" I just said yes, cause it was easier than explaining the hair thing.

I can't sit without crossing my ankles/legs. Not girl style.

I "scrub" my teeth with my tongue to try and keep them feeling smooth and shiny.

I HATE shaving after a shower. I must shave with hot water, too. Also, I have to shave against the grain. I've got a really heavy beard, and i've got 7 o'clock shadow right after I shave if I don't. Instant 5 o'clock shadow is natural for me.

I constantly pat my butt pocket to make sure my wallet is still there. As if someone stole it and I didn't notice.

I drink waaaayyyy too much soda. I can't survive on just water. Can't do it. I'll literally get dehydrated. I'm even a healthy-minded person, too.

I always adjust the CD player to digits that are multiples of 5. Likewise, I'll turn my iPod to the same volume.

I can't fall asleep unless I've got ear buds in. Even if there's not music. Just having the earbuds in.

I check the house door like 15 times before I'm satisfied that it's locked. I'll even get back up out of bed to check it. And I live in the country. lol

I can't sleep with socks on. Even if my feet are covered, that's ok. But no socks.

When I'm done listening to my iPod, I always unlock it, turn it off, then tilt my head and just pull my earbuds out from further down the cord (if that makes sense) and twist my head so they'll both come out. Then, I wrap the cord and earbuds around my iPod counter-clockwise. Every time.

For some reason, I always have to pee when I go to take a dump, so I pee first, then do my business.

I work at a retail store. I can't stand making eye contact with complete strangers when I'm walking THROUGH the store. When I'm in my area, of course, but if I'm just walking up front or something, I don't like looking at people. It feels awkward.

I grind my teeth when I sleep. My canines are flat on the inside. Making them pretty much razor sharp on the top, since they're chisel-shaped. Makes beef jerky like cake.

I talk to myself, too. I'm very intelligent, so I feel that I'm wasting time if there's no dialogue when there's something that you could talk about going on.

I eat mustard on way too many foods.

I seriously eat at Subway AT LEAST 5 times a week. I'm on a first name basis with pretty much everyone who works at the three Subway retaurants nearest my house and campus.

When I park my car, it must be placed in 2nd gear with the e-brake on, regardless of whether I'm parked on a flat spot, hill, yard, whatever.

I constantly sniff.

I don't pick my nose in public, obviously, but I wipe it a lot. I sure as hell pick my nose though.

I spend way too many hours on automotive forums.

I study better and can do homework faster if I'm listening to music while doing so. I also like to listen to music while reading.

I have an unhealthy obsession with Halo and the Master Chief. Have all the books. They're exciting.

I'm decently hairy, but I shave my arms, legs, and chest.

I manscape and I'm totally not ashamed to say that.

I pick at the corners of my eyes to get rid of any residual "sleepy" that might be hiding in there.

I'm picky about everything being organized in a very efficient manner. Bookbag is designed to be packed/unpacked very easily, etc, etc. This does not hold true for my room at all. Clothes all over the place, lying in piles, dirty clean, whatever. My room is super messy. But never dirty. I certainly make that distinction.

I'm sure there's more, but I'll add stuff later.

Yeah, I'm a totally weird mothafuckah, aren't I? haha

*edit* Reading this thread really made me realize how similar we all are, even if we don't know each other, or don't like each other, we've all got something in common.

02-14-2009, 08:17 AM
I'm butt ass naked when I take shits in domestic residences, socks, shoes, everything.

i do that only in my home

I think about what i am going to say before i say it multiple times , and I will prepare my self for up to five different responses and what to say then. But of course only in person.

I am not doing this on purpose but i seem to keep setting myself up for rejection.

When showering I wash my self in a specific order and if I slip I do it all over again.

I shave dry but I condition my facial hair before hand.

I trim my pubes.

I can not sleep unless I have an alarm set. If I don't, I will not go to sleep for a few more hours.

When at a burger joint I ask for large fries and a small coke because refills are free.

I am trying not to finish what I eat.

02-14-2009, 09:38 AM
hahaha all of these posts are pretty funny!!!

I HATE sleeping in my bed and feel crumbles of food or dirt in my bed, i will have to get rid of them for me actually to fall asleep.

I MUST have bed sheets and blanket sheets on.

I hate driving if im not sitting the most comfortable way.

I can NOT!!! use a used eating utencil even if it was used by me or my gf a few mins ago.

At work, when i put my uniform on, IT HAS to be perfect, and if its not, i have to re-put it on again.

I might have a hygine phobia, I HAVE to feel and be clean at all times. (i wash my hands every 2 hours since i wake up till i go to sleep.)

I HATE when i hear people eat with their mouths open and it makes that cow shewing sound!!! DRIVES ME INSANE!!!! FOR THOSE WHO DO THAT NOW A DAYS, PLEASE DO ME A FAVOR AND CHANGE THAT, CAUSE THAT'S LIKE MEDIEVAL TIMES OR SOME SHIT!!!! ITS ANNOYING AND NOT WELL MANNERED!!! and I WILL poke you in the eye if I hear that!!!!!!!

I hate when people say "Ivan, we need to talk." GUESS WHAT U ALREADY DOING??? TALKING!!!!!!!! retards!

I HATE when ppl talk for too long or talk about random shit that i dont care about, or their personal shit, because i dont need to know that info. Make ur point short and clear!

Im also a perfectionist, i have to have everything perfect, if im working on the car and nothing causes me any problems and everything works, then Im happy. When i draw, wear clothes, have crazy wild sex with my random gf's, drive, do anything....it needs to be perfect and needs to work!!!

ok now that i see my own list of problems, maybe i do need to seek professional help with this. :(

02-14-2009, 09:48 AM
how ever many times(i count them) i swipe the deodorant stick on my left side, i have to match on my right side

02-14-2009, 10:20 AM
my parents are smokers, and i do not agree with this habit, so if i find any cigarettes, lighters, ash trays left out EVER, i throw them away. if they are in the car i throw them out the window (i know its littering..), no exceptions. i guess its my attempt at trying to get them to quit, but it has become a weird habit of mine..

02-14-2009, 10:46 AM
i have to have a monster every morning or else i gt pissed the f off dont know why...
i shake my leg uncontrolably and everybody i know hates it because i do it everywhere and anywhere
i pop my fingers all the time then my neck people think its wierd
i do the pocket check thing too.. keys front left cell front right wallent right cheek
i avoid the cracks on the side walk too and i count my steps everywhere
and i tap my fingers on anything and everything around me(desk, wall, car, steering wheel, doors,... ANYTHING!)

02-14-2009, 01:01 PM
i have to have a monster every morning or else i gt pissed the f off dont know why...

haha i do that, i've heard it can be bad for you to have an energy drink everyday but i've seen no ill side effects

02-14-2009, 01:14 PM
You made me think about something I used to do when my family would take trips when I was little. To pass the time, I would imagine that I was watching a dirt bike (motocross kinda deal) rider ride along the side of the road. There are plenty of jumps and such, and it's kinda stuck with me. I'll catch myself doing it to this day.


I take really long (elapsed time, assholes..lol) dumps. It started when I was younger as a way to get out of housework. Then I learned the trick of taking a book in there. Being a natural bookworm.. Yeah. I take at least 20 minute dumps. Mostly like 30-45 minutes though. Any longer, and my legs start to fall asleep. lol

do this to...i have progressed to taking cell phone or ipod and playing games or reading a magazine now though. unfortunatly..the time has not changed

I obsessively crack my knuckles. Both fingers and toes.

I can't sit without crossing my ankles/legs. Not girl style.

I "scrub" my teeth with my tongue to try and keep them feeling smooth and shiny.

I constantly pat my butt pocket to make sure my wallet is still there. As if someone stole it and I didn't notice.

I drink waaaayyyy too much soda. I can't survive on just water. Can't do it. I'll literally get dehydrated. I'm even a healthy-minded person, too.

I always adjust the CD player to digits that are multiples of 5. Likewise, I'll turn my iPod to the same volume.

I check the house door like 15 times before I'm satisfied that it's locked. I'll even get back up out of bed to check it. And I live in the country. lol

For some reason, I always have to pee when I go to take a dump, so I pee first, then do my business.

I don't pick my nose in public, obviously, but I wipe it a lot. I sure as hell pick my nose though.

I spend way too many hours on automotive forums.

I study better and can do homework faster if I'm listening to music while doing so. I also like to listen to music while reading.

I pick at the corners of my eyes to get rid of any residual "sleepy" that might be hiding in there.

I'm picky about everything being organized in a very efficient manner. Bookbag is designed to be packed/unpacked very easily, etc, etc. This does not hold true for my room at all. Clothes all over the place, lying in piles, dirty clean, whatever. My room is super messy. But never dirty. I certainly make that distinction.

x2 on all of these

02-14-2009, 01:19 PM
I drink waaaayyyy too much soda. I can't survive on just water. Can't do it. I'll literally get dehydrated. I'm even a healthy-minded person, too.

You know that defies science, right?

02-14-2009, 01:23 PM
i have to have all my hose clamps facing a certain way..even my brothers S14 if they aren't facing my way i take em off and do it right..haha

02-14-2009, 08:39 PM
i have to have all my hose clamps facing a certain way

:stupid: ahaha! i do the same though.

02-14-2009, 10:43 PM
i shave and brush my teeth in the shower.

i usually have to take a shit 15 min after i eat a meal.

im constantly checking my cell phone, it irritates the fuck out of me. its like a nervous twitch. i swear some time the little bastard vibrates on its own sometimes just to fuck with me.

i wear my socks inside out.

my volume on anything has to be on even numbers.

im anal about my sideburns being even, but as you try to even them up, they just get shorter and shorter. pisses me off.

i constantly use my pinky and index finger to twirl my thumb ring on my left hand.

i shower no less than 3 times a day.

Andrew Bohan
02-14-2009, 10:54 PM
when i turn my computer on, i open firefox and go to zilvia, then open a new tab and go to norcaldrift, then open a new tab and go to cnn. i do this manually every day, and this browser window must be the leftmost item in the task bar.

throughout the day i open photoshop, illustrator, other browsers, filezilla, and lots of other programs.

i have at&t dsl. sometimes it loses connection, and for some reason, even after the connection comes back, it wants to you do restart your browser. if you don't restart, it won't go to any web pages, just the page that says the connection is fixed.

fuck that, it has to be on the left, and if i close it i have to close everything thing else in order to get it to the left. and that means closing everything else i'm working on.

so i just wait 5 minutes for it to forget i was supposed to restart the browsers. then it doesn't show me the fixed connection page anymore.

02-15-2009, 12:11 AM
i'll let you guys in on two of my many ocd like activities

i'm cursed to forever play the childhood game of don't touch the cracks when im walking, or ill do it inverse, where you have to touch a crack with each step, or a certain colour of tile.

me too i inverse wen i touch one. i hate walking into an old super market wheres there like all off white tile and one green one every so often, cus if i touch a green one then i have to find another green one to touch with the other foot. :loco:

02-15-2009, 12:29 AM
I scratch my throat with the back of my tongue. Its weird lookin when i do it.

If I'm drunk or super tired, I'll pee sitting down. I hate missing and hitting the seat and it goes everywhere.

I can't sleep unless my gaint pillow is on top of my head. I started doing that because I work at night and hated when 3 hours into sleeping the sun light would wake me up. Now no matter what time I sleep, it has to be there.

I pop my (i guess you can call it the pointer toe if thinking about your hand) with my big toe.

02-15-2009, 10:29 AM
haha i do that, i've heard it can be bad for you to have an energy drink everyday but i've seen no ill side effects

yup no side effects yet lol who cares they are awsome!:wackit:its like god jizzed in your mouth

02-15-2009, 11:12 AM
Man, after reading this thread I have come to the realization I must be crazy. I didn't know all the fucked up things I do until I read this thread!

Wash my body in order: shampoo + rinse, conditioner, wash face, rinse conditioner, rinse face, then body from top down.

I frequently flip words around in my head to see what they spell backwards.

In the car (as a passenger), if there are spots on the side window, I stare at them like they are moving beside the car in the scenery. When I was a kid I used to move my head up and down to make them appear to dodge signs, hydrants, cars, etc. I probably looked retarded, so I don't do that anymore thankfully!

The above might have contributed to my HATE for dirty car windows. I keep mine clean as fawk.

I wash my hands a LOT too. The top of my hands gets really dry in the winter. I also do the paper towel trick in public restrooms so as to avoid touching the door handle.

I ninja piss - I turn on the fan to increase stealth too.

I am addicted to chap stick which lead to my next issue: pocket organization!

HA! We have the same organization: I have to have chapstick and keys in the right front pocket, cell in the left, and wallet in the right rear. I hate carrying anything more or anything less.

I really don't like sleeping on other peoples' bedding or using their towels (Its the unfamiliar smell). If they are clean though, I can force myself to get over it.

Tabbed browsing: gmail has to be in tab 1, and I hate having more than 5 tabs open. I will close anything not-in-use asap.

I never drink the last sip in my drink - especially beer for some reason. *gag*

I have to keep my beard short or I will pull hairs out that are longer than the others. Sideburns too ><

Crap that is a long list... I hate you guys for making me realize all this about myself!

we are the same person i think...

02-15-2009, 11:41 AM
i introduce random people to canyon carving and force them to let me drive their car... like its my own.

02-15-2009, 01:52 PM
I HAVE to have a fan on me when I sleep.
Can't sleep without it.
Even in the winter.
If someone turns off the fan while I'm sleeping I'll instantly wake up.

I also can't be in a room with the doors open at night, I always think someone or something is watching me.

im am the exact same... when i go to sleep... the fan is on high, i lay on my left side, and wrap all my blankets around my right arm covering everything upto my chin with my face in front of the fan. and i can only sleep on the right side of my bed for some reason...

i just reread alot of things... and i realize that i do alottttttt of shit every single day in the same order and what not... now i feel better though. i dont feel as wack

02-15-2009, 04:36 PM
when I hear combo's of numbers, in my head I change the numbers to the beginning letter.

example: 348-2786 in my head I say tfe-tses.

02-15-2009, 04:40 PM
when I hear combo's of numbers, in my head I change the numbers to the beginning letter.

example: 348-2786 in my head I say tfe-tses.

wtf that is up with that? now that is some weird shit!

02-15-2009, 10:40 PM
I drink waaaayyyy too much soda. I can't survive on just water. Can't do it. I'll literally get dehydrated. I'm even a healthy-minded person, too.You know that defies science, right?Go on. I'm curious as to what you have to say about this.

*edit* I think I get what you're saying. When I say that I "can't survive on water and that I'll get dehydrated" I mean that I won't drink it because I hate plain water just that much. As in, I'll allow myself to get dehydrated cause I'd rather be thirsty than drink water.

im anal about my sideburns being even, but as you try to even them up, they just get shorter and shorter. pisses me off.
haha. I know exactly what you're talking about. Either the sideburns, or if you're shaving around your goatee, and you get a little too close, and you try to even it up and make it all uniform, and its just gets smaller and smaller. lol

02-15-2009, 10:46 PM
*edit* double post.

02-16-2009, 12:06 AM
Wow, some of you folks are really um......interesting hah

For me I guess I just can't really stare some people in the eye I usually have to look at something else like an object directly behind them or in between their eyes, etc. Use to be real bad at this when I was younger I would just stare at the ground but I've gotten better with it. I also have a tendency to smile uncontrollably no matter what the situation is I just can't help it, and I fucking HATE it..

And I'm not even going to begin getting into my "rituals". LOL

EDIT: I just read through some of these post, and damn I have a lot in common with some of you. I thought I was just f**ked up. haha

02-16-2009, 12:15 AM
Only thing I've noticed I do is I use rags at work in excess. If I've already used it for something(be it clean my hands/a tool/etc) I'll throw it away and get another one if I need it. I even put them in my back pocket to use them later and still end up getting a new rag.

02-16-2009, 01:38 AM
ok ill play along.. brush my teeth in the shower, i print in all upper case (pen and paper), constantly check my phone, keys, wallet, always look at my food before each bite, im a compulsive neat freak at work but a slob at home, MUST have fan on to sleep, i turn on all lights at night when im alone, also do the tuck the feet in bed thing lol... (do the ... all the time too) im sure theres much more. great thread idea.

also noticed that i must read every post i make on the main page after i post it.

02-16-2009, 02:11 AM
everytime i see numbers...i always rearrange them to make a mathematical equation...LOL

02-16-2009, 05:39 AM
I ninja piss, cant sleep with socks on, always have to be covered when i sleep, always have to have the ac on if my roommate turns it off i immediately wake up and turn it back on before i can go back to sleep.

Can't sleep with open doors because i feel that something is watching me, there can't be any light passing underneath the door and cant have any open curtains in my room.

Don't step on cracks no matter what, i hate having wet socks, always check glasses before drinking out of them, gotta shower in a specific order and always check my back pocket to make sure my wallet is in there.

It chaps my ass when people say "be who of you", i always notice little things on people and i always have to drink a glass of water in the morning before i brush my teeth or i'll start gagging when i clean my tongue.

I'm sure there's more but can't think of them right now.

02-16-2009, 09:21 AM
I put A1 sauce on my pizza if I have it around.

Someone at a party I went to put guacamole on his pizza

02-17-2009, 01:48 PM
I am very environmentally conscious.

I hate having more than one light on in any room at one time.

I also hate it when people litter around me.

Except with my car, I have a cat-less 3 inch exhaust and I recently took the muffler off to see how it would sound, and I doubt it will be back on anytime soon.

02-17-2009, 02:08 PM
for cans of soda or any sort of drink, i tend to tap the top of the opening (Whatever it's called) a few times before while it is still closed before cracking the can open and drinking.

02-17-2009, 02:21 PM
It chaps my ass when people say "be who of you", i always notice little things on people and i always have to drink a glass of water in the morning before i brush my teeth or i'll start gagging when i clean my tongue.

I hate both of these, but I don't have to DRINK the water, I can just swish it around in my mouth. The only thing is that it has to be warm for some reason when I do it.

02-17-2009, 02:38 PM
I usually highlight words when im on the internet for no aparent reason. it's like OCD for me.

I always do that too, my girlfriend thinks I am a total weirdo because of it.

Recently yahoo made it so that if you highlight anything in their news stories it brings up another window telling you more about whatever you highlighted, I hate it because I can't highlight anything without that shit coming on.

02-17-2009, 04:03 PM
Someone at a party I went to put guacamole on his pizza

thats so good. i was like wtf when i first saw someone do it. but its actually pretty common.

02-17-2009, 04:03 PM
It chaps my ass when people say "be who of you"

HAH, I haven't heard that one yet.

"lack tose and tolerant"
"mind as well"
"mid drift" (midriff, as in "a woman's midriff")

02-17-2009, 04:36 PM
When I parallel park, I always have to walk around to inspect. Even though I park perfectly every time. I can't leave my tire against the curb.

I always have to have my feet resting on a soccer ball when I sit at my desk.

I never, I mean ever, wash my hands unless they're visually dirty although I consider myself a very clean person.

I remove the tab from every can I drink.

When I'm bored riding in a car, I clench my teeth, but then momentarily unclench them whenever a road sign, or telephone pole passes. I had no clue that other people actually did this until I read this thread.

I guess I'm a pretty normal person in that I'm not at all consistent with day to day activities such as morning routines, eating meals, etc.

02-17-2009, 06:51 PM
edit edit edit

02-17-2009, 07:28 PM
i sleep on the floor rather then in my bed
cant sleep without background sound
i always touch the point between my eyes when i sit down lol

02-18-2009, 10:29 AM
if i drink beer or soda out of a can, i always twist the tab to point sideways
if out of a bottle depending on how the bottle is labled i always either peel off one or all of the stickers, or halfway pull off the stickers

i always do those so i can always tell which drink is mine. but i still do it even if theres no one else drinking the same drink as me

02-18-2009, 10:32 AM
I voted this thread five stars. Because I feel like my child has grown to a big manthread.

09-15-2012, 06:08 AM
#1. I hate when people say common used phrases wrong.

For ex:
"i could care less"...

Examine it, its used to say that you really dont care in the least. But saying "i can care less" implies you care somewhat about said topic.

Should be:
"i could not care less"... to convey complete apathy...

#2. I sit down to pee at my house. I dont like touching toilet seats. And I really dont like cleaning up pee(face it, you cant hit center all the time... like after sex, or in the am when your not awake yet, drunk, ect...).

#3. I will clean my car 2~5 times a day(interior) even when its not messy. I cant stand things that are not dress right dress. Or clothing unfolded, magazines not stacked neatly and under the seat. While this can slide in my house. Its clean and neat but no where near my car. I even go as far as to organize other peoples stuff in my car. Even if they are only in my car for a few min.

redline racer510
09-15-2012, 10:24 AM
- Ever since the first Jurassic park movie came out on vhs I would tuck my blanket under my legs so I don't get my feet ripped off by a t-Rex or velociraptor.
- I ninja piss(refer to page 2 of this thread)

09-15-2012, 10:48 AM
I have a few.
When I go down the road and the tyres fall into the rhythem of the side posts I have to puff out my cheek in the rhythem

I put vanilla creamer in most of my cereal ( I don't eat a lot of kiddie cereal )
I eat everything with a fork...except cereal.
I pretend shift when I drive an automatic..
If so.done makes me sit still , like in a lecture or something, if I don't have something to doodle on I will automatically start drumming on the desk. ( not obnoxiously with my fingers) loudly with my hands.

09-15-2012, 11:31 AM
after reading more:
Ninja piss
Pinky up when I drink ( get a lot of shit for it)
Check my pockets, phone or iPod cannot be in same pocket as keys.
I still to this day do the thing whereyou dodge things with dirt specs on other peoples windows. Or play excite bike with the spec.

09-15-2012, 10:06 PM
I can only sleep naked. If I pass out in underware or a tshirt or something I'll wake up and take it off, then fall back asleep

If I wear a hoody it's just that. Sweater. No undershirt whatsoever (unless it's cold or if I'm with a chick and don't wanna look like a wierdo)

Hate wearing socks/underware. Freeball all the time with out thinking about it

Trim my fingernails twice a week, shower twice a day

09-15-2012, 10:50 PM
I drive over speedbumps and up driveways sideways in any car, not just mine.

I wince when nearing any dip or bump in any car.

Whenever I close a door I HAVE to turn the knob before it closes so it doesn't make that *click* when it shuts.

When I start walking up a flight of stairs I have to take the first step with my left foot.

Uhh I also occasionally ninja piss and I always sit in the shower.

09-16-2012, 09:47 AM
If I'm at a store and need to take something off a shelf to buy it, I never take the very first item on display. Usually I'll reach back for like the 3rd or 4th one behind if I can help it.

Around the house I like to be barefoot, but I hate wearing flip-flops in public (or just in general) even for short periods.

09-16-2012, 10:08 AM
After reading most of this thread I feel like less of a weirdo. I ninja piss, sit in the shower, sometimes I'll even put the drain stop in the tub and have a shower/bath.

When browsing the internet on my desktop or laptop I ALWAYS open up a new tab for everything I click and then when I build up around 10-20 I go through and read them(usually topics on here and the MMA forum I frequent), which usually ends with opening more tabs.

I cannot put milk in any cereal, I hate the texture, instead i drink a glass of milk with it.

Lastly, I constantly crack my toe knuckles, it's a subconscious thing I never notice when I'm alone but it drives my girlfriend crazy.

09-16-2012, 10:41 AM
Haha wow, good thread.

I too have problems.
I ninja piss. i have to have things in my pockets organized, and i have to count them left to right when i put them in my pockets.
I have adhd so people get anoyed when im not paying attention eventhough i am.
Also have the twitchy leg thing its always shaking.
The volume on my radio, tv, or anything with a number has to be even, because if the number is odd i feel odd.
When I'm at a restaurant i have to sit so that i can see everyone... no one is sneeking up on me.
I count the number of steps i take on cement blocks and they have to be even on every block.

09-16-2012, 10:47 AM
#2. I sit down to pee at my house. I dont like touching toilet seats. And I really dont like cleaning up pee(face it, you cant hit center all the time... like after sex, or in the am when your not awake yet, drunk, ect...).


I am wierd in the way that if I take a shit. I always wad up some TP and make a barrier between my dick/groin to the toilet.

09-16-2012, 11:50 AM
Haha, awesome thread. Let's see...

I ninja piss, but only when there are people around. If I'm at home, I'll pee normally.

I keep a lanyard with my keys on it in my left pocket, and as I'm walking, I'll occasionally grab it, hold it for a little bit, then flick it out of my hand, then repeat.

I can't sit still, I always have to be moving my hands or feet. This is also the case while listening to music. I always have to keep the beat with SOMETHING on my body, or use a pen or something. The only exception to this is if it's in public and there's a really bad song on, ie. country, Justin Beiber, Nikki Minaj, etc.

09-16-2012, 09:43 PM
I got a few. I sit in the shower on occasion

I eat and love salad, but I absolutely hate lettuce on my burger, taco, etc...

Sometimes when I am home alone, on the way to the kitchen or something, I run as fast as I can for no apparent reason. and if the dog is in the way, I jump over him like I am jumping some huge cliff/gap

if I buy anything a few hundred dollars or more, I sometimes spend days contemplating the purchase. like is it a waste of money? can i REALLY afford it or need it? wonder if it is cheaper somewhere else.

09-17-2012, 02:13 AM
When I'm off at night shift at work I drive through isolated back roads and scream the loudest I can... I yell the most random BS. Sometimes I even surprise myself and end up laughing. Kinda weird

09-17-2012, 02:57 AM
i do the $100+ buyer's remorse thing too.

when driving/riding in a car with a manual transmission, i hate when i feel the shift.
i drink water out of the same cup for days at a time. not the same water though.
i'll rub my thumbnail back and forth over the pad of my middle finger to feel my fingerprint.
i have a scissor bite and constantly rub my tongue on the points of my canines and molars....not with my mouth open like a creep lol.
absolute dedication to detail in random situations.
i hate odd numbers. once, my cousin gave me $27 for my birthday just to fuck with me.
i pay waaay too much attention to my surroundings including people and what they're saying. its gotten so bad that my girlfriend gets mad at me. i absolutely hate it. it restricts my attention to what im doing but i cant help it.
i can sit between sleep and consciousness, if that makes any sense....my thoughts and perception get weird.

Marc Anthony
09-17-2012, 04:00 AM
After a shower, I wash my hands about every 3-5 minutes while getting ready until I leave the house.

09-17-2012, 08:11 AM
In the order of my day from beginning to end.

-wake up and have to make my bed. If i dont, all i will think about is making my bed and how im such a dick for not doing it
-when i grab my towel hanging off the door, i have to flap it to get the dust out(even when there is no dust ever)
-one side of the towel is for my armpit,junk and legs in that order, other side is for the rest of my body
-right before i leave my room, i pause and listen to make sure there isnt a murderer in the house, because he would wait until i woke up to think about killing everybody (sarcasm)

Inspect my toothbrush before i use it, because someone might have shoved it up their ass. (I have 3 bathrooms in the house, I am the only one to even go in that one)

Always shower in a certain order
-while showering i listen to make sure my family isnt getting slaughtered and im next
-after getting dressed and going down to eat, i feed my turtles first ALWAYS. If they dont eat, I dont eat. My mother always fed me before eating herself, so they eat first (1 worm each followed by a different fruit everyday), after i eat, i must clean them after eating.

when walking out the door, i always get rejected by the screen door, my dad always locks it and i always try walking out at 100mph and get cockblocked.

Before getting in my car, i check to make sure everything is the way i left it. I check in the drivers seat (I usuallly leave a pen on the seat so if someone sat inside it would move and they would never know where the original position is, stuf like that)
I check under for leaks, unusual objects, etc

WArmup is exactly 60 seconds for me

I never let it rev past 2 thousand unless im feeling like a dickhead driver today

Always park in the same spot in my garage so i dont get scratched

When using the bathroom at school I open the door with as little contact as possible on the door handles if i have to pull and pushing i usually push from the topmost point i can reach (you can keep your pee pee germs)

Pretty much just careful about how i walk, and when im walking from point a to point b really fast, I make race car noises in my head

09-17-2012, 09:42 AM
i always think about how people say " someone somewhere in the world is doing the exact same thing as you" and then i do a bunch of crazy shit to make sure no one else is doing what i do haha

09-17-2012, 10:11 AM
#1. I hate when people say common used phrases wrong.

For ex:
"i could care less"...

Examine it, its used to say that you really dont care in the least. But saying "i can care less" implies you care somewhat about said topic.

Should be:
"i could not care less"... to convey complete empathy...

I think the word you were looking for is apathy.

Highway Riding
09-17-2012, 03:00 PM
Butter my Italian bread with Hotel Bar while everyone else uses olive oil...

If i'm starved and too lazy to go out for food, I'll fry an egg and throw it over white rice with some ketchup..

Before i chill at home everything has to be neat and facing a certain direction that's within eye distance.

If i see any crap on my DD i will wash her immediately even it's late at night. (well not too late)

I throw away socks and draws after no more than a year of use.. I just hate old undergarments

I use a ton of dishwasher detergent when cleaning dishes.. Drives my GF nuts but i like super clean stuff.

I don't Courtesy flush...

I have to do yard work once a week no matter what even if it's just leaf blowing with a small amount of leaves

I generally have to have some good ole takeout food on fridays IE: Burger and fries - pizza etc... It's a must

I can't just eat one thomas english muffin

just a few

09-17-2012, 04:02 PM
I clean my windsheild almost every time after I have to drive a long distance at night. Can't stand having bugs stuck to it. Will even stop at the gas station before I get home only to clean the windsheild.

09-17-2012, 04:38 PM
If I eat M&Ms I pick out the blue ones. I don't like blue M&Ms... I think they're gross (even though they don't taste any different from all of the other colors.) Psychologically they just freak me out. Same goes for Skittles, and other candy.

I avoid the blue bottle of Bath and Body Works soap at work. I know the soap is clear, and it smells good, but I just avoid using it because the color of bottle freaks me out.

(Side note: I don't have a problem with the color blue... I wear blue clothes, shirts, jeans, dresses, etc. The color of my daily S13 is Misty Blue.)

09-17-2012, 04:47 PM
I sleep in the shower every morning, standing up, propped up by my forehead against the corner of the shower walls.

Oh, and whenever I drink anything I have to swish each sip around in my mouth three times before I swallow it. If I am thinking about it I can stop myself from swishing, but otherwise I swish.

Haha i swish every beverage besides water. I realized not too long ago that the reason i do this, is to taste what im drinking. I tried to just drink a coke like water and realized it just didnt taste good and wasnt thirst quenching. Then i went back to swishing and the coke was more enjoyable. I guess my subconsciousness knows whats the proper way to enjoy a beverage ahahah.

09-17-2012, 05:17 PM
i always wipe the the piss and shit the previous bomber left on the toilet seat off.

and i must be in and out in under 60 seconds no matter the girth of the shit

09-17-2012, 05:36 PM
^ I do that too, and use 2 ass gaskets and/or 2 strips of toilet paper on each side of the toilet seat..I think a lot of people do that though

I used to be pretty OCD about my ride height, all 4 corners of the car had to be within 1/8" of an inch or it would drive me nuts

I went so far as to adjust the coilovers in the parking lot using the spare tire jack ..I've gotten a lot better now, or maybe I'm just too lazy

One of my best friends in 3rd grade used to repeat everything he said but in silence, only his lips would move. He would say, "Hey! is it lunch time yet?!" *quietly to himself: "hey is it lunchtime yet?"

09-17-2012, 05:50 PM
^^ ha that last part about the kid is funny as fuck. i've only once used a ass gasket, recently.

09-20-2012, 02:51 PM
One of my best friends in 3rd grade used to repeat everything he said but in silence, only his lips would move. He would say, "Hey! is it lunch time yet?!" *quietly to himself: "hey is it lunchtime yet?"

My friends have told me I've done this from when I was 6-7. I have yet to catch myself.

09-20-2012, 03:35 PM
i never take the top drink lid from the stack at a fast food restaurant...

09-20-2012, 03:59 PM
My friends have told me I've done this from when I was 6-7. I have yet to catch myself.

We all know you just lipped out the sentence you just typed Chad lol...