View Full Version : shop\office antics or pranks

02-06-2009, 09:36 AM
give me some ideas!! lol pranks or something to do at work (office) or school (shop). this is what kept me entertained all night last night lol



02-06-2009, 09:43 AM
Tell someone that a customer payed money to have an RB26 swapped into a Civic, and that person has to draw up the plans of how its going to go. Let them go off and try to draw up this impossible task, let them present, then hilarity ensues.

02-06-2009, 09:47 AM
fake fire, dwight shrute style

02-06-2009, 10:14 AM
One of the bussers at the restaurant I worked at was always messing with people. He told one of the new servers she had to drain all the hot water out of the tea machine, which of course can't be drained because the water comes from the pipes. She was there for like 30 minutes draining buckets and buckets out of that thing.

He told another one the credit card machine was voice activated.

"Visa!!!" *swipe* "It's not working!"

"No no, you're not saying it loud enough."

"VISA!!!" *swipe* "VISA!!!!"

*owner walks by* "Andy, help me with this, it's not working and he says it's voice activated."

"Oh, it is! See?" *takes the card, discretely flips it around because she had been holding it backwards* "Visa!" *card goes through*

"Oh! OK, thanks!" *goes about her business*

I got so weak.

You don't work in a restaurant though, so I guess that doesn't help you. :(

02-06-2009, 10:17 AM
random signs on peoples backs is always a simple yet funny one, or if you work with computers and they walk away you can always change their backround to something awkward

Andrew Bohan
02-06-2009, 11:04 AM
you guys don't wanna know about the kind of shenanigans that went down at SDP

02-06-2009, 11:11 AM
at the shop i work at all kinds of things happen.

jack up a employee car by the rear end and watch as they try to leave.
5 gallon bucket of water from the roof
confetti poured on someone and then the 5 gallons of water
we took an employees bicycle and put it up in the rafters
bottle rockets into the bathroom when someone is in there
an employee makes lil bombs out of gatorade bottle and we scare the shit out of people
anti seize under the door handle
custom stickers on cars "todd's bitch" and things like that

for my birthday 4 guys came in held me down. took off my shoes wrapped me up in the packing cellophane? (hands to my side) and put me out in the rain.

02-06-2009, 11:37 AM
if you have black office chairs pour a cup of water on the seat

and when someone sits down it looks like they pissed themselves

i did it to my office manager :keke:

02-06-2009, 11:40 AM
Our shop just does stupid stuff, wait for someone to leave their CAC in their computer, then send out an email saying free donuts.

Find someones CAC and put tape over the chip so it won't read.

Just random stupid comm pranks.

Also taking someones hat and dunking it in water, then throwing it in the freezer is kinda funny. Or their BDU/ABU top :p

02-06-2009, 11:43 AM
Got a hole punch?

Take all the little circles of paper out of one, and dump them into the defroster vents of your coworkers car, at the base of the of the windshield (inside the car so steal their keys when you get the chance). Now turn the dials so that the defroster is on and turn the fan to FULL. Now, when they start their car at the end of the day: INSTANT SNOW GLOBE!

I've done this to a few people now. The best part is, months later there are still random pieces of paper flying out of the vents from time to time.

02-06-2009, 11:51 AM
yup im the new guy at the office this girl decideds to mess with me by putting lotion on my phone, so it worked but she didn't know what was coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

http://i95.photobucket.comalbumsl131JDM_S13DRIFTKINGFoil. jpg

talk about not having anything to do @ work!!!!!!!!!!

02-06-2009, 11:51 AM
industrial shrink wrap is ur friend.

We wrapped one of the guys up in shrink wrap (gotta be quick!)
and locked him in the bathroom for an hour.

Randomly scarring people is the best!!

02-06-2009, 11:51 AM
wait for someone to leave their CAC in their computer


02-06-2009, 11:58 AM

sorry that pic didn't work............but yeah she got what was coming>>>>>>HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!:bowrofl:

02-06-2009, 12:05 PM
Saran wrap the toilet seats in the employee bathroom.

Take peoples car keeys and move their cars out of the parking lot or to the other side of the building.

*Old school- Steal peoples mouse balls

change computer desktops to japanese gay porn.

file down the wheels on office chairs

completely wrap an entire cubicle in news paper or something close

02-06-2009, 12:06 PM
if you have spare horn's laying around, and your boss has a pickup, tap into his reverse light tail lights and bolt a horn under his bumper(simple 5 minute task) and watch him try to back out of his parking spot haha

and its always fun to drop a packet of blackcats when someone is cutting/welding ext... scares the shit outta them every time

02-06-2009, 12:07 PM
^^^^^ lmfao


02-06-2009, 12:10 PM
take a 1-gallon coolant bottle, drill a small hole in the top. screw the cap on TIGHT, insert a blow gun tip in the hole so it wont pop out, rubber band the handle and walk away. the boom is echoing, scares the shit out of people.

02-06-2009, 12:11 PM
my work has a vending machine. (the kind that is refrigerated) you put money in and slide the plastic to get the food. take someones keys, buy something from the vending machine and put the keys in the vending machine after you take out the food.

we also taped a bottle rocket on the tailpipe of a F250 diesel. after about 30 minutes the bottle rocket lit and took off.

one of the plant managers sent me a bunch of porn in interoffice mail. so to get back at him. i got a tampon from one of the girls and dipped it in ATF fluid(atf fluid is red) then sent it back to the guy.

02-06-2009, 12:13 PM
give it or get it game was always fun at the pizzeria i used to work for, see a worthy girl (or not worthy in some cases) and debate whether she would give it, get it, or needed it

always pissed the bus boys off all the time when someone would order at the counter and sit up front, tell them its a table and make them go all the way up front of the restaraunt with menus only to be told by the people they already ordered and were waiting

used to also buzz the waitresses for food order up and just hide with nothing in the window

02-06-2009, 12:16 PM
Im not good at pranks what so ever. so i just decided to think of one. maybe if you work in an office go to your buddies desk while hes out or on break and pop off every key. then lay them back in there place.. I bet he'll be like WTF and itll take him alittle while to put it back together.

IDK just off the top of my head..

02-06-2009, 12:19 PM
Im not good at pranks what so ever. so i just decided to think of one. maybe if you work in an office go to your buddies desk while hes out or on break and pop off every key. then lay them back in there place.. I bet he'll be like WTF and itll take him alittle while to put it back together.

IDK just off the top of my head..

i did that but i put the keys back on in alphabetic order.

02-06-2009, 12:20 PM
Im not good at pranks what so ever. so i just decided to think of one. maybe if you work in an office go to your buddies desk while hes out or on break and pop off every key. then lay them back in there place.. I bet he'll be like WTF and itll take him alittle while to put it back together.

IDK just off the top of my head..

removing the mouse ball works... or putting tape over it.

02-06-2009, 12:34 PM
restaurant games


Now I get to punch every one of you in the bitches in the arm if I see you.

02-06-2009, 12:46 PM

Now I get to punch every one of you in the bitches in the arm if I see you.

I remember doing that shit to people back in like 94

02-06-2009, 01:06 PM
me and a few other people put post it notes all over a supervisors car

did this today
their was ice on cars and i had some of the ice melting liquid so i dipped my finger in it and started drawing penis's on my supervisors car
i waited for him to come out and watched him start laughing
he diddnt try to clear it off he just drove away with it

02-06-2009, 01:17 PM
We did this at my school (shop), we were working on my friends car bleeding the brakes, one of my friends was inside and he found tampons in the glove compartment. They were his girlfriends. We took one out and dipped it in the red trans fluid so it looked used, and hung it on his rear view mirror. He didn't let us near his car again.

02-06-2009, 01:46 PM
when they walk away from their computer hit ctrl alt up arrow

flips it upside down, if they are somewhat computer illiterate it will be hilarious

02-06-2009, 02:02 PM
^ Just tried that on my computer. No dice. :down: :(

02-06-2009, 02:05 PM
Me too, and then I tried Ctrl+Alt+down arrow, which worked.

But, then neither worked on my co-worker's computer.... :shrug:

02-06-2009, 02:34 PM
walled in:
YouTube - Best Office Prank Ever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0XdthbOkMU)

02-06-2009, 02:59 PM
Go to a blank spot on your desktop
Right click
go to "Properties"
click on "settings"
click on "Advanced"
go to "graphics driver"
click on "graphics properties"
click on "rotation"

^ Just tried that on my computer. No dice. :down: :(

02-06-2009, 04:40 PM
industrial shrink wrap is ur friend.

We wrapped one of the guys up in shrink wrap (gotta be quick!)
and locked him in the bathroom for an hour.

Randomly scarring people is the best!!

This man speaks the truth.. I wasnt there for the first prank.. But the second I fell witness to on a daily basis.. Fucking Hilarious.. Thanks for laughs Eric.

02-06-2009, 06:12 PM
Me too, and then I tried Ctrl+Alt+down arrow, which worked.

But, then neither worked on my co-worker's computer.... :shrug:

im so doing this to my co workers, left and right also worked

02-06-2009, 06:26 PM
when they walk away from their computer hit ctrl alt up arrow

flips it upside down, if they are somewhat computer illiterate it will be hilarious

I can do that on the computers at the gas station I work at.

I would always get a 52oz cup fill it up with water. Take everyone's keys. Throw them in the cup. Then set the up in the freezer ( which is like -5 degrees ) In about an hour its a solid piece of ice. Then laugh at them when they're trying to get their keys outta it.

02-06-2009, 07:10 PM
My brother would always tell people on holidays (thanksgiving, etc) that we'd all be showing up at around 4-5 to get a few packages shipped out early so we can skip off of work early, and see who was dumb enough to show up.

Taping signs to backs is good, but so is covering the back of one person's sweatshirt with shipping tags and stickers is funnier. We covered one kid in stickers before he knew what was going on

Whitsler tips in the muffler is classic

Parking inches from someone's car on both side makes for good times, then act busy when they try to leave, so you cant come out and move your car right away

Sitckers on rear bumpers/front bumpers so they dont see them

Packing peanuts in the car is always fun, those things stick around forever

02-06-2009, 07:42 PM
When someone walks away from their computer.

Print Screen their desktop how they had it.
Now set their desktop image as that picture.
Right click and hide destkop items
Unlock, reposition to top of screen, and hide their taskbar,(bar at bottom of screen with start button and clock).

Then watch as they can't open icon's or bring up their start menu, unless their computer literate.

Also at my friends store for the last day of one of the managers they had one of the car installers covered in ketchup and laying next to a pool of it in the install bay, with a knife next to him. Then did a urgent page over the store's intercom for all managers to the back, and was screaming as they ran in. Then watched as the only manager that wasn't in on it freaked out.

02-06-2009, 10:30 PM
For you people with offices that have Macs in them. CTRL + FN + CMD (Apple key) + 8 (maybe 7) coverts the screen to night mode, which basically inverts the color on the screen, making it much easier on the eyes in dark rooms. Turns whites black, blacks white, blues to brown, etc. I know people who have been using Macs for years that don't know how to do it. Best part is, they can still work with it, but it will annoy the fuck out of them.

I'm 90% sure thats the right combination. I don't have a Mac here, but I'll check tomorrow when I get into work.

Also, just taking their desk chair works great too. Especially if you have a big enough office to hide it in.

02-07-2009, 07:24 AM
I remember doing that shit to people back in like 94

That game is still fun, and it's making a comeback.

02-07-2009, 07:51 AM
When someone walks away from their computer.

Print Screen their desktop how they had it.
Now set their desktop image as that picture.
Right click and hide destkop items
Unlock, reposition to top of screen, and hide their taskbar,(bar at bottom of screen with start button and clock).

Then watch as they can't open icon's or bring up their start menu, unless their computer literate.

:bowrofl::bowrofl:I cant believe ive never thought of that

02-07-2009, 08:01 AM
For you people with offices that have Macs in them. CTRL + FN + CMD (Apple key) + 8 (maybe 7) coverts the screen to night mode, which basically inverts the color on the screen, making it much easier on the eyes in dark rooms. Turns whites black, blacks white, blues to brown, etc. I know people who have been using Macs for years that don't know how to do it. Best part is, they can still work with it, but it will annoy the fuck out of them.

I'm 90% sure thats the right combination. I don't have a Mac here, but I'll check tomorrow when I get into work.

Also, just taking their desk chair works great too. Especially if you have a big enough office to hide it in.

Ctrl+Opt+Cmd+8. Oh yeah, mac FTW

02-08-2009, 05:03 PM
At the dealership I worked at, we took a top to an antifreeze jug, and installed a tire valve stem in it, filled it with air until it looked like it was about to burst and duct taped it to the bottom of one of the arms on the new guy's two post lift while he was in the john or something.
Somehow he didn't notice it and when he dropped the car it made a *pop* so loud that he and a service writer walking through the shop hit the deck.
It sounded like a grenade or something, and we got in a shitload of trouble.

He got me back though, wrote "MAN LOVE #1" backwards on the inside of the rear window of my S14 using rainx antifog.
Didn't see that one until next morning when my windows fogged up.

02-08-2009, 07:23 PM
i know this isn't an office prank but god damn this has got to be the best prank ever i know its old and if its not a repost then idk wtf haha


02-08-2009, 07:49 PM
^ nice and Unique the anti fog prank

02-08-2009, 09:46 PM
At the dealership I worked at, we took a top to an antifreeze jug, and installed a tire valve stem in it, filled it with air until it looked like it was about to burst and duct taped it to the bottom of one of the arms on the new guy's two post lift while he was in the john or something.
Somehow he didn't notice it and when he dropped the car it made a *pop* so loud that he and a service writer walking through the shop hit the deck.
It sounded like a grenade or something, and we got in a shitload of trouble.

He got me back though, wrote "MAN LOVE #1" backwards on the inside of the rear window of my S14 using rainx antifog.
Didn't see that one until next morning when my windows fogged up.

Reminds me of when I wrote "I brake for Homo's" on the side of my friends beater with wax. Same effect with the dew. He didn't care, shit was on there for weeks

02-08-2009, 10:26 PM
I work for an oilfield company so we wear coveralls alot. One time a few of our workers were in a prank war with eachother...one put antiseize on the brim of his hardhat. For those that don't know...antiseize SUCKS getting off...the more you try, the more it smears. So to pay him back he filled his coverall pockets with grease. He changed the next day and started walking out then realized what happened when he stuck his hands in his pockets.

Another one I did was take a chunk of cement out of the bottom of a 5gallon bucket. Covered it in icing and stuck it on a plate in the front offices. Several people tried cutting a piece, then just walked away laughing and told other people there's cake in there.

People welding...walk by with a hammer and smack whatever they're welding on as hard as you can. Guaranteed to piss them off and more than likely scare them.

02-08-2009, 10:41 PM
me and my friends worked for americas tire
what he did he added more weights to the wheels to unbalance it, he came back the next day saying wtf happen
also we have a cheetah fill it up when someone goes to teh bathroom, open it on the bottom of the door its a loud noise lol

02-08-2009, 10:52 PM
I heard, but never tried this, but putting sardines on the inside the wheels/under/around your coworkers car. It can make seagulls, come around the car, and will have a horrible smell.

Someone try this!


02-08-2009, 10:54 PM
me and my friends worked for americas tire
what he did he added more weights to the wheels to unbalance it, he came back the next day saying wtf happen
also we have a cheetah fill it up when someone goes to teh bathroom, open it on the bottom of the door its a loud noise lol

i work for americas tire. we get the creamer for the coffee, and put it along the bottom of the bathroom door outside.. grab the cheetah and blast! even if they try to hurry up it's still to late. Snowed In.

02-08-2009, 10:56 PM
I dunno if you can do this at your work place but at my job we have these huge plotters for printing out plans, well what we used to do was take the big carboard barrells and stick a thumbtac at one then. Then on the other side we tape, or nailed in a plastic clip to hold papers on the wall and we'd go around the office and get rubber bands and shoot it at each other lol but now our boss confiscated most of them.

02-08-2009, 11:28 PM
Ctrl+Opt+Cmd+8. Oh yeah, mac FTW

Now that I am sitting at my Mac at work. This combination is correct.

02-24-2009, 08:44 AM
Post an ad on craigslist selli g their car for super cheap and put their phone# it's awesome they won't know it you hahahh

02-24-2009, 10:22 AM
Well I dont work in an office and its not something you can do to any co-worker unless you are military.

But any time you find out a birthday, promotion, or any other special day, or just when ever you fell like it would be a good idea to screw with people.

Take about 3~6 co-workers, a roll of duct tape, an office chair or any other piece of stationary furnature. Add 1 part co-worker, 1 part office furnature, 5 parts duct tape and enjoy. After you tape them down feel free to get creative(i.e. placing them in an elevator, closet, outside, ect... For an example we taped our company commander to a tent pole upside down, then proceded to place any food/condiments all over him till he resembeled a new york hot dog you get from a vendor in china town.

Sorry I dont have pics at this time, but you get the picture.

02-24-2009, 10:39 AM
when i use to work a circuit shitty (city) back in highschool we would take the antitheft circuit strips and place them in screwed up places on co-workers jackets or purses (for the ladies) so when the either left for the day or lunch they would have to spend like 15min + trying to find why the alarm would go off when they would try to leave before they were allowed to leave.

Also at CC we industrial surane wraped the Tv dept managers GST in the dead of winter and it snowed after we did it (about 5inchs or so) it took him forever to get off so he could drive home lol

the classic hideing around the corner and scream thing is always fun but you gatta be carefull some people throw fists when they get freaked out

02-24-2009, 10:44 AM
when i use to work a circuit shitty (city) back in highschool we would take the antitheft circuit strips and place them in screwed up places on co-workers jackets or purses (for the ladies) so when the either left for the day or lunch they would have to spend like 15min + trying to find why the alarm would go off when they would try to leave before they were allowed to leave.

anti-theft strips on the cuff of people pants always works.

02-24-2009, 10:46 AM
Now that I am sitting at my Mac at work. This combination is correct.
damn, I wish we had mac's at work. I hate coming to work and using this POS HP

02-24-2009, 10:56 AM
i randomly superglue wrenches and pens to the desk and anywhere else around my shop... my boss Aaron loves it when I do that lol.

Also, swith the M and the N keys on a keyboard of a typer who finger pecks and looks down. It'll drive them mad.

02-24-2009, 11:04 AM
When i went to the carpentry union for a tour the guys there if they left their tools or tool belts on the floor tey would hammer them to the floor also pretty funny

02-24-2009, 11:07 AM
My buddy was tuning a car on the dyno and we lite a m80 almost at the end of a pull, His face was priceless! Then again when he was inspecting under the hood and he hit his head on the hood!

Shop pranks are endless, So many available options!

One time the boss was taking a crap in the can (The can was located in the shop) and my buddy had a car that was burning shit loads of oil so he grabbed some dryer type hose and put one end on the exhaust other in the bathroom, and then revved the car and smoked the crap out of the bathroom! It was smokey in there for hours and the smell stayed for over a week!

Another time (Same guy) Boss goes to can and he grabs a super loud horn (Maybe train?) and it runs off of air so he sneaks in the bathroom with air line and blast it under the stall door!

Good times...

02-24-2009, 11:09 AM
Another time (Same guy) Boss goes to can and he grabs a super loud horn (Maybe train?) and it runs off of air so he sneaks in the bathroom with air line and blast it under the stall door!

idk I think that would help?

Slammed Assassin
02-24-2009, 11:30 AM
ive super glued coins to the floor in front of the shop and watch customers try to pick them up..lol