View Full Version : Guide to avoiding tickets

02-27-2003, 01:29 PM
To all you bad drivers that never did anything wrong but constantly get harassed and ticketed by the cops, maybe this will help you out.

It is a ebook I came across, written by a former state trooper or something along that line. "How to avoid [speeding] tickets" Not a how to on getting outta them(cause some cannot be avoided) but a way to boost your chances of driving away alive ;) Happy readings.

Avoiding tickets (http://www.noand.com/~newbieherb/avoidtickets.htm)

02-27-2003, 02:06 PM
FAQ'd. Please, don't post anything else in this thread.

02-28-2003, 01:05 PM
This is very long, with text that doesn't wrap-around. I'd highly suggest [left-click] Select All [left-click] Copy. Then, move it into MS Word. It'll be about 90 pages, but much easier to read.