View Full Version : A/C question - S13

02-01-2009, 02:59 PM
Here's the situation. I have a 1990 S13 with SR swap. I re-used the SOHC air conditioning compressor by means of a ghetto-rigged bracket; it's always worked fine, UNTIL last year when the tensioner pulley seized and burned up. I mean literally, the paint burned right off it and it broke the belt.

The pulley I sourced to replace it has recently started to squeak (yes, I do know it's the tensioner pulley and not something else). I'm starting to think that the "custom" bracket doesn't hold the compressor where it should be - not that it's loose, but that when everything's put together the belt isn't in exact alignment, which puts some kind of undue stress on the weak link, i.e. the tensioner pulley.

Editorially, this doesn't surprise me; this bracket was made by the same guy who screwed up my wiring harness for the swap, so if it's not right that would stand to reason considering the source.

But I digress: here's my question. Let's pretend that I source a DOHC S13 A/C compressor, Codyace's bracket to mate it to the SR block, and the appropriate lines. Will the lines bolt up to the rest of the components in the car? That is, will the big hardline bolt up to the fitting in the firewall, and will the smaller hardline bolt up to the fitting on the condenser just behind the driver's side headlight bracket, or are the SOHC and DOHC A/C systems completely different, which would mean all new lines, dryer, condenser, etc?

Obviously I'd have to source the parts, have the system evacuated of coolant and then re-filled with the newer stuff (R134, right?) when finished, but at that point it'd all work, I think. I have an SR compressor but no lines, and I don't have a means to have those lines custom-ed up anyway to work with my chassis.

Any input appreciated.

02-02-2009, 11:30 AM
No.... and the SOHC used R12.

For it to work right you will need to get custom lines made. Well at least thats what i had to do with my 89.

02-02-2009, 12:02 PM
No.... and the SOHC used R12.

So did the 91-94 S13s.

Ritt - you need to try to get custom lines made, because the stock 91-94 lines will place the line right in front of the turbo intake, unless you're no longer going with a bottom mount turbo.

While you're at it, you can have them retrofit an R134a fitting on there to run R134a. I've known people to run the R134a conversion stuff and not had any problems.

As a matter of fact, I ran the R134a conversion stuff in my car, and had no problems.

02-02-2009, 02:32 PM
xsparc - I know the car is R12. I was figuring that the DOHC S13s were R134, and that's what I'd need if I swapped over.

SoSideways, thanks for the info, looks like I need to do some more research.

02-02-2009, 02:38 PM
SoSideways is right, most s13s were R12, but i did find a few that were R134a.

However, the DOHC and SOHC lines are NOT interchangable in any way. The fittings on the evaporator are different sizes too. :(