View Full Version : power steering probs. ka24e

02-26-2003, 07:59 AM
hear in the last week i have heard a grinding noise coming from the top of the motor. At first I thought it was the timing chain guides, but now my power steering is starting to make alot of noise, im not losing any fluid, but when I look inside the resevoir, the fluid looks very frothy, like there is air getting into the fluid. Anybody have any ideas. If it is the power steering pump, is there anything else that I need to replace along with it? Thanks for your response.

02-26-2003, 08:10 AM
sounds like the inside of the pump is fried. you just need a new pump and new fluid. shouldn't need to replace anything else (unless the pump shredded itself apart and spewed metal in the lines or something).


02-26-2003, 02:39 PM
expensive pump! just checked on prices, 145 dollars with a 50 dollar core- ouch!! I figured when i replaced the pump I would go ahead and flush the system. Good idea?