View Full Version : Raped by a Nigerian Scammer

01-28-2009, 11:32 AM
Here's the link: Leamington man loses $150,000 in Nigerian scam (http://www.windsorstar.com/Leamington+loses+Nigerian+scam/1173799/story.html)

Here's the story:

A Leamington man has fallen prey to international scam artists who strung him along for more than a year with the promise of millions in cash, but ultimately bilked him and his family of $150,000.
John Rempel said he quit his truck driving job, lost friends, borrowed money and crossed the globe in pursuit of a non-existent inheritance, after he was contacted by e-mail in what is known as a Nigerian 419 scam.

Rempel said he borrowed $55,000 from an uncle in Mexico and his parents gave him $60,000 on credit to cover fees for transferring $12.8 million into his name.
“They’re in it now because of me,” said Rempel, 22, breaking into sobs. “If it wasn’t for me, nobody would be in this mess. You think things will work out, but it doesn’t. It’s a very bad feeling. I had lots of friends.

“I never get calls anymore from my friends. You know, a bad reputation.”
His troubles began in July 2007. He said he got an e-mail from someone claiming to be a lawyer with a client named David Rempel who died in a 2005 bomb attack in London, England, and left behind $12.8 million.

“They used to come in the mail,” said Leamington police Const. Kevin O’Neil. “Now the majority of these are sent through e-mail. Keeping up with the times, using all the wonderful technology that’s available to them.”

“I was told once that they send out 30,000 e-mails a day, around the world, and they hope for just one or two responses. Once you return a phone call or return an e-mail, these people now have their hooks into you.”

The lawyer said his client had no family but wanted to leave the money to a Rempel. It was his lucky day.

“It sounded all good so I called him,” said Rempel. “He sounded very happy and said God bless you.”
The man then told him he had to pay $2,500 to transfer the money into his name. Then there were several more documents. Some cost $5,000.

He was told to open an account at a bank in London. That required a $5,000 minimum deposit. The crooks later sent him an e-mail with a link to what he was told were details of his new account. Some money had been transferred there for “safe keeping.”

“Everything was good,” said Rempel.

Then he got an e-mail from a government department — he’s not sure which country — saying he owed $250,000 on tax on his inheritance. Rempel spoke to his contact, who told him they negotiated the fee down to $25,000.

Rempel went to Mexico where his uncle owns a farm. His uncle gave him $10,000 cash and money for a plane ticket. He was going to London to make sure it was legitimate.

“I had $10,000 in cash in my pocket and my uncle sent another $25,000 when I was over there.”
In London, Rempel met some people and handed over the $10,000.

They met Rempel the next day with a suitcase. They said it had $10.6 million in shrink-wrapped U.S. bills. Rempel wanted more proof. His new friends pulled out one bill and “cleansed” it with a liquid “formula,” which washed off some kind of stamp. Rempel was told that process made the money “legal tender.”

“I was like holy crap, is that mine?” he said. “They said ‘yes sir, it’s yours.’ It all sounded legit.”
Rempel returned to his hotel room clutching the formula and waited for the others so they could cleanse all his money. They never showed, and later told him they got held up. In the meantime, Rempel dropped the formula. The bottle broke. He called his contact who said he’d get more. Rempel returned to Leamington and waited.

A few weeks later Rempel got a call. They found more formula. It would cost $120,000.
“I thought, ‘let’s work on it, nothing is impossible,’” said Rempel.

His contacts were willing to meet associates in different countries to get cash for the formula. It would require several plane tickets, worth $6,000 each.

Rempel was told they collected $100,000, but still needed $20,000. There was a guy in Nigeria who had it, but another plane ticket was required. The contact later told him he could only get $15,000 and “begged” Rempel for the last $5,000.

Rempel borrowed money. He stopped making Visa and car payments.
They called a week later and said the money was ready to go. They just needed $6,900 for travel costs and to rent trunks to ship the money.

Later, the men called to say they were at the airport in New York. Security stopped them and they needed $12,500 for a bribe. Finally, Rempel had enough.
“I said, ‘no way I’m cleaned out.’”

Rempel, his parents and 10-year-old brother Ike drove to New York. They spent a day searching the airport for the men, with no luck. They returned home and called police.
“I really thought in my heart this was true,” said Rempel.

— with files from Dalson Chen

© Copyright (c) The Windsor Star

touge monster
01-28-2009, 11:36 AM

01-28-2009, 11:37 AM
Its hard to believe there are people in this world that would fall for this....

Vision Garage
01-28-2009, 12:06 PM
its hard to believe some people would still fall for this!!!

01-28-2009, 12:19 PM
What a dumbass, I mead you have to be an idiot to give the first 5 g's, but to keep doing it. Seriously? And his family giving it to him over and over? That family needs to stop reproducing. Im sorry but its true.

01-28-2009, 12:25 PM
wow...im speechless..

01-28-2009, 01:24 PM
man that sucks but wtf was that guy thinking.

01-28-2009, 01:45 PM
Thought someone got physically raped by a Nigerian scammer.

01-28-2009, 01:55 PM
Thought someone got physically raped by a Nigerian scammer.


I was like SlowPo got RAPED!!!!

01-28-2009, 01:59 PM
LOL. i was thinking the same.

01-28-2009, 02:08 PM
Postman loses £130,000 savings to Nigerian internet scam after being duped by a friend he met on MySpace | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1116067/Postman-loses-130-000-savings-Nigerian-internet-scam-duped-friend-met-MySpace.html)

Postman loses £130,000 savings to Nigerian internet scam after being duped by a friend he met on MySpace

Last updated at 2:09 PM on 16th January 2009

A postman told today how he sank into depression and debt after losing £130,000 in an internet scam involving Nigerian fraudsters.
Shane Symington described how an apparently innocent friendship that he formed with an American woman through the MySpace website turned into a 'nightmare' as he started handing over money.
The 32-year-old said he was friends with 'Angela Gates' for several weeks in the spring of 2007 before she suddenly started asking for money to pay for her mother's funeral and medical expenses.
He said the requests then carried on for money to pay for legal fees so that the woman, who called herself Angela Gates, could free up land that she had inherited apparently worth $2million.

Duped: Shane Symington with the MySpace page of 'Angela Gates', who was really a Nigerian man

The requests continued throughout the year and, by last year, Mr Symington had handed over his bank details and more than £100,000.
He said that he became suspicious when the woman stopped communicating with him and contacted what he thought was a website run by the FBI in America but which turned out to be another scam.
Mr Symington, of Portsmouth, Hampshire, said he then got a text message from his 'friend' Angela who revealed that it was all a fraud.

Exotic beauty: Mr Symington was led to believe that this model was his friend

'It said that it was all false and that Angela was actually a man from Nigeria', Mr Symington said.
'I guess he came clean because he thought he had taken all the money he could.'
But his problems did not end there as he was then contacted by another woman, again from America, claiming she had also been caught in the scam.
He said that he then helped pay her legal expenses and the cost of hiring two ex-FBI agents in an attempt to regain the lost money for both of them.
Mr Symington said that he now believes that these people are also involved in the scam. He said that he had paid out more than £30,000 to them, bringing his total losses to more than £130,000.
Warning: Mr Symington wants others to be extremely careful before handing money over to people, like he did for 'Angela Gates' (right)

He said: 'I feel sick from it all, I feel disillusioned, they have just played on my good nature. I've lost my life-savings, I have two loans and credit card debts, I'm in huge debts because of all of this.
'Before this happened, I used to go out every night, now I just stay in because I've lost all the self-confidence in my life and I don't have the money to go out any more. I've also had five weeks off with depression from work.'
Warning others to be extremely careful before handing any money over to people they have met through the internet, he said: 'It's just wicked people getting everything they can get out of people.
'You just can't trust anyone on the internet. I want to warn people but I know I won't be the last to fall for something like this.'
Detective Constable Jon Knox, of Hampshire Police, added: 'This is a very sad situation, and this man has now parted with a huge sums of money through his own good nature - in trying to help others and then to recover some of what he had lost.
'We do not want anyone else to fall foul of this kind of shocking activity and I would warn anyone who is asked for money over the internet by people they do not know to refuse and not put yourself at risk.'
A police spokeswoman added that there was little police could do to help Mr Symington get his money back.
She said: 'The money cannot be recovered due to the current political situation in Nigeria, resulting in a lack of co-operation from the police in the country.'

01-28-2009, 02:40 PM
Its hard to believe there are people in this world that would fall for this....

the scam or the repost?

vin diesel
01-28-2009, 02:46 PM
why are people so stupid

01-28-2009, 02:48 PM
Props to the guy for being able to come up with 150K$ in such a short time. Too bad he's so naive and blew it, should've invested the money instead.

01-28-2009, 02:52 PM
Props to the guy for being able to come up with 150K$ in such a short time. Too bad he's so naive and blew it, should've invested the money instead.

Seriously! I don't know whats scarier the fact that he handed that much over to Nigerian scammers or he scammed his family for that much dough. His family must be pretty dumb... I know if I asked ANYBODY in my family for 10,000$ or more for that matter they would question me (Not to mention not give it to me).

01-28-2009, 03:19 PM
yeah i thought it was physical rape also. =/

01-28-2009, 03:33 PM
what a dumbshit

01-28-2009, 04:01 PM
Why is it only men from The UK and what not are getting scammed...
I mean you figure they would know better. The way they claim to be all high and mighty compared to us.

Thought someone got physically raped by a Nigerian scammer.

It's what I was thinking.

01-28-2009, 08:16 PM
Do you think that people in nigeria are reading about American Scammers?

"Nigerian Raped by American Scammer"

01-28-2009, 09:24 PM
Sucks part of me feels bad for him that he got scammed, but then again part of me feels like this is just social darwinism

01-28-2009, 09:24 PM

'Before this happened, I used to go out every night....'


I believe you.

01-28-2009, 09:37 PM

I believe you.
could have ment "I used to go out every night... to get cat food"

01-28-2009, 09:39 PM
could have meant "I used to go out every night... to get raped by an ugly stick"


01-28-2009, 11:47 PM
"Nigerian Raped by American Scammer"[/quote]

m4 too, i g3t rap3d by american sc4mm3r......:rawk:jk, lol