View Full Version : onevia badges?????

02-24-2003, 02:54 PM
Ok, now that you mention it, what badges came on the JDM Onevia. Are they Silvia badges, 180 badges, or some other S**t? Did Onevias come with different badges/emblems?

Thanks in advance.

02-24-2003, 02:59 PM
Silvia was a car. 180sx was a car. Most other slang terms are for mix-and-match forms of the car. People in Japan would drift into stuff, and replace the front or rear with junked parts for cheap, and make up the strawberry face and one-vias. So.. there is no official badging by Nissan, and the badges that are on the cars are most likely whatever was on the parts of the car. A one-via would have the 180sx front (Nissan hood badge) and a Silvia rear badge.

02-24-2003, 02:59 PM
onevias came with a 240sx badge


dude, one vias in JAPAN were never a factory option. only silvias and 180sx and some believe sil80s for limited run (dont post about this, use the search mode people-its been discussed)

people put the front ends on originally because there were lots of 180sx in junkyards and it was cheap to do it. just like sil80s. crash the front end, grab a silvia one and replace

02-24-2003, 03:31 PM
Fair enough, I was just wondering. It came like that here and so I deal with it as such. Thanks again.

02-24-2003, 06:43 PM
i thought ppl put the S13 frnt at 1st b/c there werent that many 180 fronts?