View Full Version : Coolant leaking from Timing cover

01-17-2009, 10:09 PM
1992 240sx: silicone seal leaking

I'm leaking coolant where the front timing cover mates the engine block


How quickly will this get worse because I'm worried about getting stranded somewhere? Is there anything I can use to stop a leak if I get in trouble ie cotton or some other material to fill crack. Will this just leak slowly for years with no consequences like oil? Thanks.

01-17-2009, 10:18 PM
it looks like a seal, but im not sure...
i dont think its too serious, but i havent had that happen to me before...
you should post what engine that is, so it would be easier for ppl to help you

01-19-2009, 02:10 AM
Don’t be a sissy and try to patch it. Just because its not leaking on the out side doesn’t mean its not leaking on the inside. If it is leaking on the inside coolant will collect in your oil pan, and the result is spun bearings. Also another possibility is the leak will just collect air in your cooling system and cause you to overheat down the road.

Make sure you are sure that’s where the leak is coming from, and if it is you should really think about fixing that ASAP.

the FSM will tell you how to fix it.