View Full Version : s14 intercooler mounting (pic request)

01-15-2009, 08:33 PM
im trying to mount my new fmic but its seems like its gona to throw off the bumper if i mount it to high and interfere with my head lights mounting place.


can someone post up pics of their fmic setup with their bumper off so i can get some idea how high i can mount my fmic without it interfering with bumper/light fitment..

intercooler dimensions are 34x12x4

The Chad
01-15-2009, 08:48 PM
Can't help, but free bump for where I wish I was with my S14 :(

01-15-2009, 08:55 PM
this is my HDI IC setup on my s14. The top of the IC is just a little below the bumper support, no problems with lights or bumper mounting.


01-15-2009, 09:08 PM
thanks khilgers, i think my setup is mounted close to where yours is, i plan to do the same thing with the bumper support.

my problem is ground clearance as of now with the intercooler like that,the intercooler sits right where my oem kouki lip sits, this is bad i cannot make it out my garage, and my lip scrapes all over when i come in and out of driveways so this will mean my intercooler will scrape too.. this is why i need to move it up, but when i do it moves the bumper retainer up and also messes with the head lights so i am in a jam right now. i dont know what to do..

01-15-2009, 09:24 PM
you may have to start trimming in order to make it work. Good luck.