View Full Version : How much would this zenki-kouki conversion cost me?

01-07-2009, 01:06 AM
first post! anyways thinking of buying a zenki or kouki but there is this zenki that is cheaper
How much would it cost me to make this http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v224/bakabusu/IMG_2617.jpg into http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v224/bakabusu/S142.jpg

i heard i would only need to change the hood, bumper, lights, grill, and fender.

01-07-2009, 07:20 AM
If you know what needs to be changed, why not price those parts? It's not like they're cheaper if you ask someone else to do it for you.

01-07-2009, 07:45 PM
well is it true or am i missing other things?
thinking about gettin a zenki and want to convert into jdm kouki.....
just avg how much would it cost me?
or should i just get a stock kouki and just replace bumper with the jdm?

01-07-2009, 09:35 PM
its going to cost you 1000+

also you would need the kouki bumper retainer (optional kouki bumber support) unless you want to modify your zenki one. trying searching you should find something.

01-07-2009, 09:43 PM
how much more is the kouki? If there was a kouki that was as nice as the zenki i bought that was 2500 more.. I would have bought it. Well worth the extra $$

plus, i think the jdm kouki headlights have a completely different light pattern, and you have to adjust it, and you can't get it right. But i could be wrong on this, as i never have seen them in person. Maybe a more knowledgable person could enlighten us all on that.