View Full Version : Damn Ticket

02-19-2003, 01:20 AM
I just got a ticket tonight for doing 84 in a 65 on the freeway in SoCal and I was wondering if its considered reckless driving or just how major of an offense it is? The code description says speeding so I'm hoping thats all it is. The best part is that he was mad at me for not entering a gas station that was shutdown with a completely boarded off entrance...

02-19-2003, 05:19 AM
if the description of the offense does not say "wreckless" then it is not a wreckless driving ticket. In VA the difference between a wreckless ticket and a normal speeding ticket is the ability to prepay the fines w/o going to court. If your ticket says wreckless you are obligated to go to court.

02-19-2003, 09:08 AM
I was told speeding is going over the speed limit in one lane. Wreckless driving (one of the forms of wreckless driving) is speeding while switching lanes constantly. I don't know how it is where you live, but here, tickets for 20+ mph are very costly plus you have to go to court. Since you were going 19 mph over, it may not be as bad and you may not have to go to court. But we live in two totally different states...

02-20-2003, 02:01 PM
damn that sux....well I was comming down from vancouver last summer, to san diego, and i was driving with my family, entered California. As i was going down this step hill on 5 south, entering the city of Weed, California (lol), I was hitting around 88. I saw what it looked like "ricey" strobes at first, but i looked in my rear view mirror and saw the CHP. :( I was told that I was switching lanes often and driving at high speeds. It looked like he was following me for a while on that two lane freeway.

02-20-2003, 08:17 PM
yeah its just a speeding ticket... i got a wreckless for racing a civic and doing 70 in a 25, cops said it was a skool zone but the nearest skool is a mile away so they kinda screwed me on it... but they dropped it to a careless!

02-21-2003, 01:06 PM
yeah...cops can be jackasses at times when it comes to speeding. I dont konw if its true, but I heard that a guy got pulled over going 2mph over the speed limit, once i heard 1mph :eek: :confused: . Personally I would think they would have somthing better to do then pull over people going no more than 5mph over the speed limit.

02-21-2003, 05:33 PM
I got a ticket for 5mph over once. it was total bs to, everyone one that road always goes like 10 over. AND I was in a pack of like 15 cars, all going the same speed, but the bastard cop picked me out of the pack! :mad: I fucking hate tickets!

02-22-2003, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by BadMoJo
I got a ticket for 5mph over once. it was total bs to, everyone one that road always goes like 10 over. AND I was in a pack of like 15 cars, all going the same speed, but the bastard cop picked me out of the pack! :mad: I fucking hate tickets!

the cops hate 240sx's!!!! :eek: cops these days tsk tsk. Hmm could an SR20DE outpower their fords? basically it all depends, i dunno what do you guys think???

02-22-2003, 12:46 AM
i got a ticket in front of my parents house (residential neighborhood) for going 31 in a 25 :rolleyes: that is the ONLY time i've ever seen a cop doing anything like that in my neighborhood. i was very nice and he was very nice to me as well, i thought i was just going to get a warning or somehting. needless to say i was ****ed and it was dropped to a no-points "muffler violation" by the prosecutor but i still had to pay nearly $80 and take the most pointless class i've ever sat through.

P.S. - i was in my moms pathfinder at the time...

02-22-2003, 01:39 PM
Here in Kansas if you get 3 tickets within a year they pull your liscense. :(

Luckily I only had two in the county that I live in ...then picked up two more in the neighboring county..then in December I got the third here in my county. So I'm just continualy postponing my court date until it goes past my first ticket in this year period...Only 2 more months to go! ...now that I have all of you totally confused... At any rate I could have alot more money invested in my car if it wasn't for those dam/\/ed tickets.

(Oh yeah and I also was able (thank God) to get a ticket fixed in september...otherwise my liscense would already be bye bye)

02-22-2003, 02:56 PM
I got a ticket like not even a month for having my license for like 34 in a 25 and then this summer i got one for doing 73 in a 45 MPH on top of a High rise bridge and the DA dropped it to 60 in a 45 and i paid my fine and bailed. Once I got clocked at 90 in a 55 but the state trooper couldn't chase me because he had someone already pulled over, and there where no units nearby to catch me, i found i later when he called my boss to ask him if he sent to me to a Racing school